God is on your side in time of war


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
good article:


"Does believing that "God is on our side" make it easier for us to inflict pain and suffering on those perceived to be our enemies? If we think God sanctions violence, are we more likely to engage in violent acts?

The answer to both those questions, according to new research, is a resounding "yes," even among those who do not consider themselves believers."

Edit: Originally I gave the wrong URL, not it has been fixed...
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Your link goes to a page that has nothing to do with war and Gods will on it.

But anyway. Those who fight wars and think they are justified by God are wrong. Jesus gave the will of God and that will is for us to love our enamies, not kill them.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
God does not sanction violence or approve of pain and suffering, but then again fighting in a war for or against your team is not pain or suffering , it is extending you and your culture / nation 's lifespan. If you take it furthur , like concentraion camps and torturing POW's, then that is different. But simple war with nations is not , in my opinion, something God would prown upon.
As I said it before, I'll say it again, god is only a tool, a tool to get masses riled up in some cause, war, burn witches, kill babies, whatever the cause the clergy deems fit to cohorts it's ignorant victims! Only the blind sheeple will follow! how unfortunate that both sides of the conflict seem to think the same! It only proves my point! god is only a tool of manipulation!!
As I said it before, I'll say it again, god is only a tool, a tool to get masses riled up in some cause, war, burn witches, kill babies, whatever the cause the clergy deems fit to cohorts it's ignorant victims! Only the blind sheeple will follow! how unfortunate that both sides of the conflict seem to think the same! It only proves my point! god is only a tool of manipulation!!

Many would argue that they are quite less ignorant than those "godless" . And at least the have someone to follow!
The answer is clear throughout history. It is obvious that wars are more quickly embarked upon and inflicted upon innocents, when the agressors believe in some sort of divine guidance sanctioning the conflict.

Take a look at Dubya...
Sorry, wrong URL, I fixed it...

To make the claim that God is on ones side one must lead people to believe that their opponent is evil. This is the most critical step in getting the heard to stampede. Once the elites have convinced their people that their enemies are evil then all the rest like making people believe God is on their side falls into place.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
As I said it before, I'll say it again, god is only a tool, a tool to get masses riled up in some cause, war, burn witches, kill babies, whatever the cause the clergy deems fit to cohorts it's ignorant victims! Only the blind sheeple will follow! how unfortunate that both sides of the conflict seem to think the same! It only proves my point! god is only a tool of manipulation!!
so in otherwords you are saying that a notion of god that didn't bear a social influence would make it more believable?
so in otherwords you are saying that a notion of god that didn't bear a social influence would make it more believable?

No! what I said is belief in "god" is a tool for manipulation!

That's all. The concept of god would have not spread out without social influence! Humans are a social animal, thus common beliefs of clans, societies, groups, are common and normal. It's troubling though when they try to "force" these common beliefs upon others outside the clan or group, and that has been the basis for most conflicting factions to wage war upon each other.
Have any enemies? and how do you know people are evil?

Where these questions directed to me?

Have any enemies?

I suppose i have a few people who are my enemies, but i am an enemy to no person. People who are against me are really against themselves.

and how do you know people are evil?

Look at the world. Look around you. Most people have no problems with accepting the fact that there is evil and that the evil comes from people.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No! what I said is belief in "god" is a tool for manipulation!

That's all. The concept of god would have not spread out without social influence! Humans are a social animal, thus common beliefs of clans, societies, groups, are common and normal. It's troubling though when they try to "force" these common beliefs upon others outside the clan or group, and that has been the basis for most conflicting factions to wage war upon each other.
Do you realize then that suggesting god bears a social influence says nothing about whether his existence can be disregarded (unless of course you have something more to add to your argument)?
Do you realize then that suggesting god bears a social influence says nothing about whether his existence can be disregarded (unless of course you have something more to add to your argument)?

Do you realize that when one makes a claim, they have to provide evidence for it? "Where's your evidence of god?"

What more can be said LG? Dig your nose out of the Vedas or what not and read some history, you'll realize a pattern, war mongers using religion to motivate the masses, hell kid it's still going on today! DHOA!
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Do you realize that when one makes a claim, they have to provide evidence for it? "Where's your evidence of god?"
which brings us back to the issue of whether evidence can be addressed without qualification - I could ask you whether you realize this but as is quite clear from your previous posts, you don't .....

What more can be said LG? Dig your nose out of the Vedas or what not and read some history, you'll realize a pattern, war mongers using religion to motivate the masses, hell kid it's still going on today! DHOA!
and if you go a bit deeper into history you will also notice a greater pattern - namely that war mongers capitalize on powerful social forces to meet their desires, and lo and behold, religion happens to be one of them (DHOA!)

that aside, saying that because religion bears a social influence it is false is ridiculous since religion that didn't bear a social influence would be ten times more absurd (or maybe you are alluding to something truly esoteric, like religion should neither bear nor not bear a social influence to be deemed truly acceptable)
which brings us back to the issue of whether evidence can be addressed without qualification

Can you kindly provide evidence that YOU!! are qualified?

and if you go a bit deeper into history you will also notice a greater pattern - namely that war mongers capitalize on powerful social forces to meet their desires, and lo and behold, religion happens to be one of them (DHOA!)

Actually that's a canard, they USED religion to obtain that power! DHOA!

that aside, saying that because religion bears a social influence it is false is ridiculous since religion that didn't bear a social influence would be ten times more absurd (or maybe you are alluding to something truly esoteric, like religion should neither bear nor not bear a social influence to be deemed truly acceptable)

Actually ignorant masses fell for the BS, long ago, since then they started "FORCING" their ideological bullshit, and those who didn't comply either were banned from the clan, or killed, burned, etc..some complied to only save their hide, i.e. Jews who converted to Catholicism but maintained secretly their Jewish religion, that's just one example of how many individuals may have been secular but lied in order to save their skin..Closet atheists..

What is unfortunately however is the masses of deluded individuals still fall for the same bullshit till today, when preachers, churches, politicians still use religious ideologies to manipulated, cohort and live off the backs of individuals such as your self! :shrug: