God may be a liar

"It is my social duty to fight ignorance."

One of my better ones. Thanks.

Do you disagree with it?

It is a take off on this good advice.
Do you agree that is good advice?
If I read you right, you will.

Proverbs 3:12
For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

As to the rest of your poorly though out reply, logic and reason have failed you but perhaps you have an artistic side that is brighter.



P. S.
Self-deprecation is a high form of inflating ones own ego.
Apotheosis; (from Wordweb, based on Oxford Dictionary)

1) Model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
2) The elevation of a person as to the status of a god

You are claiming this.

Not quite as stated but yes. I do not know of another term that I can use.

An analogy would be that I found Jacob's ladder and have begun to climb. I am a God WIP.

If you think I meant like the super absentee miracle working God that men have invented, then no.

One of my better ones. Thanks.

Do you disagree with it?

It is a take off on this good advice.
Do you agree that is good advice?
If I read you right, you will.

Proverbs 3:12
For whom the Lord loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.

As to the rest of your poorly though out reply, logic and reason have failed you but perhaps you have an artistic side that is brighter.



P. S.
Self-deprecation is a high form of inflating ones own ego.

So you are, indeed, an Apotheosis. Are you, also,One of The Chosen People? Are you One of The Elite?
Earlier, someone mentioned that DL might stand for Dalai Lama - clearly you have attained an Enlightenment on a level that even He is incapable of contemplating.
I have to go now, ever since logic and reason failed me, I have to have my Burro get me home before midnight, or it turns into an ass. Speaking of which, I am beginning to think that I should have had that Schrader Valve installed in another part of my anatomy - butt oh well, I have to keep my Ego inflated at any cost.

P.S. If you ever perspire, is it Ambrosia ?
Not quite as stated but yes. I do not know of another term that I can use.

An analogy would be that I found Jacob's ladder and have begun to climb. I am a God WIP.

If you think I meant like the super absentee miracle working God that men have invented, then no.


Ah, cool .. two things;

1) You have to put the ladder in a vertical position.

2) Be careful of the bird poo on the way up.
Ah, cool .. two things;

1) You have to put the ladder in a vertical position.

2) Be careful of the bird poo on the way up.

There is no gravity where it sits and no real up or down but the poo is what you actually are interested in.

You will know this when you grow up mentally.

Can you guess why the poo is the best part?

There is no gravity where it sits and no real up or down but the poo is what you actually are interested in.

You will know this when you grow up mentally.

Can you guess why the poo is the best part?


Mr.Greatest I Am, may I be allowed to guess "why the poo is the best part?"
If I am allowed to guess - is it, because of no gravity/no real up or down, that that "poo" is the residue left behind on anything that comes into physical contact with Mr. Greatest I Am ?
Mr. Greatest I Am, do you have to wear super dark wrap around sunglasses everywhere you go just to keep from being permanently blinded by the incidental reflections of just how brightly you shine?
And, by the way, since you are probably the only person in this reality or any other that would know for sure: What exactly is "Better" than Ambrosia; the Nectar of the Gods?
permanently genuflecting while patiently hoping for an answer, dmoe
Exactly that. Thanks.

Here is my short anecdotal story.

The Godhead I know in a nutshell.
I was a skeptic till the age of 39.
I then had an apotheosis and later branded myself an esoteric ecumenist and Gnostic Christian. Gnostic Christian because I exemplify this quote from William Blake.

“Both read the Bible day and night, But thou read'st black where I read white.”

This refers to how Gnostics tend to reverse, for moral reasons, what Christians see in the Bible. We tend to recognize the evil ways of O T God where literal Christians will see God’s killing as good. Christians are sheep where Gnostic Christians are goats.
This is perhaps why we see the use of a Jesus scapegoat as immoral, while theists like to make Jesus their beast of burden. An immoral position.

During my apotheosis, something that only lasted 5 or 6 seconds, the only things of note to happen was that my paradigm of reality was confirmed and I was chastised to think more demographically. What I found was what I call a cosmic consciousness. Not a new term but one that is a close but not exact fit.

I recognize that I have no proof. That is always the way with apotheosis.
This is also why I prefer to stick to issues of morality because no one has yet been able to prove that God is real and I have no more proof than they for the cosmic consciousness.

The cosmic consciousness is not a miracle working God. He does not interfere with us save when one of us finds it. Not a common thing from what I can see. It is a part of nature and our next evolutionary step.

I tend to have more in common with atheists who ignore what they see as my delusion because our morals are basically identical. Theist tend not to like me much as I have no respect for literalists and fundamentals and think that most Christians have tribal mentalities and poor morals.

I am rather between a rock and a hard place but this I cannot help.

I am happy to be questioned on what I believe but whether or not God exists is basically irrelevant to this world for all that he does not do, and I prefer to thrash out moral issues that can actually find an end point. The search for God is never ending when you are of the Gnostic persuasion. My apotheosis basically says that I am to discard whatever God I found, God as a set of rules that is, not idol worship it but instead, raise my bar and seek further.

My apotheosis also showed me that God has no need for love, adoration or obedience. He has no needs. Man has dominion here on earth and is to be and is the supreme being.


