God is...

God says in many verses of the Holy Quran that it is a revelation by Him (sent down to Humanity by way of arch angel Gabriel on the heart of Prophet Muhammad peace upon him). He says also that the Books of Moses, Psalms of David and the Gospel are also revelations of God. God challenges the unbelievers to write something similar to the Holy Quran. Several verses ask the unbelievers to do that.
SAM is the Muslim authority here and as far as she is concerned you should be saying SHE says, as in God can be feminine, and could be referred to as such. Not always He, but also She. a revelation by Her...

Anyway, God is cute when She refers to Herself in the third person like in the Qur'an, isn't She?

Anyone can write something similar to the Qur'an. The Baha'i maintain the Qur'an is flawed and their books surpass the Qur'an - and they're not the only ones. There's lots of Muslim sects that have new revelations that surpass the Qur'an (at least according to these people). Which should ring a bell in your head that your argument in circular and illogical.
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I have just listened to the above mentioned verse recited (youtube link), that is, after I have read the recent comments here. I have to say that several of the unbelieving replies make it clear that God is, in fact, the Truth and that the Holy Quran is a revelation by Him.

The Truth of God is shining like the sun in the sky.

Let me present for you yet another verse from the Holy Quran that talks about God Himself. The first verse below is verse number 35 of chapter 24 "The Light", followed by the verses up to verse number 40:

(35) "God is the LIGHT of the Heavens and of the Earth. His Light is like a niche in which is a lamp - the lamp encased in glass - the glass, as it were, a glistening star. From a blessed tree is it lighted, the olive neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would well nigh shine out, even though fire touched it not! It is light upon light. God guideth whom He will to His light, and God setteth forth parables to men, for God knoweth all things. (36) In the temples which God hath allowed to be reared, that His name may therein be remembered, do men praise Him morn and even. (37) Men whom neither merchandise nor traffic beguile from the remembrance of God, and from the observance of prayer, and the payment of the stated alms, through fear of the day when hearts shall throb and eyes shall roll: (38) That for their most excellent works may God recompense them, and of His bounty increase it to them more and more: for God maketh provision for whom He pleaseth without measure. (39) But as to the infidels, their works are like the vapour in a plain which the thirsty dreameth to be water, until when he cometh unto it, he findeth it not aught, but findeth that God is with him; and He fully payeth him his account: for swift to take account is God: (40) Or like the darkness on the deep sea when covered by billows riding upon billows, above which are clouds: darkness upon darkness,- When a man reacheth forth his hand, he cannot nearly see it! For he to whom God has given no light, he has no light"

If light is turned totally off in a room then it is darkness upon darkness. You can hardly navigate through it, yet if there is light then there is light and solid guidance. The light of God is pure, light (on soul and body) and cannot be compared to any other thing!

Verse number 35 above (named the Verse of the Light) in Arabic:

As to reported ambiguity of a certain part of the Verse of the Throne (see earlier), I would like to provide this alternative translation by Edward Henry Palmer:

"God, there is no god but He, the living, the self-subsistent. Slumber takes Him not, nor sleep..."

God does not sleep or take a nap (fortunately or ... unfortunately).
God is the projection of the human psyche upon the Universe. Necessarily it resembles its source which is rather gratifying and comforting. It also explains why no two individual experiences of God are identical, it is not God they are perceiving.
God says in many verses of the Holy Quran that it is a revelation by Him (sent down to Humanity by way of arch angel Gabriel on the heart of Prophet Muhammad peace upon him). He says also that the Books of Moses, Psalms of David and the Gospel are also revelations of God. God challenges the unbelievers to write something similar to the Holy Quran. Several verses ask the unbelievers to do that.

There are verses talking about belief, duties, rights, prophets' stories (Joseph, David, Solomon, Abraham, John, Jesus and others). At the same time, there are verses talking about God. Some verses describe hell whereas others describe Paradise.

God's higher name Allah (means "The God") appears 2699 times in the whole Holy Quran. It is unimaginable that someone would write a book of 6236 verses, in eloquent language, fabricate an Author (named God) and attribute the whole work to that entity. Why should any human being bother to do that ?!

Did you know, btw, that some verses of the Holy Quran criticize Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ?! As in the story of the blind man and the divorce of Zayd bin Haritha ?!

It is only the true Author who can do that. It is only God who can write a Book with His higher name mentioned 2699 times. In addition, the word Lord appears over 950 times. Many verses mention God by using some of His 99 names (The Merciful, The Great, The Forgiver, The All Knowing and others). Complete list can be found here: http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/99names.htm

I hope this was informative. I wish you Eid Mubarak (Happy Holiday).

So the book you are using as evidence for God says that it's written by God? I could also write a book that said within it that it was written by God.

By similar, what do you mean? That it attain the same popularity as the Quran? You know that would not be possible since my new book would not have the same historical context. I could certainly write something in the same style, but also not being Muslim, I don't know what kind of writing you find so delightful. In any case, being popular isn't evidence for anything. You can't use a document (that could be wrong) as evidence for itself.

Why should any human being bother to do that ?!
Lust for power, gradiosity, narcissism... there are all kinds of reasons.

