God is Homosexual.

On a more serious note, as serious as relegion can ever come, if Goid is every where, then is he watching you have a wank, have sex with your girlfriend, or even boyfriend, or even have pleasure in watching you have a shower>?

If God is everywhere, God is participating in all those acts. To watch something you need a minimal distance from it.
or celestial binoculars at greater distances, As in says in the good book:" Watch ye and wait ....

Islam, God possesses neither gender nor physical form and has no children. Islam teaches that its God is the same God worshiped by the members of other Abrahamic religions such as Christianity and Judaism. Islam puts a heavy influence on the monotheistic qualities of God, as asserted by the shahadah. Furthermore, God is conceptualized as strictly singular (tawhid).

Allah is considered the proper name of God used by Arabic speakers, irrespective of their religion. Many Arabic speakers of all faiths, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, use the word Allah to refer to their own conceptions of God. Similarly, words used in Aramaic such as Elah or in Hebrew such as Eloh are similar to Allah, meaning "the deity".
Amazing to think that Allah gives a shit if you don't address him properly. Pestilence and war can take a back seat.
Amazing to think that Allah gives a shit if you don't address him properly. Pestilence and war can take a back seat.

Pestilence and war are the result of failing to address the Most High in an appropriate manner. I thought that was common knowledge.
If you think of God as a perfect complete being, then he can't have any desires because desire implies imperfection, lack of something. He also can't be a male or female because that would mean that "he" is incomplete, because males and females are two halves of the wholeness.

God is love itself (or its cause/source). He doesn't love anybody, but everybody loves him and tries to reach what he is. God is the unification of two opposites.

That we created humans in our image just means that they have creative powers, unlike the beasts.

If he takes a human or animal form, then he can have. But... we don't really have bodies, rather, the bodies are inside us (our consciousness).

Ok, it's clear you want to remain accurate with scripture -- so if this is the case, you would be wrong when you said God is neither female or male. In Genesis 1:27,

''So God created man in his own image, in the imagage of God he created 'them', [male and female] he created them.''

So what's this implying if God's image isn't both male and female?
So what's this implying if God's image isn't both male and female?

being both male and female means to be neither. it's the same thing, because the unification of two opposites annihilates both and leaves nothing that is everything: the true self.
Ok, it's clear you want to remain accurate with scripture -- so if this is the case, you would be wrong when you said God is neither female or male. In Genesis 1:27,

''So God created man in his own image, in the imagage of God he created 'them', [male and female] he created them.''

So what's this implying if God's image isn't both male and female?
The Christian god isn't a homosexual. Maybe bisexual. Afterall, he raped Mary. Some type of hocus pocus or date dug and got her pregnant.
If you think of God as a perfect complete being, then he can't have any desires because desire implies imperfection, lack of something.

Yorda why then create? Why did your god create if he had no desire? Supposedly your god has no desire, but an action no matter what action requires that one desire, to have something that they don't! So god created! It's obvious then that god did desire! So therefore, your god is imperfect, for he desired to create, something out of nothing, to exist! Then for some wild ass reason he created worshipers, created humans so that he be worshiped! Do you see the flaw of your logic? God created, cause he desired to have something, then he further created conscious humans to worship him, and what he created!

Your god is imperfect for desiring to have something, and furthermore he's full of himself for creating humans to worship his sorry ass!!
Godless said:
Yorda why then create? Why did your god create if he had no desire? Supposedly your god has no desire, but an action no matter what action requires that one desire, to have something that they don't! So god created!

Plants and planets do actions. If action is not possible without desire, they must have desires. Right?

Your god is imperfect for desiring to have something, and furthermore he's full of himself for creating humans to worship his sorry ass!!

God is omnipresent, which means that we are also parts of God. We are God, yet we are imperfect, we have desire and we worship God (our self). Imperfection is not less perfect than perfection.

It's always entertaining to watch speculation about the behavior of a life form which doesn't exist. Your 'God' dictated a few words in his holy book stating that the act of homosexuality is a sin. It is also quite evident that 'God' hates sin. Ergo, you (Reiku) are going to hell when you die and will be horrifically tortured for all eternity... intense pain and suffering beyond your imagination... and never a moments rest.