Gotta tell you that i consider the above and the respective thread a bit of a woooeeee. Anyway.
I despise religion, any kind of segregation/elitism is the source of the many woes mankind faces, has faced, and will face if this doesn't get solved.
What you are trying to play here GIA is the role of the "Enlightened" but seriously, you handpick the Versicles of the Bible to back up whatever argument you might come up with, and that's not cool. If you were really, honestly, trying to come with a serious discussion about the contraditions of the Bible rather than this mad rant against religion, then your threads (and you as well), wouldn't be seem, or considered as, the preacher in the middle of the square shouting angrily at passer-byes (is that a word?), announcing the end of the world.
And in the end, GIA, you're winding down the same path you (and I) seem to utterly disregard, you will boil down, sooner or later, to a new branch of belief you deem to be the true one which is (take a guess) what every single other religion thinks of itself (or the respective followers of said religion in that case), and this solely will lead to more conflict and seriously, this takes us nowhere, if we are to go somewhere on this subject.
If we are to disregard "Religion", we should disregard any kind of belief that gets close to it altogether.
If you really think of yourself as a "Clarvoyant" on this matter you should seriously think about the path ahead and to where will it lead.
I think (from previous posts of a bygone year) that you will. At least I hope you do.
Gotta tell you that i consider the above and the respective thread a bit of a woooeeee. Anyway.
Hey Dazz, I saw no reason to quote your whole Post - I hope that does not bother you.

It seems to me that GIA's claim of "Apotheosis" was not so much a true elevation or ascension to "Divine status", as it was just a "One Way Ego Trip" to the farthest reaches of Woo-Woo Land.

At any rate, you got it right - GIA just seems to use these Threads as his pulpit.
Which God is that? The God of Abraham? The Holy Trinity? Allah? Yaweh? Elohim? Yeshua? Shiva? Gaia?

Before you can profess belief in (or opposition to) any God you have to define what you're talking about.

The Supreme Being

One without a second

The Original Cause.

God is the big bang then?


Interesting fact that the Catholic church think so... :)
More to do with the overwhelming evidence that does support the BB,[ and not being able to escape that fact] then any evidence saying God, or some other omnipotent being is the cause.

from the article......
"The Church is content to teach that the universe did have a beginning, and was created by God from nothing. The details are left to science"

Probably in my opinion, is why the otherwise great scientist Fred Hoyle, went for "Steady State" as it seemed to over ride the "beginning" scenario which the church quickly latched onto. He could have been trying to short circuit that.
Steady State though lead to other problems, besides not fitting in with available observational data.
And of course when scientists say the BB/Inflationary theory was the creation of the Universe, they actually mean the creation/evolution of space/time [AS WE KNOW THEM] Matter came later. What existed before, if anything, was space/time as we don't know them, in a seething foam unrecognisable and beyond the reach of current cosmology at this point in time.

And therein lies the most relevant point.....Science acts within the scientific methodolgy, without fear nor favour.
That is what observation supports and what is accepted by the vast majority and the mainstream.
from the article......
"The Church is content to teach that the universe did have a beginning, and was created by God from nothing. The details are left to science"

Probably in my opinion, is why the otherwise great scientist Fred Hoyle, went for "Steady State" as it seemed to over ride the "beginning" scenario which the church quickly latched onto. He could have been trying to short circuit that.
Steady State though lead to other problems, besides not fitting in with available observational data.
And of course when scientists say the BB/Inflationary theory was the creation of the Universe, they actually mean the creation/evolution of space/time [AS WE KNOW THEM] Matter came later. What existed before, if anything, was space/time as we don't know them, in a seething foam unrecognisable and beyond the reach of current cosmology at this point in time.

And therein lies the most relevant point.....Science acts within the scientific methodolgy, without fear nor favour.
That is what observation supports and what is accepted by the vast majority and the mainstream.

You are right, of course.
The Supreme Being

One without a second

The Original Cause.


Aristotle's rather scientific treatment of the subject, usually translated "Prime Mover". But not necessarily having anything to do with any of the modern versions of God, even though the JudeoChristian (and hence Islamic) one is steeped in syncretic ties to each of those religions. The God of Judaism has more roots, owing to their long association with Mesopotamian mythology (captivity in Babylon) and to a lesser degree some influence of angels and the Devil from the Persians who took over as their custodians when Persia defeated Babylon in the era of Cyrus. All of these weigh even heavier during the nascence of Christianity esp. with a profound influence from the Platonism that lingered in the Judaic enclaves (even into Alexandria and to the North of Judea) long after Alexander rewrote Jewish history. Islam adopted all of this plus the bitter rejection of the Christian heretics that were exiled to the Arab regions who are the actual founders of that religion. But that's the only reason Islam resembles an offshoot of Christianity, minus the focus on Jesus, and why it retains certain essential premises of the Old Testament.

That brings it all back to Aristotle. It explains the JudeoChristian affinity for Plato and the reason Jesus is modeled after Socrates. Birds of a feather. It's just hard for religious believers to look too hard at their roots for fear of exposing them and killing the vine.
Interesting fact that the Catholic church think so... :)
More to do with the overwhelming evidence that does support the BB,[ and not being able to escape that fact] then any evidence saying God, or some other omnipotent being is the cause.

I hear you but the church position is more that God caused the big bang. They maintain that he pre-existed forever.

It is a faith thing and we know they always hide behind that shield when they intentionally lie.

That brings it all back to Aristotle. It explains the JudeoChristian affinity for Plato and the reason Jesus is modeled after Socrates. Birds of a feather. It's just hard for religious believers to look too hard at their roots for fear of exposing them and killing the vine.

And also why they call evil good and follow a genocidal son murdering God.
