God loves lesbians but hates gay men?


Valued Senior Member
As per usual, the word of God is flawed, unless the dude really approves of lesbians. I know it mentions in the Bible that a man may not lie down with another man, but what about Lesbians? There is absolutely nothing mentioned about lesbians!

Lesbians ftw!
Also it mentions nothing about bonking children, (which it would seem has become justification for many priests).
St.Paul also admonished women not to speak in church...if they had a question they were to ask their husbands at home.

Can you imagine what he would think of raving tribades!
I know it mentions in the Bible that a man may not lie down with another man, but what about Lesbians? There is absolutely nothing mentioned about lesbians!

Lesbians ftw!

Read the book! Yes, there is something said about both, and it is not good. If you people keep this up, I am going to turn "good." Stop! :mad:
Read the book! Yes, there is something said about both, and it is not good.
Thanks for the specific guidance there, Magellan. :rolleyes:
It pretty much mentions the same thing for both sexes, wiz4rd.

Bowser said:
If you people keep this up, I am going to turn "good." Stop! :mad:

Uhhhhhh....what???? :bugeye:
St.Paul also admonished women not to speak in church...if they had a question they were to ask their husbands at home.

Can you imagine what he would think of raving tribades![ Tribads do not represent all lesbians. That is your lack of knowledge about lesbians showing. /QUOTE]

M*W: Why must you address tribads (no "e" as being raving)?
As per usual, the word of God is flawed, unless the dude really approves of lesbians. I know it mentions in the Bible that a man may not lie down with another man, but what about Lesbians? There is absolutely nothing mentioned about lesbians!

Lesbians ftw!

See, this is one of the things that, for me, illustrates the feasibility of Christianity. No barriers on lesbians. That has the makings of smart religion.

Only Reformed Myuunitarianism is so ecumenical and wise in its dealings with lesbians, be they naughty college students, or a boss and her employee working late one night and needing neck massages. Bring them to the Water, sayeth Myuu!

...meaning the pool, you lackwit. We have a ten-page spread to shoot here and we're losing daylight. Myuu gotta get rich; no time for wasting.
Why must you address tribads as being raving?
I pulled that phrase out of Ken Russell's great film 'The Devils'.
Go and rent it - you'll love it!

Or one could reference the Maenads of ancient Greece. Literally meaning 'raving ones', these demented women, followers of the mystical cult of Dionysis, could often be seen dancing about in fawnskins with wild abandon, and practising strange rites of violence, intoxication, and sexual excess!

Oh yeah!:)
God loves lesbians but hates gay men?

Considering that ancient leaders were all men, that's not uncommon to enjoy two girls going at it, as there's no enjoyment in watching two guys going at it if most of them were straight in the first place! But hey just a throw a few virgins in the mix, and enjoy the spoils of war! :D

Numbers 31:
9And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.

10And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.

11And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts.

12And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.
I pulled that phrase out of Ken Russell's great film 'The Devils'.
Go and rent it - you'll love it!

Or one could reference the Maenads of ancient Greece. Literally meaning 'raving ones', these demented women, followers of the mystical cult of Dionysis, could often be seen dancing about in fawnskins with wild abandon, and practising strange rites of violence, intoxication, and sexual excess!

Oh yeah!:)

M*W: Much like today's youth!
St.Paul also admonished women not to speak in church...if they had a question they were to ask their husbands at home.

Can you imagine what he would think of raving tribades!

M*W: Movies do not represent reality. Would you like for me to provide you with the specific definition of what a tribad is and does? Are you aware that lesbians can also be christian just as homosexuals can be christian?
They have the same religious beliefs as you do! But to just clarify my position on this, please read the disclaimer:

(DISCLAIMER: I am a normal heterosexual woman, but I respect all genders that Mother Nature has created).
just so I understand the above statement, are you suggesting that nature created more than two genders? :eek:

M*W: Yes, that is what I am saying. However, I believe at the present time, there is lots of scientific research being done, but I am not familiar with all of it right now. I strongly believe there are environmental toxins that may play a role in the development of the fetus of pregnant women that could influence gender and/or alter genders. I've written about this before. I consider the following factors to be possible causation of alternate genders:

Prenatal ultrasound
Homones added to food supply
Hormones added to cow's milk
Cats and the diseases they influence
Birds, chicken, turkey, etc.
Common refrigerator bacteria
Fish from contaminated waters
A woman's own hormonal rush during pregnancy

To name a few.

We can no longer blame the way a child was raised that would change his gender. It's not an option of one's choice.

The latest research that comes to mind, sorry I cannot site it just now, is the higher incidence of boys who have older brothers. They found that to be statistically significant in a greater incidence of homosexuality. Exactly how that works, I don't know. I haven't read the research.

This is a complicated subject that should not be addressed by religious bias. It's far more technical that the average public believes.