God is Perfect?

God is perfect. Then why permit evil?

  • Don't know.

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • He is not perfect.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • He made a mistake.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters

Billy Boy

Registered Member
God Is Perfect, therefore He could for-see the future and choose to not allow evil in any form to ever exist. Why did he choose not to do so? The best answer i ever got to that question came from the Arch-Bishop of Chicago. He said to me, "My Son, if you and i knew the answer to that question we would both be sitting at the right hand of the Almighty Himself". Great answer and totally acceptable. Honest and uncomplicated. BB FL
Which God?

I'd like to point out that the Arch-Bishop did not give you an answer, what he told you was that he doesn't know.

Thank you edgar

Your reply is entirely welcome. For a few minutes i was sure i had gotten into some kind of an undesirable chat room. Yes most of us have free will and yes, evil is caused by satan. There-in lies the Catch-22. Who created satan? Thank you very much for your NICE! reply. BB FL
Originally posted by edgar
remember god gave us free will. and evil is also caused by satan.

Huh?:bugeye: what do you mean????? Are you implying that free will is relative to Satan????;)

Is god perfect??? if i knew i would be rich now wouldn't i:cool:

Just because there is evil and suffering in the world doesn't mean god is at fault. If , technically god created us, then he/she might have created evil all along with it. Maybe god planned to have evil and suffering coincide with humanity. How do we know we are not just parts in a giant cosmic experiment and god is the scientist.....the evil being the conditioned stimulus and the reaction of humans being the unconditioned stimulus. Evil could be Operant conditioning being undertaken by god on humans. Here's the most fearful thought of all...How do we know God is good?
Now why do you go and say Satan is evil? Break down the events in the bible by what harm was done to humanity by each entity, God and Satan. After you do so, go ahead and tell us all what you found out!;)
okay heres the one BIGGEST THING satan did. He led humans into temptation. If it werent for that, we woudl be living in paradise. God also punished the israelilites IF they broke his commandments. He also punished other people for their wickedness twoard other etc., etc.
Here is what a fellow forum member put together after he picked out events out of the bible:

Originally posted by notme2000
Ok, lately I have been entertaining the idea that God is infact the evil one, and Satan is the savior, but God has kept him subdued through dogma. So let's just compare the two... Feel free to add any you can think of for either side, or make any point you see relavant.

  1. Strikes a man down with lightning for donating to church when he does not believe in it (for lying to God)
  2. Drowns the entire planet with a great flood
  3. Kills the first born child of every egyption without BLOOD on their door
  4. Destroys a pure man's life (Jobe)
  5. Spreads many plagues and diseases that kill over MILLIONS of people
  6. Preference of Abel's offering to that of Cain's provokes Cain to commit the first biblically recorded murder and kill his brother Abel.
  7. Personally sees to it that Lot's wife is turned to a pillar of salt (for having looked behind her while fleeing the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah)
  8. Hail from the Lord strikes down everything in the fields of Egypt both man and beast except in Goshen where the Israelites reside
  9. With the Lord's approval, Joshua mows down Amalek and his people
  10. With the Lord's approval, a slave may be beaten to death with no punishment for the perpetrator as long as the slave doesn't die too quickly
  11. With the Lord's approval, the Israelites slay 3000 men
  12. "As a punishment, the Lord will cause people to eat the flesh of their own sons and daughters and fathers and friends"
  13. Human sacrifice is condoned
  14. Makes Miriam a leper for seven days because she and Aaron had spoken against Moses
  15. Causes the earth to open and swallow up the men and their households (including wives and children) because the men had been rebellious
  16. Moses, following the Lord's command, orders the Israelites to kill all the Midianite male children and "... every woman who has known man ...."
  17. Orders horses to be hamstrung. (Exceedingly cruel.)
  18. Afflicts the Philistines with tumors in their "secret parts,"
  19. Strikes David's child dead for the sin that David has committed
  20. Is praised as the one who trains hands for war and fingers for battle
  21. Judges your life and decides if you spend eternity in the blissful heaven as a reward for following him, or the fiery depths of hell for forsaking him...
    1. Gives man the gift of knowledge
    2. Tries to persue man to leave God (which, after the previous list, seems like the right thing to do)

      So it seems to me God is a power hungry being that tries to control the human race through fear, ignorance, dogma and the promise of heaven or the threat of hell. Satan tries to get us to open our eyes to God's deceit, and live our lives as our own. So who's the good guy and who's the bad guy!?

      I know I'm about to get eaten alive by the christians on this site... Let's try to keep things civil... :eek:
Originally posted by edgar
okay heres the one BIGGEST THING satan did. He led humans into temptation. If it werent for that, we woudl be living in paradise. God also punished the israelilites IF they broke his commandments. He also punished other people for their wickedness twoard other etc., etc.

god has killed tons of people, he is pretty evil too.
Why would he allow evil in his creation, its a pretty shitty thing to do if you ask me.
I think True Wisdom had some good godly points there: god is crap.
The reason god is crap is because man is crap, and man created god to try to explain, well, to explain all the naturally occuring crap that exists in life.

Doom- calm down man, it'll be cool, just go take a midol or something you spazoid


p.s. this poll is crap
OMG THAT IS SUCH BLASPHEMOUS!!!!!(picks up inhaler and takes 20 sleeping pills)

okay first thing, he didnt aprove sacrifices, he tested abraham by seeing if he loved god more. ALl those things god was to punish people for disobeying his commandments. And it wasnt once. God warned the people. He told moses and prophets to warn what would happend if they didnt mend their ways. But they didnt and got punished. And yes, the midinaites and all those tribes in caanaan were warned taht the isrealilites were coming., and god helped them. But they were stubborn adn refused to leave. Once city got saved becasue they heeded the advice. and lo and behold , their city didnt get destroyed. remember, he also warned the pagan nations what wil happend if they didnt repent. the israelilites were also the chosen people. promised to abraham many generations ago. and in the end,144000 of them will preach the gospel at the end times.

and god sent his own son to earth. his son preached, proclaimed the kingdom of heaven and you know what? what innocently murdered, so he could take the burden of sins of the world.

see, it is satan that is spreading lies. he is convicing you to say that god is evil, and he is wicked,and satan is the saviour. he is putting him self in place of christ.

it was becaue of satan that we are debating right now. it's becasue of satan that we murder each other. satan tempts people with promises of superiority, wealth etc. his ultimate goal however is to lead people to hell.
If god is so smart and powerful, why doesn't he just stop bad stuff from happening?
Conversely, Why did that piece of crap let evil into the world in the first place?

because god gave us free will, AND god will put an end to all evil when he finally throws satan and his followers into the pool of fire. then he will wipe away every tear, and who knows after that except for paradise
as i have said, god doesnt murder for the fun of it. he's punishing people after countless warnings. satan drives people to murder.....and with deciet. he deceievs people by telling them it's all right to do certain actions. WHICH causes people to do those evil deeds.
God murders, so he is a sinner, so he is a hypocrite, so he is not infallible, so he doesn't exist.

If he is so omnipotent, why even allow evil into the world in the first place?
