God is in us


Spokesman for the obvious
Registered Senior Member
God is in us...Not above us.
The devil is in us....not below us.
It is up to us....to choose what god sees through our eyes.
God is an energy of will. The butterfly effect..
What I do effects what the world sees.
And therefore I am god in a way.
You are god in a way.
And so is every force of will.
Even the will of that which came first.
"God is in us...Not above us."
Been hearing that for years.

"The devil is in us....not below us."
That too.

"It is up to us....to choose what god sees through our eyes."
*watches a porno*

"What I do effects what the world sees."
You mean 'affects'?

"God is an energy of will. The butterfly effect.."
What do these two have to do with each other?

"And therefore I am god in a way."
But not in a sacreligious way.

"You are god in a way."
In a sacreligious way.

"And so is every force of will.
Even the will of that which came first."
God's inside of me?????

I feel so........so dirty. :(

Actualy I get what hes saying, interesting.
God is not in us. not intill we invite him into our lives. WE are not gods.And we can not command things to happen. we do know right from wrong (Good and Evil).but thats it. So play nice its a small sandbox. ;)
God is in us – a creation of our minds.
The devil is in us – our lame excuse for our mistakes.
It is up to us – to choose to think for ourselves.
God is the energy of false hope.
What I do affects what the world sees.
And therefore I am part of the power of humanity.
You are your own best hope.
Your will is your empowerment.
What happens next is up to us – there is nothing else.

"Only the fool says in his heart: There is no god -- The wise says it to the world"

Active8 said:
God is in us...Not above us.
Agree, God is always with us, but we don't always see that.

The devil is in us....not below us.
Not true. There is no devil. All there is, is God. Devils are made up by our fears.

It is up to us....to choose what god sees through our eyes.
We are God experienced, we are God's body. What we experience, God experience.

God is an energy of will. The butterfly effect..
God is the energy, God is everything there is.

What I do effects what the world sees.
We are all connected.

And therefore I am god in a way.
Didn't god said: "Ye are Gods"? We are God, we just don't think we are, because we imagined we are separated from God.

You are god in a way.
You are God (not in a way), but you are. Again, you just don't think you are.

And so is every force of will.
Everything is God, we cannot not be God, this is what we are.

Even the will of that which came first.[/QUOTE]
God created us from God itself, but we are never separated from the creater.
Are you so sure?..

Agree, God is always with us, but we don't always see that.

Were exactly is he? I have few things to say!.

Not true. There is no devil. All there is, is God. Devils are made up by our fears.

Fears of what?. N all is not good, unless you see the good in killing, rape, war, natural disasters that wipe thounsands, Is this all good according to your benevolent Jackass in the sky?. :bugeye:

We are God experienced, we are God's body. What we experience, God experience

Ahh!! no wonder the Catholic priest are pedophiles, god experiences it with them!.
God is the energy, God is everything there is.

What energy? I'm paying a high bill for my electricity, can you please ask him to run my apartment's electricity even if they put out the lights?..

We are all connected.

To what exactly?. :eek:

"The biggest cause of trouble in the world today is that the stupid people are so sure about things and the intelligent folks are so full of doubts."

"A good world needs knowledge, kindliness, and courage; it does not need a regretful hankering after the past or a fettering of the free intelligence by the word uttered long ago by ignorant men. It needs a fearless outlook and a free intelligence."

"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom."

-- Bertrand Russell

"Our ignorance is God; what we know is science." --- Robert Ingersoll

"Imagine the ego of the human race, to consider themselves so grand, as to warrant a creator worthy of praise.
-- Robert Brunswick Jr. -- "

"There once was a time when all people believed in God and the church ruled. This time was called the Dark Ages." --- Richard Lederer, Anguished English

"It is said that men may not be the dreams of the Gods, but rather that the Gods are the dreams of men."

"Man created God in his own image."

Wow! is this your's originally?
("It is said that men may not be the dreams of the Gods, but rather that the Gods are the dreams of men."

"Man created God in his own image.")

I have an original one of my own however it is not so eloquent.

"Don't pray for solutions, solve your own problems"
Julio. AKA Godless.
Hevene said:
Agree, God is always with us, but we don't always see that.

Not true. There is no devil. All there is, is God. Devils are made up by our fears.

We are God experienced, we are God's body. What we experience, God experience.

God is the energy, God is everything there is.

We are all connected.

Didn't god said: "Ye are Gods"? We are God, we just don't think we are, because we imagined we are separated from God.

You are God (not in a way), but you are. Again, you just don't think you are.

Everything is God, we cannot not be God, this is what we are.

Even the will of that which came first.

God created us from God itself, but we are never separated from the creater.[/QUOTE]
M*W: I can't believe you are so intune with the positive force which is God! I could have written this myself!

