God is Love!

Re: Re: God is Love

GB-Trans-whatever wrote:
I declare you officially a TROLL (hands certificate that reads as follows:


and a person who feels the need to constantly post messages stating why THEIR religion MUST be right.

So... we aint friends anymore? You are all going to attach an epithet to me ("troll") in the hopes that it will make me go away? Hmmm... what next? Do I have to wear a star of david on my chest? Typical irrational behavior from a bunch of people who think rejecting every form of morality is beneficial. "Let's be mean to it and it'll go away!!!" And you call ME a moron?

Speaking of name-calling... name-calling is the last resort of the loser of the debate! So far I've been called: moron, a**hole, Troll, idiot, and other things worse than that. Well, I must be doing something right for you all to abandon reason and resort to ad hominem attacks. Have I called any of you vicious names? I don't mind you saying that I'm wrong, or misguided, or that sort of thing, but "Go to Hell", and "F***ing bitch", etc. Is that the same mouth you kiss your mother with? Gee...

GB-Trans-whatever wrote:
Gee bud, I hope you go to fucking hell, best friend! :)

You're sure sending me mixed messages, fucking bitch. I love you with all my heart, asshole :)

Bravo! Excellent GB-Trans-whatever... you are clearly a collosus at debating issues. Stick to those main points! Great. Wait, are you mad at me? Does this mean I'm not on your Christmas list anymore? (shedding one solitary tear)

Your pal,

Originally posted by Zero
Is it just me, or does Ekimlaw seem to throw out some random proselytizing threads and then forget them/cop out on them??

Is it just me????:confused:

Don't be confused Zero. You are one of the ones who's posts I enjoy reading because as far as I've seen you don't sink to the level of ad hominem attacks and such. You present your case and seem to be level headed. Thanks for that.

Others like Avatar, GB-Trans-whatever, Adam, Tyler, Xev, and even Cris, resort to name-calling. You and Raithere are a breath of fresh air. You are thoughtful atheists. I respect your views and your opinions. But Avatar, GB-Trans-whatever, Adam, and Xev, to me are eventually a waste of time. They seem so immature. I'd really hoped it would be different here.

For the record, I am not really "proselytizing", I am presenting my strongly held beliefs. (This is a discussion forum about religion right? Not the lack thereof?) I have said over and over that you are free to reject what I believe. No problem. But I can't sit idly by and watch people who display a profound ignorance of the truth blindly slash at my beliefs.

To be honest I have written and responded to SO many posts, I forget where I left off. I'm not copping out.

Take it easy Zero,

Ya. Ekimlaw might be called a troll, but he is a smart troll (like one of those scary "ice trolls" you sometimes see in Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, they are generally troll leaders and are extrEMEly intelligent, but still trolls :D).

I like how you don't swear or anything, but I get the sad feelingn that you don't treat non christians (or non jews, now I'm confused what you are) as your equals. I smell it in your posts.
And you should have seen tiassa's barrages at me, I typically abstain from swearing and that has somewhat strengthened my resolve. Besides, swearing never gets you anywhere and will only put extra stains and smudges in your image.

But, once I swear I never regret it. When I do, I swear for a reason. And I had a reason.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
Also, I've noticed your lack of a reply to my latest Stan and Mitch analogy...!

Here is my reply to your stan and mitch analogy:

It is flawed based on your preconcieved notions about how God should be (but isn't).

You are like the guy who talks like he knows everything about the military, but has NEVER served in the armed forces.

I liked you at first. GB-Whatever..., Gee, you sure taught me.

Your pally wally (trolling),

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

Here is my reply to your stan and mitch analogy:

It is flawed based on your preconcieved notions about how God should be (but isn't).

You are like the guy who talks like he knows everything about the military, but has NEVER served in the armed forces.

I liked you at first. GB-Whatever..., Gee, you sure taught me.

Your pally wally (trolling),


Err... what preconcieved notions of God? I'm just stating that Christianity contradicts itself. If God=Love, then God wouldn't let anybody go to hell. He'd let them sin, sure, perhaps he'd let them kill each other and die horrible, painful, yucky deaths to preserve their free will, but he most CERTAINLY would NOT let people go to hell. In fact, there wouldn't BE a hell, and if there was nobody would ever go there.


If there is a hell and everything you say of God is true, He should be roasting his evil little hiney in there right now.

The Stan and Mitch analogy #2:

The reasoning behind this analogy is:

God tells us not to sin or we will go to hell (or at least that's what the Bible says. there are other religious books that tell us otherwise, many of them just as old or even older, but...), but when we DO sin, it is HE HIMSELF WHO SENDS US TO HELL. THIS ISN'T A TIMEOUT, IT'S ETERNAL SUFFERING! INFINITE MISERY! ANYBODY THAT LOVED ANYBODY ELSE WOULD NEVER SEND THEM TO HELL, NO MATTER WHAT, NO MATTER HOW BADLY THEY HAD SINNED OR WHATEVER.
Ekimklaw, thanks for the complement.

A couple of quick thoughts here:

You better believe it. This is your wake-up call.

It's better if you refrain from comments like this. While some of your other commentary seems to indicate a sincere desire to communicate, comments like this will cause people who differ from you beliefs to slam the door on you instantly. Not to mention the shit-storm that will come your way. Get your point across otherwise; the strength of you conviction is better evinced by a consistent and solid argument than with inflammatory remarks.

because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy

Many Atheists have studied the Bible and come up with the following paradox: The notion that God is good, loving, and merciful does not fit with: 1) Many of his actions as depicted in the Bible. 2) The notion of punishing someone for eternity because of some transgression.

Your response included:

To get to Heaven we must do what God wants us to do. Plain and simple. Heaven is the abode of God. We can all go to Heaven. God has told us how (through belief in Jesus Christ). It is up to us to accept or reject it. Unlike angels, God demands faith of humans.

But this begs the question, you are simply stating that this is way it is. The response belies some further problems:

1) Why does God demand faith, why doesn't he demonstrate his existence more clearly?
2) Even if punishing someone for their errors is a loving thing to do is it loving to continue punishing them forever? Wouldn't it be more loving and merciful to gently teach someone why they are wrong?

Re: Re: Re: God is Love!

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
As for Allah being the same God as the Christian God... some will claim this, but I reject it on solid grounds which I do not choose to persue here (that's another post).

Hi Ekimlaw, I like your debating style.

I think you should start a thread relating to the above topic, and the Christian veiw of eastern religions.

Do you ever get bored of this type of debate?


Jan Ardena.
Re: Re: Re: God is Love!

Originally posted by Ekimklaw
As for Allah being the same God as the Christian God... some will claim this, but I reject it on solid grounds which I do not choose to persue here (that's another post).

Hi Ekimlaw, I like your debating style.

I think you should start a thread relating to the above topic, and the Christian veiw of eastern religions.

Do you ever get bored of this type of debate?

Just curious. :)


Jan Ardena.