God ordered woman to obey man. How can any self-respecting female be christian?

Originally posted by Xev
I beg to differ! Look at all the restrictions y'all try to put on sex. Hell, you're attacking my right to view pornography and have sex with another woman. Not to mention the ridiculous laws against sodomy that y'all have passed in the ignorent parts of the US.
I said that it needs to RESPECT the person.....porn is not respectful. I dont have a full opinion on homosexual relations yet so I"m not going to comment on that. I'm not from the states so I'm not sure what laws against sodomy you're refering too, can you give me an example please?

See, sexual repression makes people tense and gives them all this energy that they don't know what to do with. This is why most ideologies demand it of their followers.
now theres an interesting idea!

Have you ever read "1984"?
only exerpts but I hear its very intreging

Lady, whatever you're thinking about me, I assure you it's ten times worse. :)
well thats kinda scary! but whatever makes your boat float!
I beg to differ! Look at all the restrictions y'all try to put on sex. Hell, you're attacking my right to view pornography and have sex with another woman. Not to mention the ridiculous laws against sodomy that y'all have passed in the ignorent parts of the US.
Right so.. God doesn't want people to become perverts and become like animals!
Laws against sodomy? This is a psychosocial disease often found in the South, and it often accompanies feelings of white supremacy, male supremacy, aggressiveness, and possessiveness. It is also known as the "good old boy" syndrome. It is an extremely infectious mental disease, and it is a great threat to the well being of the US.

I heard some men in Texas got arrested for having sex together. There was a thread about it in SF, I forgot where...
Interesting, and if that is the case then yes there should be laws against it. if thats not the case then what is the truth?
New Life:
Interesting, and if that is the case then yes there should be laws against it. if thats not the case then what is the truth?

Your type makes me sick. How dare you tell consenting adults what to do in bed?
Xev, since when are you an adult? I'm not questioning your intellectual maturity. I just think it's rather presumtuous of anyone to call themself an adult (meaning: 'I know better than anybody else'). Not just you - anybody.

Why isn't it disgusting for teenagers to have all kinds of sex and experiment with people's feelings, but it is for older people? Why don't you want to think of parents, or grandparents, behaving like animals? Because it lessens their authority over what is decent, and it lessens the respect a child might have towards them. The are people who also think prostitution is a perfectly respectible thing to be involved in. Just don't be a hypocrite. What is a society without a conscience? And who is society's conscience?

I might be old-fashioned. And you might or might not be just a rebellious teenager. But if there are no laws or principles to govern people's behaviour, how will they know how to behave? I mean, religion is just BS and governments don't know anything.
Jenyar, I'm 19. Legal adult in my country. Now be polite or I'll take my whip to you.

Why isn't it disgusting for teenagers to have all kinds of sex and experiment with people's feelings, but it is for older people?

I never claimed this. Why are you attributing it to me?

Why don't you want to think of parents, or grandparents, behaving like animals?

Hey, old people deserve some ass too. I just don't wanna think about it, any more than I wanna think about scat play. If that's their bag, that's their business, so long as they don't infringe on anyone's freedom.

It ain't disgusting. I never claimed it was.

Because it lessens their authority over what is decent, and it lessens the respect a child might have towards them. The are people who also think prostitution is a perfectly respectible thing to be involved in. Just don't be a hypocrite. What is a society without a conscience? And who is society's conscience?

Authority is for slaves, not free men and women. As for prostitution, there are public health concerns, but I believe it should be legal.

How am I guilty of hypocrisy?

I might be old-fashioned. And you might or might not be just a rebellious teenager. But if there are no laws or principles to govern people's behaviour, how will they know how to behave?

A: The smart ones will look into themselves and find out.

B: The stupid ones will have laws to keep them from infringing on other people's freedom.
I'm not trying to make anything or anyone seem disgusting. One person's revulsion is another's fetish. You say 'legal' adult, under what law? Nice how you can hide under your country's law when you want to protect your freedom, and be your own law when you feel inhibited by those same laws. That's what I meant by hypocrisy. People do the same with God's laws.