You know, what gets me is that Christians separate themselves from God because they believe they are sinful and unworthy. How could they be created by God and be one with God if they are so unworthy? This justifies their need for a savior. They totally miss the point of their existence. If Christianity isn't the antichrist, then there is no antichrist.
You know, what gets me is that Christians separate themselves from God because they believe they are sinful and unworthy. How could they be created by God and be one with God if they are so unworthy?
Your contradicting what you said above about their being no separation. It seems to me that you believe that Christians are partially separated. If something or someone is partially separated, then surely this implies that full separation is possible, for otherwise no part of them could separated to begin with.

This justifies their need for a savior. They totally miss the point of their existence. If Christianity isn't the antichrist, then there is no antichrist.
So you trust no one and doubt everything?
Not true. There is no devil. All there is, is God. Devils are made up by our fears.
Is fear caused by God or the abstinence of God?

Didn't god said: "Ye are Gods"? We are God, we just don't think we are, because we imagined we are separated from God.
God never claimed that the judges were Yahweh, but rather he calls them gods(probably <a href="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05393a.htm">Elohim</a> in Hebrew) The term itself refers to judging. Before Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, the Serpent said, "ye shall be like gods knowing good and evil". Thus, knowledge of good and evil, the ability to judge, was to seen as godlike. To carry this analogy further, God calls the judges gods. It is, in fact, similar to how God appoints Moses to be the god of Aaron.
Medicine Woman
I agree with you and it is not a surprise that millions of people all over the world have similar thoughts, we are connected, we are one.

I think, many Christians did not choose to be Christians because they wanted to, but rather as a tradition in their family. They, from a child, were taught the specific way to think, say and act. They never truly listened to themselves.
Medicine Woman meant even though there is no separation, but people can made-believe there is one from their belief systems. If God is all powerful, why and how can God create something that is not perfect? Can't you see that everyone is perfection? Everything we had experienced, is experiencing and will experience is happening with perfection.

Is fear caused by God or the abstinence of God?
Fear is not God, it is created by us - the smaller part of God when we feel separated. If you know there is an all powerful force with you at all time, would you fear anything?

"ye shall be like gods knowing good and evil". Thus, knowledge of good and evil, the ability to judge, was to seen as godlike.
I don't know much about religion, but just want to point out here, knowing cannot exist with judgements. Judgements are produced by your ego, knowing is without ego, it is an observation of what is so. Judgements is the statement "So what?" after an observation. God knows good and evil for the two has to exist in the relative world, to allow itself to experience who god is. However, God does not judge. It is our misinterpretation and many misinterpretations exist.
Yes, I am sure. I can understand your point of view, I was there once as well.

Were exactly is he? I have few things to say!.
He is everywhere, in the trees, in the books, in the water, the air, the people you see next, the computer in front of you. There is nowhere God is not at.

Fears of what?
Fears of separation. We have forgotten we are one with God.

What energy?
God is the energy that created everything.

I said: We are all connected.
You asked: To what exactly?
To everything else.

I am not here to debate with you, just putting forward my understandings. (A few months ago, I didn't believe in God at all, just like you, however I'm still not religious). It is up to you how to act to it. Whether you choose a positive reponse or a negative one, it will define who you are.

"Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom."
-- Bertrand Russell
An excellent quote. Let the wisdom shine through. (though with a different interpretation)

In love and light
Bertrand Russel was also an athiest.

Good book, that I read was "Why I'm Not A Christian", When one makes extrordinary claims, no matter whom it is, it is always a debate.

Energy is everywhere, even energy that humans have learnt to produce, though that's not god, it is only enery, the god that theists claim, is everything and yet, still haven't shown any emperical proofs, of such notions.

I've been an atheist for 22 years, I'm not changing, I live in pease, and I also fight for you to believe, what ever that is you want to belive. That is just your prerogative, however a forum such as this, is a place of learning.

What made you change your mind H.?

People change their minds usually through some tragedy, they either become athiest out of hate, or dissilusioned with religious dogma, and some that profess athiesm or *agnosticism. "which is not a stand at all" change their minds back to religious dogma.

okinrus said:
Is fear caused by God or the abstinence of God?

God is not within us, our conscious is. Our conscious knows many fears, none of them is worthy but the fear of god...but as you have put it above, fear is not a desirable feeling...It's a confusing state, so we block our fear of god and other things and Walla, we can sleep better. The devil utilizes the fear factor as well, but he is easy to spot and easy to satisfy. For example, the devil will tell you, be a hypocrite toward your boss, or he may fire you if you are truthfull. The devil tells you to lie and cheat because it's really scary if the truth is exposed. I know the devil is talking to me whenever I sweat because I did something bold that may cost me my job, or worry about being poor, ect. The devil tempts us with material things and will instill fear in us , god doesn't do that.

No fear is worthy but the fear of god. The fear of god is the mobilization of every good within man. But it's a climbing steep path againest ones own fears and it's a freeing force from the worldy turbulances. The fear of god is the only fear that frees us, it's so powerfull, that while one is fearing god, the one doesn't even feel bodily injuries, ect....Fear of god is a grounding force provides scerenity and peace...and who thought that fear can ever provide peace?