1. First I appreciate your kind and "straight to matter" criticism, if I can call it this way...

2. I have read your post and I wonder if you really think it all can be reduced to historical contexts ?! People have not changed much since those days. Muhammad met unimaginable hostility by His own tribe (Quraish). People were killed, tortured and expelled. He, himself, needed to migrate outside. The wealthy and strong people of Quraish saw the new religion as threat to their economical and trade interests. Mekkah was a central trade center. Quraish was very anxious.

3. As for documents: there are thousands upon thousands of poems that build on the fine teachings of the Holy Quran. Many praise God, the Prophet and His followers. Many call the hearts of millions to follow the path of God.
God is the projection of the human psyche upon the Universe. Necessarily it resembles its source which is rather gratifying and comforting. It also explains why no two individual experiences of God are identical, it is not God they are perceiving.

I have experienced the Truth of God. It is those times in prayer that and when I hope never take end (or at least if not to last, to be experienced again and again until death brings me to meeting Allah and seeing His generous face).

I touch the light in several manners (doing good, nature, believer's talk etc..) but in prayer it is me and God and it is ... (blessed the Lord) ... cannot really describe it in words... incredible...

All the Best.

1. First I appreciate your kind and "straight to matter" criticism, if I can call it this way...

2. I have read your post and I wonder if you really think it all can be reduced to historical contexts ?! People have not changed much since those days. Muhammad met unimaginable hostility by His own tribe (Quraish). People were killed, tortured and expelled. He, himself, needed to migrate outside. The wealthy and strong people of Quraish saw the new religion as threat to their economical and trade interests. Mekkah was a central trade center. Quraish was very anxious.

3. As for documents: there are thousands upon thousands of poems that build on the fine teachings of the Holy Quran. Many praise God, the Prophet and His followers. Many call the hearts of millions to follow the path of God.

I appreciate the sentiment, that the words of the Quran speak to Muslims in such a way that it seems self evident that there is a God that "wrote" them. But this is not self-evident to an outsider. A book is still a book. It could all be fiction.

I have just listened to the above mentioned verse recited (youtube link), that is, after I have read the recent comments here. I have to say that several of the unbelieving replies make it clear that God is, in fact, the Truth and that the Holy Quran is a revelation by Her.

The Truth of God is shining like the sun in the sky.

Let me present for you yet another verse from the Holy Quran that talks about God Herself. The first verse below is verse number 35 of chapter 24 "The Light", followed by the verses up to verse number 40:

(35) "God is the LIGHT of the Heavens and of the Earth. HerLight is like a niche in which is a lamp - the lamp encased in glass - the glass, as it were, a glistening star. From a blessed tree is it lighted, the olive neither of the East nor of the West, whose oil would well nigh shine out, even though fire touched it not! It is light upon light. God guideth whom Shewill to Her light, and God setteth forth parables to men and woman, for God knoweth all things. (36) In the temples which God hath allowed to be reared, that Her name may therein be remembered, do men praise Her morn and even. (37) Men and woman whom neither merchandise nor traffic beguile from the remembrance of God, and from the observance of prayer, and the payment of the stated alms, through fear of the day when hearts shall throb and eyes shall roll: (38) That for their most excellent works may God recompense them, and of Her bounty increase it to them more and more: for God maketh provision for whom She pleaseth without measure. (39) But as to the infidels (aka Sand Niggers), their works are like the vapour in a plain which the thirsty dreameth to be water, until when she cometh unto it, she findeth it not aught, but findeth that God is with her; and She fully payeth her, her account: for swift to take account is God: (40) Or like the darkness on the deep sea when covered by billows riding upon billows, above which are clouds: darkness upon darkness,- When a man or a woman reacheth forth her hand, she cannot nearly see it! For she to whom God has given no light, she has no light"

If light is turned totally off in a room then it is darkness upon darkness. You can hardly navigate through it, yet if there is light then there is light and solid guidance. The light of God is pure, light (on soul and body) and cannot be compared to any other thing!

"God, there is no god but Her, the living, the self-subsistent. Slumber takes Her not, nor sleep..."

God does not sleep or take a nap (fortunately or ... unfortunately).

I thought I'd fix that up a bit for you. I have to say, I didn't realize just how misogynistic Arab religious mythological literature was. Does explain a lot though. Given the manner in which women are oppressed there. I once read women aren't even allowed to pray with men in the same Mosque at the same time - or have to do so behind a veiled wall or curtain.

Welcome Bronze Age 2010.

NOTE: God is.... a woman.
Listening to the Word of God and living by it cure the hearts.

He says:

"(56) He maketh alive and He causeth to die, and to Him shall ye return. (57) O ye folk! there has come to you a warning from your Lord, and a balm for what is in your breasts, and a guidance and a mercy to believers. (58) Say, 'By the grace of God and by His mercy,- and in that let them rejoice! It is better than that which they collect!'"

Source: The Holy Quran - Jonah - 10:56-58

The Holy Quran - Word of God sent down on the heart of Muhammad son of Abd Alllah of Bani Hashim - Mekkah - by Arch Angel Gabriel between the years 610 to 632 CE.
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"(56) He maketh alive and He causeth to die, and to Him shall ye return. (57) O ye folk! there has come to you a warning from your Lord, and a balm for what is in your breasts, and a guidance and a mercy to believers. (58) Say, 'By the grace of God and by His mercy,- and in that let them rejoice! It is better than that which they collect!'"

i think the Quran (am i getting closer with the spelling?)
needs a NIV version..sound too close to the king james version to be easily understood..