I also hope you realize how fortunate you are not to live in a country where one in five people have AIDS. Talk about public health concerns. Strange that the only solution seems to be sexual monogamy, which is unenforcable.

A: The smart ones will look into themselves and find out.

B: The stupid ones will have laws to keep them from infringing on other people's freedom.
When the smart ones have found out what makes them free, and discover that it is impossible to protect that freedom without living according to certain internal laws - what does that make them? Is a law only bad once it's written down and signed? The New Testament wasn't originally a set of canonised books, you know. The laws were pretty harsh in those days as well, especially religious laws. People who were beginning to discover real truths according to which they could be free were merely writing letters and sending people out to teach others those 'laws'.

And what do you think will survive the longest - the laws or the people who made them? Or does every new generation have to discover the same truths over and over? I think the stupid ones are those who make the same mistakes over and over, generation after generation. Stupid is as stupid does.

So which would you be?
I'm not trying to make anything or anyone seem disgusting. One person's revulsion is another's fetish. You say 'legal' adult, under what law? Nice how you can hide under your country's law when you want to protect your freedom, and be your own law when you feel inhibited by those same laws. That's what I meant by hypocrisy. People do the same with God's laws.

I simply pointed out that I am a legal adult by my country's law, and by the laws of most countries as well.

You ask for an opinion about legal adulthood, I give it to you. How is this hypocritical?

I considered myself an adult for a long time, but my personal life is likely boring, so I don't inflict it on others.

So how am I a hypocrite to answer your question? You ask if I am an adult, I say yes, bc I am legally one. Where does hypocrisy enter?

I also hope you realize how fortunate you are not to live in a country where one in five people have AIDS. Talk about public health concerns. Strange that the only solution seems to be sexual monogamy, which is unenforcable.

You've heard of condoms, yes? AIDS is pandemic because human stupidity is endemic to the species.

I am indeed lucky to live in a country without such a problem. I am also lucky that I have the sense not to fuck every stranger and the preference for monogamous relationships.
I believe that the country with 1 in 5 people with AIDS that is being refered to is actually the continent of Africa. and the problem isnt just b/c they're having sex with everyone, AIDS is also passed by contact with infected blood (in a place that poor, its not such a strech) and I"m sure there are ways to contract it thru the water there since its so poor quality!
Sorry, Xev. Hypocrisy wasn't my point, really. I just wanted to point out that "being an adult" is another self-attributed freedom that is exercised more often outside the law than under it. Being a "legal" adult while doing an illegal act is the hypocrisy I'm talking about - and I'm not applying it to you. I wanted to show how the Bible's laws made sin possible, and therefore pardonable, just like a country's laws label you so that they might protect your rights accordingly. Like your legal age - on one side it makes you free to be a "consenting adult", and on the other it binds you to that law and others that are based on it. We're still talking about freedom and subordinance.
Sorry I sounded harsh, though. Sometimes I'm also just an opinionated bastard ;)

New Life: More specifically, South Africa. As opposed to popular opinion, we do not live in the bushes among the lions. Our water is among the purest in the world. The problem isn't limited to informal settlements in remote areas without sanitation either. Some people blame prostitution, jail inmates or mine workers. But that's only because they refuse to look at their own, much more luxurious and extravagant, lifestyles. The problem is such that the country's economy is in danger when in ten years people in the workforce (who are constitutionally protected from discrimination) actually start dying from the disease. Even worse, some witchdoctors ("sangomas") are saying that having sex with a virgin or a baby can cure the disease. (By the way, this isn't new - the same was prescribed for the plague in London). It's a problem.

Condoms are a last-ditch effort to prevent the disease from spreading. Single-partner relationships are advocated by the government (in fact, even 'celibacy until marriage' posters are up everywhere). I don't know whether the campaigns make a difference - I just thought it was ironic that in a culture where not so long ago it was a sign of wealth to have more than one wife, people are forced to move past even Western values towards ones similar to Biblical prescription, in order to survive.