God Mod


Valued Senior Member
would anyone have any problems with me putting 'God Mod' as a user title for myself?

<edit> forgot to set up poll...
You're a mod for the religion forum?

If so, perfectly legit. Otherwise, confusing for us n00bs.

(BTW, where does one find a microcubit socket set?
Since there are "Assemblies of God," and now we have a "God Mod," I naturally assume there's such a socket set...
And how does one modify God? Add a turbocharger? different gearbox? aftermarket exhaust?)
would anyone have any problems with me putting 'God Mod' as a user title for myself?

<edit> forgot to set up poll...
For myself, I would prefer "Mod God", but I dunno if anybody would get the joke.
I'm not sure what "God Mod" means, but I don't have a major problem with it. Maybe it's because I don't know what it means.
I'm not sure what "God Mod" means, but I don't have a major problem with it. Maybe it's because I don't know what it means.

God Moderator.
i would serve as the unofficial Moderator of the religious forum. (till management deems me worthy enough to make me an official moderator)

I ask because in order to be an effective unofficial moderator, requires cooperation from the users who post in the religious forum.
OK, God Mod, will you be wary of made-up Invisibles, as well as their made-up attributes that follow, plus umpteen levels more of made-up stuff built onto that?

Do you swear to consider the whole truth, or not, so help you God?
OK, God Mod, will you be wary of made-up Invisibles, as well as their made-up attributes that follow, plus umpteen levels more of made-up stuff built onto that?
i have been waiting for someone to ask this..

Religion and science have two different meanings when it comes to truth.In science truth is defined as that which can be measured and predicted.
religions truths are more subliminal than that, religions truths are what can be felt,(what cannot be measured)

I believe the religion forum can be of great benefit to believers and non-believers alike,there is so much information from religion (archeology,history,social etc)
i have been trying to encourage those who have studied to post the information they have (granted some do not know how to share this)

and i have been trying to discourage the hecklers and encourage the questions that lead to posting of this knowledge base,

and no i will not support your belief that there is no God (thats your job), as i am a believer.

this is the reason i think that a believer would be best suited for the religion forum (granted,not just any believer), a non-believer has a tendency to flavor their posts with anti-god mentality,this does not encourage cooperation, patience or understandings, hence the problems that happen in the religious forums,
I would not discourage atheist from posting their questions (reasonability assumed),as i believe the majority of believers are just parrots reciting what they have been told, IMO the questions from atheists (mostly) will get believers to 'think for themselves'.

To both sides i say,
attention needs to be given to 'how' what you say applies to yourself.
Quit making it personal, there have been many a thread started on good research only to be derailed by either theist getting offended (don't get me started on that word.) or atheist being too antagonistic.

Do you swear to consider the whole truth, or not, so help you God?
haven't I?