God is Perfect?

God is perfect. Then why permit evil?

  • Don't know.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • He is not perfect.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • He made a mistake.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
as i said, he gave people free will....and angles too which satan once was. GOD is the supreme judge. since he is infalliable, he can punish with death because he is OMNIPOTENT. he knows wayyyyyy more than we do. unlike here on earth;when we murder we sin because we are not perfect, and god commandend us not to.
Why did he give people free will if he knew life would suck with evil in the world?

Why does evil only arise from free will?
Why do you feel it is impossible to have free will without evil?

I mean if this fairy tail you call god can do anything, why can't he cook up some free will without the side of evil? eh?

Originally posted by Zero Mass
I mean if this fairy tail you call god can do anything, why can't he cook up some free will without the side of evil? eh?
I look at it this way... if a god did create all of us, he did it for his pleasure/entertainment. Think of the Sims. It may be fun for awhile to try and make them succeed and fall in love and get a big house.... but eventually you do one of the following:
1) Lock them in a room to starve
2) Steal the ladder while they are swimming so they drown
3) Set them on fire
God may think it fun entertaining for awhile to play us like puppets, but eventually he'd give us freewill because he knows we'd f-up... and he thinks its funny. Just like the sims: he lets us swim, but doesn't give us enough upperbody strength to climb out of the pool.
Yeah 100 posts, I rule

I was wondering how long it would be until I saw a Sims reference.
Funny point though, I thouroughly enjoyed it, god is like that I guess.


he gave people free will

Depends on how you define free will. The choices might appear free but are they really?

Examine this-

No one is responsible for their brain makeup when they were first born. So one's first actions are the result of their brain dictating one's responses to environmental stimuli. The enviornmental information is taken in and the brain will make some new connections in its neural makeup as a result..... the next behavior is the result of the new combination of biological and enviornmental influences. So if we start with something no one had a say in (one's genetic composition) then how are responsible for actions that result of "choices" made by your brain. We are never truly in control to the extend we want to think. We have begun to experience a spiral of actions that are a result of choices made when we had no control.
If god is all knowing then he should know that we were going to use are free will and be evil. but if he loves us as much as you people say then he should not have gave us free will because he knew we would be evil and harm are selves. Or if it was all satans fault then why did god create satan in the first place. If he is all knowing then he knew satan would become evil and makes us do evil thing.

in summary there is no old magical white guy fly around in the sky nor a red guy with horns stabing you if you broke one of the old white guys special rules.
God is perfect by definition . One who cant come up with a theology where God is perfect is a bad theologist .

The question is not is God perfect yes or no , but does God exist yes or no , and why-how he does or does not exist etc etc etc .

There is just one correct answer and u cant vote for it , lol .
okay just because you cant see,touch,hear, taste, smell, god doesnt mean he doesnt exist. do you see my keyboard? just because you cant see it doesnt mean it doenst exist.

and to the free will thing....well if you have free will you can do evil. and yea you do have free will because you can do whatever you want. i could go to iraq, paint my butt with the ameercian flag and moon all the passerbyers on a street. even though i would receive consesquences, i could still go do it.
what is god?

how can we categorise and name something before its nature hasn't been defined?

god in the sense of religion is another problem. since christian creation amongst other theories of existence tend not to have any factual basis its fair to say that (if we really must have a god) god is just name for what underlies the universe and makes it all work / created it all.

what is perfect?

I wont even start on that...

So it seems the question God is perfect? is a meaningless question.......
edgar, your right

absence of evidence isn't proof of absence.....

when you hear that, you think hmm thats true. but thats mistake 1. Basicly that said, it allows me for example to come up with any crazy story or ficticious idea, and just because there is no evidence its wrong doesn't mean it isn't untrue.

Crazy theory: there is also Edgar2 in this forum, but you can't see his posts or his keyboard, but that doesn't mean he doesn't exist.

Which is a completely backwards way of thinking. A more sensible line of thought is a comparission to an alternate theory.
There are tons of alternate theories..... which do have strong and testable evidence.

Edgar, you made a post to this thread, which is strong evidence that you exist and have a keyboard, since that is the most common way of typing a post......

If there is no evidence of god existing, it is indistingushable from non existence. Therefore it is highly unlikely to exist, so you might as well say it doesn't (pending evidence turning up and changing your mind).
And there comes skepticism/agnosticism .

Let me define things for you :

what is god?
God = Superior Creating Being

how can we categorise and name something before its nature hasn't been defined?

Its nature ? If we are to define natures we cannot define anything in this world and your and my typing are useless , so I suggest it should stop , only I do not agree.

God can be categorized theoretically , no problem .

what is perfect?

Most Superior

So as God is the most superior being , asking weither he is perfect is whatucall it again ? oxymoron ? what was it ? either way its wrong .

And as for True Wisdoms lists of a not so wonderfull Christian God , yes if how that is written indeed would all be so a reasonable man would choose Satan .

