God must be lonely on Sunday ...?

What does God want?

  • Absolute obedience

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • A good reason

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Beer

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Who knows?

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 11 36.7%

  • Total voters
(Insert Title Here)

§outh§tar said:

I dont' fear death. Fearing death is a matter of arrogance.

Interesting assertion. I'll grant you the second part, and leave the first with an old quote:

The members of all communities, including nations and whole civilisations, are infused with the prevailing ideologies of those communities. These, in turn, create attitudes of mind which include certain capacities and equally positively exclude others.

The ideologies may be so ancient, so deep-seated or so subtle that they are not identified as such by the people at large. In this case they are often discerned only through a method of challenging them, asking questions about them or by comparing them with other communities.

Such challenge, description, or questioning, often the questioning of assumptions, is what frequently enables a culture or a number of people from that culture to think in ways that have been closed to most of their fellows.

Emir Ali Khan

One other brief note:

§outh§tar said:

As an afterthought, anyone who gets angry or pouts or blames God for some calamity or death assumes erroneously that an omnipotent God has some sort of obligation to puny mortals. Funny how we laugh at stories of the ancients attributing thunder and earthquake to gods and yet when 9/11 happens, our fingers point to the sky in bitterness. I fail to see the logic

You are not alone in failing to see the logic. Perhaps we should ask the Reverends Falwell and Robertson.
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why enigma why, why cant he just be happy, that we exist. why does he need us to be sheep, and not the individuels we are.
when I give a gift, it is the pleasure it gives to the recipient, the pleasure in giving is utmost.
Source: CNN.com
Link: http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/01/sledding.accident.ap/index.html
Title: "Dozens of kids hurt in New Year's sledding accident"
Date: January 1, 2005

For instance ... this:

Thirty-six children were injured in a sledding accident during an all-night New Year's Eve party hosted by a religious organization ....

.... Police Sgt. Winston Black said more than 100 children ages 12 to 19 attending a Youth for Christ event gathered at a high school around 4 a.m. to slide down a hill using sleds built out of cardboard boxes.

A sign posted on the hill prohibited sledding.

The children and Youth for Christ staff piled eight to 12 passengers on the sleds, then went down the hill in quick succession, Black said. "The sleds struck rocks, a light pole and each other," he said.

Black said he did not know if the organization had permission to use the hill. Police were investigating.


Once upon a time, I cracked a friend up when we were driving in Salem, Oregon. At that messed up area where Front meets Commercial by the park and everyone changes lanes madly between that intersection and Marion, some twit in a four-wheel Nissan pickup cut me off and almost caused a serious wreck. I stopped with as close a view to his Ixoye-fish as I ever could possibly want. I growled the first thing to mind: "Jesus won't save you from your driving."

Is there some cosmic balance afoot here? Did God will this? Or is this appearance of irony merely the result of being stupid and self-assured?

Really, people do these things to themselves, and while there's a certain value in the misfortunes of others, it's only irony.

I mean, really ... you'd think the signs are posted for a reason. Like that 10-mph sign at the low end of Snake Hill in Tacoma: they ain't kidding.

But still, imagine explaining this one to the parents ....


Associated Press. "Dozens of kids hurt in New Year's sledding accident". CNN.com, January 1, 2005. See http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/01/01/sledding.accident.ap/index.html
why enigma why, why cant he just be happy, that we exist. why does he need us to be sheep, and not the individuels we are.
when I give a gift, it is the pleasure it gives to the recipient, the pleasure in giving is utmost.

Because He didn't create us to exist only, He created us to worship Him. And, He doesn't need us to be sheep, we make that choice becuase what He has done for us. God has given us the best present ever, and in return, we want to please him in order to say thanks.
fahrenheit 451 said:
"Said": why enigma why, why cant he just be happy, that we exist. why does he need us to be sheep, and not the individuels we are.
when I give a gift, it is the pleasure it gives to the recipient, the pleasure in giving is utmost.
Enigma'07 said:
"You replied":Because He didn't create us to exist only, He created us to worship Him. And, He doesn't need us to be sheep, we make that choice becuase what He has done for us. God has given us the best present ever, and in return, we want to please him in order to say thanks.
if he created us to worship him and give thanks,or suffer his wrath, then he just wanted slaves/sheep, what choice, what free will, your life is pre-ordained, by your god.
yes the best present ever "slavery".
Enigma'07 said:
Because He didn't create us to exist only, He created us to worship Him. And, He doesn't need us to be sheep, we make that choice becuase what He has done for us. God has given us the best present ever, and in return, we want to please him in order to say thanks.

So god who can do anything decides to create a planet and millions of people JUST to worship him?

He's a bit up his own arse isn't he?
He's a bit up his own arse isn't he?

No, He's not. "Give to Ceasar's what is Ceacar's and give to God what is God."

if he created us to worship him and give thanks,or suffer his wrath, then he just wanted slaves/sheep, what choice, what free will, your life is pre-ordained, by your god.
yes the best present ever "slavery".

Yes, you are a slave. The question is 'who is your master?'
I was reading some famous christian author, not super-famous obviously, 'cause i can't remember the name, but anyway -
he was, like most christian authors wasting time writing about the difference between types of christian believers, and one category was the hirelings, or basically slaves of God unwittingly performing God's will, and another was the faithful servants, or people that always choose to do the will of God.
I have been, so far, for better or worse, able to be neither of those.
I would only hope that I could be a child of God.
Jesus said unless you become like children you aren't getting into heaven.
Children aren't completely capable of doing the work of adults, but they are a lot more capable of loving, in an unselfish way, than adults are.
Although (I'll admit) enigma isn't doing any explaining of why, I think there is something to God wanting us to experience loving God as an important piece of what existence can be. I wish I could explain know how to do that. I know many christians and non-christians have written about experiencing it fully...

By the way, anyone who wants to start bringing out bible verses about maturing in the faith can put them away. You have to start with the foundation before any lasting edifice can be built. If that takes me 15, or 50, years to get a grasp on, I don't think God will mind "waiting".

And please, all the know-it-all's who think they actually understand this universe *quietly laughing at you*, go ahead with the comments on people needing to become ignorant to get into heaven. That is not what Jesus was saying, and if you read anything I've written in these threads you will see that ignorance (including my own) is a pet-peeve of mine.
Hi Tiassa,

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I'm trying to find some information regarding Reggie White and the rumored renunciation of his Christian beliefs sometime prior to his death. Have you heard anything about this? What I just heard from a friend of mine is that Reggie actually learned Hebrew and spent 3 years studying the Torah. Sometime during that 3 years, he realized Christianity as we know it today was all just a bunch of B.S., crafted as part of someone else's agenda - and that's when he turned his back on Christianity and apologized for some of the statements he had previously made. I'm trying to verify this, but I can't seem to find much. Has anyone else heard anything about this?
I'm not the judge of Reggie White's life, or how long he should have or could have lived.

I've heard of worse tragedies. How about Job losing all his children and everything he had in one day. Then he came down with a plague. Job said about all of this:

Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.

Job remained faithful.
woody: what has the true story of reggie white, have to do with the fantasy story of job.
you could of found a better example, one with more commonality(ie was a xian became a jew died young of sleep apnea was a pro footballer etc)