God knew me before I was born?


If God knew me before I was born, knew who I would be in life, knew I'd be a sinner one way or the other, knew I couldn't ask for forgiveness after death and be sincere, knew I would be killed a 2nd time, knew I would be thrown into eternal hell, then for the love of Christ why didn't He just chuck me into Hell before I was born? What purpose is there for a person or soul that you knew was already doomed, free will or no free will? Perverse pleasure?

Well i will say right away that you do not know what your state of belief or unbelief will be upon the moment of your death. But lets just say that you are doomed from the foundations of time.

No matter if one is saved or if one is doomed one still serves a purpose by being part of history.

It may be that your purpose is to come in here and ask questions so that they can be answered, Not for your benefit, But for another true seeker who are reading threads started by you. I know that not everyone who comes in here actually posts here. Many of the people i am righting to i will never hear from. You see a question (no matter what the motives of the questioner) is an opportunity to give an answer to a wider audience.

Romans 9
22 What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory,

Often it is the vessels of wrath (unbelievers) who unintentionally cause vessels of mercy (saved sinners) to be motivated to accept Jesus as Messiah.

Why didn't I have an option? I could have told Him to just go ahead and throw me in Hell and skip the Earthly existence. Did He pretend to be my friend all the while mindful that He was going to burn me in the end? What a guy!!

God is your friend, But it is your decision to either befriend God and accept His mercy (Jesus) or reject God and have no realtionship with Him. It takes two to tango.

2 Peter 3
9The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

God desires you and all people to come to repentance and not perish. But God will not save one who does not come to Him. Just because God already knows who will and who will not accept Jesus as Messiah, does not take away that decision from each individual.

Before I am born on this Earth am I alive, dead or in limbo?

You come into existence at the moment of conception. pre-existence is a mormon belief it was their "logical" (carnal) way of trying to understand scripture. it just does not fit scripture.

The way I see it, I am alive before being born, alive after being born(is there a death in there?), alive after death and alive again after being killed the 2nd time. I die after life on Earth and die again a 2nd time somewhere else. I'm alive at least 4 times and dead twice but I can't be dead if I am to feel God's wrath. So maybe I never really die and I'm really only alive once even though I have to die at least twice. If I am born again during my life on Earth I could very well be alive 5 times during my existence(s) but that would mean I died before being born again so I would also have to die one more time. And if I became born again more than once in a lifetime? Its too numbing to think about. I need a religious mathematician.

Re-incarnation is a hindu thing. You only going to live in this flesh once. More logic of man trying to make sense of something that Only the Holy Spirit can reveal.

Hebrews 9
27 And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment,

Thanks for giving me this opportunity to post an answer. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It is so obvious that each of those quoted scriptures were the words of human beings. Romans 9: would god ask a question of himself? 2Peter3...god would have no reason to say 'us'...Hebrews 9: An obvious interpretation of some baloney by someone Just as you have interpreted 'vessels of wrath' to be people like myself.

I might as well go jump off a bridge. I do all this work for God and then get crapped on in the end. Its like atheists are not considered human but maybe, just maybe, we are actually an extension of Him instead. You can't be sure. Why wouldn't He test you?
the whole point to religion and spirituality is a "belief" system. If you
don't really believe than you wont reap the rewards of the "spiritual feeling"
if your an athiest then you don't believe in god and that is your perogative.
And as far as god knowing you before you were born, you WERE written into the book of life (which god has) and weather or not you are erased is up to you. but since you don't believe in god its a moot point for u.
protostar said:
the whole point to religion and spirituality is a "belief" system. If you
don't really believe than you wont reap the rewards of the "spiritual feeling".

Typical stance. You have no way nor could you ever appreciate the (pick an adjective) feeling of being an atheist. I don't think spiritual feeling or whatever you want to call it warrants a religion around it or a reward. I starting to think Duendy's drug induced spirituality is along the same level.
PsychoticEpisode said:
It is so obvious that each of those quoted scriptures were the words of human beings. Romans 9: would god ask a question of himself? 2Peter3...god would have no reason to say 'us'...Hebrews 9: An obvious interpretation of some baloney by someone Just as you have interpreted 'vessels of wrath' to be people like myself.

Well you have expressed your belief in another thread that the Bible is just a "fairytale" But it goes without saying that i believe these biblical quotes are inspired by the Holy Spirit.

In Romans9 Paul was using a question to cause the reader to ponder the answer. Peter is a letter to other people that’s why he uses the "us" And the vessels is clearly being used as symbolic people.

I might as well go jump off a bridge. I do all this work for God and then get crapped on in the end.

What "work" do you do for God?

Its like atheists are not considered human but maybe, just maybe, we are actually an extension of Him instead. You can't be sure.

We are all made in His image but i am not sure what your getting at here?

Why wouldn't He test you?


All Praise The Ancient Of Days