Now we all know theologically speaking Satan cant be good , and God cant be bad , as they are tied to ethical concepts that forbid them to be so . They simply lose their importance if they break the rules .
Allahs sez:

Let me define things for you :

God = Superior Creating Being

That is, of course, your opinion, and should not be misconstrued as definition. No ones definition of gods is anymore valid than another’s. Your particular version re: “superior creating being,” can just as easily be shown to be invalid in that no tangible evidence exists to suggest superiority, creation or being.

If we are to define natures we cannot define anything in this world

It is true that one cannot define the nature of gods. How do you define anything that cannot be shown to exist? But the nature of things that do exist can be defined, and are.

God can be categorized theoretically , no problem .

Then I submit you do not know the concept of a theory. If you did, you would know gods couldn’t be considered theoretical in any way. Categorizing gods is even more far-fetched.

God cant be bad… They simply lose their importance if they break the rules .

THAT is an oxymoron. It invalidates gods superiority AND his importance by not being able to “break the rules.”
no tangible evidence exists to suggest superiority, creation or being.

I exist , I create , I am superior

It is true that one cannot define the nature of gods. How do you define anything that cannot be shown to exist? But the nature of things that do exist can be defined, and are.

No they're not since ur stuck to epistemology , how can u know ?
U cant

Then I submit you do not know the concept of a theory. If you did, you would know gods couldn’t be considered theoretical in any way. Categorizing gods is even more far-fetched.

I already did by the first i said . superiority , creation and being can all be categorized .

God cant be bad… They simply lose their importance if they break the rules .
THAT is an oxymoron. It invalidates gods superiority AND his importance by not being able to “break the rules.”

My firend it is their theology that fails perfection , not mine .
Indeed its an oxymoron , yet their idea of God (who is all good) , cant be bad . And still he is , and so it goes on and on .

I exist , I create , I am superior

Aside from insulting my intelligence and ever other member here, you do yourself a discredit by stating something so ridiculous that it makes you out a fool. Only someone so detached from reality would ever say such a thing.

No they're not since ur stuck to epistemology

A foothold in reality would show you otherwise. Go ahead, take a step.

I already did by the first i said . superiority , creation and being can all be categorized

Yes, in a dream world, anything is possible.

My firend it is their theology that fails perfection , not mine

Nonsense, any theology is perfect and imperfect at the same time. You cannot state that what you believe is any more perfect or imperfect than what anyone else believes. That is as ridiculous as saying, “My god can beat up your god.”

Indeed its an oxymoron , yet their idea of God (who is all good) , cant be bad . And still he is , and so it goes on and on

So what? Your gods advocate murder, vengeance and slavery. And that goes on and on…
Aside from insulting my intelligence and ever other member here, you do yourself a discredit by stating something so ridiculous that it makes you out a fool. Only someone so detached from reality would ever say such a thing.
U only insult yourself
A foothold in reality would show you otherwise. Go ahead, take a step.
thorugh ur brain that footstape is made is it not , through your brain the environment is experienced is it not ?
Yes, in a dream world, anything is possible.
Life is nothin but a lucid dream
Nonsense, any theology is perfect and imperfect at the same time. You cannot state that what you believe is any more perfect or imperfect than what anyone else believes. That is as ridiculous as saying, “My god can beat up your god.”
Theos Logos implies perfection of Knowledge as God cannot be but perfect , dont u get it ? So whoever comes closer to that perfection has a better theology . For instance in the Bible Moses actually corrects God , thats not superior theology is it ?
So what? Your gods advocate murder, vengeance and slavery. And that goes on and on…
Whose Gods are you talking about , I have no Gods .

and yea you do have free will because you can do whatever you want. i could go to iraq, paint my butt with the ameercian flag and moon all the passerbyers on a street. even though i would receive consesquences, i could still go do it.

very thought provoking......:confused: *gasp* we do have free will, they have been telling us lies!!!!! ( in chick tract fashion):rolleyes:
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Here is my story:

One day, god head is trying to make a wish by flipping 2 coins. He named them adam and eve. The coins have two faces. One is head, which repersents god, and it means good. One is tail, which repersents satan, and it means evil. Right before god head tries to flip, he sees satan is sitting next to him, he got scared and slipped his finger, and look and behold, two tails. God head is very mad and you know the rest of the story...

A failed experiment perform by god, and that's us. Perfect huh?
Originally posted by daktaklakpak
Here is my story:

One day, god head is trying to make a wish by flipping 2 coins. He named them adam and eve. The coins have two faces. One is head, which repersents god, and it means good. One is tail, which repersents satan, and it means evil. Right before god head tries to flip, he sees satan is sitting next to him, he got scared and slipped his finger, and look and behold, two tails. God head is very mad and you know the rest of the story...

A failed experiment perform by god, and that's us. Perfect huh?

Yeah, that makes perfect sense, you make a good point th...
Wait a minute, what the hell are you talking about? I didn't understand the thing about the coin and stuff, it was utterly weird.
But what did I expext with that name man...dakpaklatcakmak? what is that all about? any explanation would help out here
