God Made Me - A Teachers Guide To Indoctrination


Encephaloid Martini
Valued Senior Member
"We are special because we are children of God. This knowledge will help our children throughout their entire lives -- it is a message that should be reinforced constantly.

The message: God made me. God loves me.

Make sure you repeat the message many times during the lesson.

Also, sending home the mini books, story sequencing cards, coloring pages or activity sheets with the Take Home sheet provides parents with much needed help in reinforcing the lessons.

Have the teacher write "God made _____" in large letters across the top of the images. Hang them up in the church or the classroom.

...allow the children to brainstorm about some of the things God did to make each of us special. Reiterate the "God Made Me" message.

Preschool and Kindergarten: I am Special song (with actions)

Grade 1 thru Grade 3: The Adam and Eve Song (you can hand out the words or hang them up somewhere. The verses are very repetitive, so the kids will catch on to them easily)

Standard ending song: for example

We love to learn together,
together, together
We love to learn together
And give thanks to God.

substitute "learn" for sing, pray, etc"

"We are special because we are children of God. This knowledge will help our children throughout their entire lives -- it is a message that should be reinforced constantly.

The message: God made me. God loves me.

Make sure you repeat the message many times during the lesson.

Also, sending home the mini books, story sequencing cards, coloring pages or activity sheets with the Take Home sheet provides parents with much needed help in reinforcing the lessons.

Have the teacher write "God made _____" in large letters across the top of the images. Hang them up in the church or the classroom.

...allow the children to brainstorm about some of the things God did to make each of us special. Reiterate the "God Made Me" message.

Preschool and Kindergarten: I am Special song (with actions)

Grade 1 thru Grade 3: The Adam and Eve Song (you can hand out the words or hang them up somewhere. The verses are very repetitive, so the kids will catch on to them easily)

Standard ending song: for example

We love to learn together,
together, together
We love to learn together
And give thanks to God.

substitute "learn" for sing, pray, etc"


Maybe you can ask your parents to enroll you in a different facility
"We are special because we are children of God. This knowledge will help our children throughout their entire lives -- it is a message that should be reinforced constantly.

The message: God made me. God loves me.

Make sure you repeat the message many times during the lesson.

Also, sending home the mini books, story sequencing cards, coloring pages or activity sheets with the Take Home sheet provides parents with much needed help in reinforcing the lessons.

Have the teacher write "God made _____" in large letters across the top of the images. Hang them up in the church or the classroom.

...allow the children to brainstorm about some of the things God did to make each of us special. Reiterate the "God Made Me" message.

Preschool and Kindergarten: I am Special song (with actions)

Grade 1 thru Grade 3: The Adam and Eve Song (you can hand out the words or hang them up somewhere. The verses are very repetitive, so the kids will catch on to them easily)

Standard ending song: for example

We love to learn together,
together, together
We love to learn together
And give thanks to God.

substitute "learn" for sing, pray, etc"


I watched a movie yesterday called, "No One Dies In Lily Dale" which was about a town in New York state in which tourists flock to visit mediums there. Of course, there wasn't a single person in the movie with a brain in their heads and most with few teeth.

What was interesting were the Christians standing by the side of the road screaming at the mediums there and holding up signs. Kristians Kausing Konflict.

Although the movie made me laugh in hysterics, those mediums and the people who visited them were sick and twisted. Most had lost a loved one and were seeking closure. There was also one woman who had lost her son, she claimed to be a fundamentalist born again Christian, and always had a bible in her hand. She was seriously demented.
I watched a movie yesterday called, "No One Dies In Lily Dale" which was about a town in New York state in which tourists flock to visit mediums there. Of course, there wasn't a single person in the movie with a brain in their heads and most with few teeth.
I'm going to have to catch this one thanks :)
Why exactly does this matter. Its not wrong... at least an atheist can't tell me something is 'wrong' while at the same time believing in relative morality.

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
at least an atheist can't tell me something is 'wrong' while at the same time believing in relative morality.
You are wrong about that.

And you are wrong to misrepresent both theistic and atheistic thought, claim it really is what you need it to be to fit your view of the role of deity in the world.
Why exactly does this matter. Its not wrong...
Human, or any life, is special for numerous reasons not requiring the participation of god. To teach that that which defines life's preciousness is a being over which the majority of the earth is divided (shattered, actually) is of little use in helping a child form a useful picture of itself & life in general.

What happens when the special child of god A meets the special child of god B?
Why exactly does this matter. Its not wrong...

It's not wrong to indoctrinate children?

at least an atheist can't tell me something is 'wrong' while at the same time believing in relative morality.

Believers have no morals, hence it is irrelevant to them.
You are wrong about that.

And you are wrong to misrepresent both theistic and atheistic thought, claim it really is what you need it to be to fit your view of the role of deity in the world.

Wrong, wrong.. blah blah.

Relative morality = relative right and wrong = indoctrination may be relatively right (although I'm sure you want to impose your own standards of right and wrong :D)

Peace be unto you ;)
Human, or any life, is special for numerous reasons not requiring the participation of god. To teach that that which defines life's preciousness is a being over which the majority of the earth is divided (shattered, actually) is of little use in helping a child form a useful picture of itself & life in general.

What happens when the special child of god A meets the special child of god B?

And why is 'forming a useful picture of itself & life" important? They're going to die and get decomposed. For you to say that it is 'wrong' is complete nonsense.

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
Relative morality = relative right and wrong = indoctrination may be relatively right
I don't think that way. It's too childish for me.

It's wrong to misrepresent the way I think, as you do there.
It's not wrong to indoctrinate children?

The problem is, what do you consider "indoctrination"?

I would love to take away the children of left-wingers, since I believe that the socialist communist fucks are indoctrinating them with garbage, but I can't do that.

Apparently it's just called "raising your kids":shrug:
I don't think that way. It's too childish for me.

It's wrong to misrepresent the way I think, as you do there.

Then perhaps you can detail it yourself. Start your own thread if you want to explain what relative morality means.

Peace be unto you ;)
786 said:
Then perhaps you can detail it yourself. Start your own thread if you want to explain what relative morality means
How about if you just leave your misrepresentations out of this thread, where they don't belong?

We have established that an atheist can evaluate something as "right" or "wrong", and tell you about it.

norsefire said:
The problem is, what do you consider "indoctrination"?
Inculcation of a doctrine by means that prevent or hinder evaluation by reason.