God loves lesbians but hates gay men?


The latest research that comes to mind, sorry I cannot site it just now, is the higher incidence of boys who have older brothers. They found that to be statistically significant in a greater incidence of homosexuality. Exactly how that works, I don't know. I haven't read the research.

This is a complicated subject that should not be addressed by religious bias. It's far more technical that the average public believes.

Okay, you are blaming the environment. That would suggest the possibility of a cure.

We can no longer blame the way a child was raised that would change his gender. It's not an option of one's choice.

Not if that child was born a hermaphrodite. On the other hand, if environment plays a role, why not the envitonment during maturation? Certainly it, too, plays a role.
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This is a complicated subject that should not be addressed by religious bias. It's far more technical that the average public believes.

I am not certain that is not love rather than bias. It probably depends on which religious person you ask and their faith. :D
Okay, you are blaming the environment. That would suggest the possibility of a cure.

Not if that child was born a hermaphrodite. On the other hand, if environment plays a role, why not the envitonment during maturation? Certainly it, too, plays a role.

M*W: We would need to be aware of the things in our environment that may be harmful, such as the ones I mentioned. To cure the problem of a toxic environment, we should totally eat organic food and feed our pregnant women and infants with the same. Look at the juvenile deliquency out there. It's been documented for some 35 years now that hormones put into our beef and dairy supply has been found to be a cause of delinquent behavior. I would think that in our current food supply, it is much more toxic than it was 35 years ago.

The advent of regular prenatal ultrasound also developed some 30-35 years ago has been found to cause blisters in the brain tissue of fetuses. Sometimes causing hearing loss, retardation, IUGR, plus a plethora of other genetic alterations. Take for instance identical twins, one born retarded and one born normal. The retarded twin also had a genetic deformation. If that's not from a toxic environment, then why were both twins not equally impaired?

The list goes on. Mother Nature is being manipulated by toxins. It's not all environmental, but I think it plays a major role. For example, pregnant women who eat USDA beef and dairy ingest all those hormones and antibiotics that enters the fetus. About the tenth week of gestation, the mothers hormones give a surge to the developing fetus which will eventually influence the gender. If we can clean up our environment, we would prevent a lot of unnecessary disease. However, nature being what it is (natural), why would we want to get rid of genders unlike ourselves? They are natural, too. We can't follow the old out-dated rules of nature. It's more complicated now, and some of us need to wake up and understand that nature is ever-changing, and there is a reason for that.
Okay, I actually found a passage that says something against lesbians. Pity the christians here dont know their bible or they could have pointed it out earlier.

Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet."
However, this passage seems to imply that same sex attractions were catalyzed by god ("gave them up unto").