God needs Devil to make the show?

Sadly the bible is being seriously misinterpreted. The truth is the bible as we know it was written by corrupt people living in a corrupt time. In truth the bible itself was nothing more than a means to control the people of the time. The actual teachings of Jesus were of how to live life not about worship, he was trying to teach people how to live because he looked around and saw the truth. That the reason everyone suffered was because of our own minds. But being in that time he had to use metaphors for what he knew so people could understand sadly it only led to disaster and his ultimate death. Almost no one today is living as a true Christian. To be Christian one must be Christ-like. And though it seems blasphemous to think that people could be like Jesus. He says so himself. "Those who drink from my mouth will become as I am and I he; and all things shall be revealed to him." He also knew that he was being misinterpreted in his time. He said "Whoever shall find the correct interpretation of my words shall find eternal life." If the people in his time were living by his teachings, why would he say that? It may not make sense now but it will after you read "The Present (with religion)" on the sight www.truthcontest.com And no this is not spam. I'm simply trying to help people see the truth in life. Even if you aren't religious I implore you to read it. I am not religious myself but even I found truths I couldn't deny. Thank you for your time.
It's funny- Mohammed had made the same statement and had predicted that the followers would not live by his words.
If God exists, did he prove himself true?

If God exists, then He's not separate to you.

If God exists He doesn't have to prove Himself to me, because everything is a perception of God.

You did not answer me directly.
How can I know precisely God's existence, is he a being who has mind like me?

I answered the question you posed directly, based on the scriptural definition of God.
Based on that same definition, it stands to reason that if God is the original cause of everything including yourself,
then He has a mind like yours (albeit far superior).

You have a mind, an enquiring one.
You're enquiring about God.
If God exists, then he created the tools (body, senses, mind, brains...)
So, if God exists, then the answer is yes, because from your own experience, it takes all those elements to create.
So what are you really asking?

You do not make sense.
"If", this is what you start with your argument,
it means you are not sure of God's existence.

I can't show you God, anymore than I can show you what anything is.
You have to draw your own conclusions.

My point is that God is not really separate, He's not, for example ''over there'' where I can point Him
out to you. It starts with cultivating an understand of what God is, then applying it to yourself.

I am confident that I have a very basic understanding of what God is, and to that standard I am sure.

Firstly, you started with the word ''if''.
Secondly, God's existence is not dependant on my being sure of it.
Thirdly; What was the point of post 41?

you believe in a hypothetical God, not real God.

What do you regard as a ''real God''?
