God is this and that

...I take it on faith that it is possible to conceptualize the problem surrounding theism in such a way as to render it solvable, without resorting to leaps of faith or cynicism....

It is possible. It's bullshit. That's what's confusing you. You've don't want to be cynical, but sometimes that's the only answer.

I hear it everywhere I go from everyone I see down the grocery isle, facebook, or at work. I am tired of people's outlook that absolutely everything good is from god.

Must be your neighbourhood. :)

Regarding everything good is from God... it makes no sense.
God IS. That is the only logical conclusion one can draw, based on scriptoral information. That means God IS the ultimate standard. We can only theorize what is actual goodness, and try to live up to that. But that does not mean we are good. The reason for this is that we simply have no real knowledge outside of our tiny, temporary existence. Imagine being born in a underground cave system, never knowing what lies up above. Our perception will only be what we are subjected to, and thus our knowledge will be subjected also.

1.In their minds, people cannot be good without god. It simply is not true.

2.There are plenty of good people in the world who do not believe in god. The theists argue, "Even a white lie is evil." That isn't true either.

3. All of them are hypocrites sometimes same as me. It cannot be avoided unless they are prefect.

1. We cannot even survive in this world without God, let alone be good.

2. On this one we need to define ''belief'', as it is such a misunderstood word.
Sure, people may not believe the way the Christians, or Muslims do. They may have come to the conclusion that, if they act that way because they believe in God, then I don't believe in God. However, if as you say, they are good people, meaning they have the intelligence to refrain from harming themselves and others (as much as they possibly can), it requires them to hold to a certain set of ethics and principles. This is God consciousness. Of course if you proclaim not to believe in God, then you won't see it as that.

In short, claiming one does or does not believe in God, does not mean that one does not actually believe or disbelieve in God. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, not in scientific analasys of it.

It's not the same thing. I'm talking about their views on what their god believes about controversial subjects, not their relationships.

At the root of it, there is a relationship with God, so we can use those types of analogies as they refer to ''relationships''.
In order to believe in something, one must forge a relationship with that thing, and relationships are not based on what we decide, they simply unfold.

The fact that you are asking insinuates that you do. That is what i'm tired of. Most of the theists claim to understand god better than the other in one way or another. Even when the understanding conflicts. This happens within a single religion or across religions.

It's not hard to understand what ''belief in God'' means, as it is no different from any other belief in something. I think the anti-God brigade have done a bang-up job of muddying the waters, by creating boundaries like one cannot know God, or know anything about God. They have successfully wiped clean the notion that God is with us (living entity), and God is infinately intelligent meaning He can communicate with us if we choose. They have set the playing field rules, and one of those rules is '' WE CANNOT USE SCRIPTURES''. What a bummer!

Exactly. By this definition all theists are sinners because they ignore the parts in their scripture that they don't understand or are mysterious and chalk it up to a popular interpretation or make up their own. I'm tired of this.

A theist is simply a person who actually believes in God, period. There is no need add anything else, and there is no difference, on a human level, between the atheist and the theist. The persons who act without sin, are spiritually active individuals, who by dint of their intelligence, understand the difference between matter and spirit, and acts in such a way as to not create any reactions which may bind them to the material world.
As you have a background in Christianity, go back read the NT regarding Jesus, and you will see that he acted in a very specific way.

I know I am "blessed" and am not evil, but theists and scriptures call me evil for the simple fact of unbelief in their god.

How do you know that you are blessed?
And how do you know that you are not evil, if evil is about bringing harm to others? Are you aware of every action you perform, knowing that it is not going to be harmfull to other living beings at some point in time?

I don't abhor god because I don't understand if it exists.

At what point do you think will be able to have this understanding?
Why do you think you have to understand that He exists?
What would it take, in your opinion, to be satisfied that God exists?

I abhor theists who don't give credit to any power other than god's.

What other power do you think there is?

It makes me sick because when something good happens and you see why it happened plain as day, god gets the credit. But, when something bad happens its never god's fault.

Not in all circumstances. As I said there are different levels of relationship with God. Some people accept all dualites on exactly the same level, meaning they are niether happy or sad (from our material perspective). You can find this level of understanding in all religions (individuals), though it may not be popular.

It is illogical to believe god can only do "good" because god kills and some people call that "evil".

God may dispose of bodies, but not of souls.
If I create a game where different people interact with individual avatars, and as the creator I decide to terminate bodies, it doesn't mean I kill the people, only their representative bodies.

Hmmm...this is a refreshing view. Unfortunately, it is not mainstream theism.

Mainstream theism is just that, mainstream theism. Like mainstream news, music, fashion, and stuff. It does not represent the broad spectrum it emulates.

My mind is wide open. I would even go to Sunday school (not any worship service) if everyone did not assume that I believed and go on and on about "god is good" and "people are evil".

Maybe you need to go further afield, and put sunday school on pause for the moment, you'd be surprised at the kind of understanding that will pop

Really Jan? said:
In short, claiming one does or does not believe in God, does not mean that one does not actually believe or disbelieve in God. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, not in scientific analysis of it.
Mostly it does. Being good doesn't mean you believe in God, as if God is the only source of goodness. This delusion robs us of our humanity. You can be good without God. God is simply the personification of beneficial human traits, because we tend to behave better when we think someone is watching us.
Mostly it does. Being good doesn't mean you believe in God, as if God is the only source of goodness. This delusion robs us of our humanity. You can be good without God. God is simply the personification of beneficial human traits, because we tend to behave better when we think someone is watching us.

I think its as simple as applying thing such as love to please a hypothetical God.:rolleyes:
God is this and that

Is anyone else tired of hearing about this god notion? .

He should be not this and that but can be this and that like for example, neutral pH=7pH, like water with neutral pH,(Acid+base=water+salt), 0 degree temp. but can move both way upto absolute zero & upper degree. Centerline on a wave--has capacity to vibrate either side etc.