God isn't at work today, at least not in Paris.

Apparently Emmanuel Macron had a brain fart idea to have it rebuilt as a multi religious centre

Like that works everywhere it has been tried

Even this 3 neuron atheist can pick a few defects in such a plan (?)


is that a bit of fake news ?
the media equivalent of making a copy of the Mona Lisa & then spray painting a big penis on it.
sounds like an anarchists attempt at propaganda click bait
is that a bit of fake news ?
the media equivalent of making a copy of the Mona Lisa & then spray painting a big penis on it.
sounds like an anarchists attempt at propaganda click bait

Will dig a bit deeper and try for a link

No link or fake news will be my bad

Will dig a bit deeper and try for a link

No link or fake news will be my bad


ive seen many comments like this thrown out by extremist cult social groups (cliques)which is handed to some extremist pandering media site that then head line it as a conversation piece.
they then run peoples opinions on it and try to stir up hatred and lies to make a story and divide people into waring factions so they can deliver bullshit content that requires no journalistic integrity and has no need to be factually validated.
it panders to the reality TV market who are addicted to human negative emotional drama.

i call it "hater clicks" or "oh~my-god~ism" alarmist viewer bait etc...
it is extremely common in pay per view news where they wont spend investment money on real storys and real journalists.

it all starts to sound like just another hitler speech after a while.

you may easily read such a thing because it has been mainstreamed into conversation content by a polarity genre media station by another media station.
... trying to make news by making the news about other media people making comments about things.
its the ultimate insult to investigative journalism and science.

i ignore it mostly.
faux pews main lines it like a junky on baby asprin
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i ignore it mostly.
In searching I did come across a reference to someone other than Emmanuel Macron making a reference to "rebuilding to reflect modern France" which morphed into "multi religious"

But I agree either real fake news or a big (deliberate) misunderstanding

A small rider, my personal opinion of Macron, would be along the lines of he is capable of such a brain fart

In searching I did come across a reference to someone other than
i have seen this many times
very deliberately worded with a different persons idea and then name dropping a celebrity in to the item to get hot word name hits off the article.
then linking the editors opinion of "what would that celebrity/world leader do"
its extremely dishonest and quite repugnant, though, once you bath yourself in reality TV enough you will find it is just another version of some peoples concepts of reality.

it is the gutter journalism that dives the very heart of the dead victim phone hacking message tampering type of media people.

i intended to do some carpentry and make a table today(out of 100% recycled wood, no plastic and only old nails) ...
i thought it would be very cathartic and somewhat poetic.
maybe tomorrow
im still struggling to figure out a light weight cross strut idea to go with heavy legs & a heavy table top.
im stuck in the design stage lol
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