God is Homosexual.

LOL....Why not. It is just as reasonable to assume He is, surrounding Himself with bunch of halo boys.
God has a sexual orientation? By this, you're implying God has a gender.

Are you sure the "God" you speak of isn't really just a human?
Well, the way i see it, is that nothing is past or beyond his desires understanding. If that be true, then neither is the love of a man for a man. Or a woman for a woman.

Ddoes God wish for his own desires to be fully-achieved? Does he desire any desires which come about through nature, naturally>? Isn't, or shouldn't he be natural in such a way>?

And why is it natural?? Simply because many species have homosexual creatures. Straight, or the word ''straight'' can only be compaired with the a frequency in hormones. If there is a disbalance in the hormones, or some type of genetic mistake, then the mistake is no more allowed than what is concerned as the norm, since the leading bible bashers proclaim that Gid is in all-control. If he is, then he must to some extent promote homosexual activities.

Here is another thought. Is it not better to love than not love at all?
Kadak... God can have a gender, if one allows to understand that we where created in his image. What image?

Does he have a penis? does he have a set of tits?
Hey, this sounds like the "finish my sexual religious fetish obsessed scentence" thread.
I call for a merge.
On the contrary... God concerns every one... even those who entertain the Giant Spaghetti Mosnter God. But hey, this is about orientation. If GOD DID NOT KNOW how a woman felt towards a man, how did he achieve the process? He must understand the feelings towards men, as much as he does towards a woman yes?
Sorry to bust your bubble but if He made a woman then you could argue He knows a lot more than just about dicks. Maybe He's bi.
Well yeh... he is defo bio...

No doubto -- but i tell you something. He is both. He is not one-sided, in the sense he like a good-old clit over a fat penis.

He has no earthly desires, the priest will say, and yet he involves himself in earthly elements like blood rushing to the penis, or hormones making their way into the femail head... none of these things are alien.
Who says Satan, or his more proper name before the fall of, Lucifer didn't give God a blowjob, did it bad, and so went the fable?
Ddoes God wish for his own desires to be fully-achieved?

If you think of God as a perfect complete being, then he can't have any desires because desire implies imperfection, lack of something. He also can't be a male or female because that would mean that "he" is incomplete, because males and females are two halves of the wholeness.

Is it not better to love than not love at all?

God is love itself (or its cause/source). He doesn't love anybody, but everybody loves him and tries to reach what he is. God is the unification of two opposites.

Kadak... God can have a gender, if one allows to understand that we where created in his image. What image?

That we created humans in our image just means that they have creative powers, unlike the beasts.

Does he have a penis? does he have a set of tits?

If he takes a human or animal form, then he can have. But... we don't really have bodies, rather, the bodies are inside us (our consciousness).
Who says Satan, or his more proper name before the fall of, Lucifer didn't give God a blowjob, did it bad, and so went the fable?

Or like you said He does it better.

A&E ran around naked and were told to be fruit(ful).

This thread's probably on the brink of extinction but it provided some giggles.
Yes, as soon as God realized he as a homo, he took his spiritual leich and hung himeself...

... but then again, he couldn't exactly die, could he?

On a more serious note, as serious as relegion can ever come, if Goid is every where, then is he watching you have a wank, have sex with your girlfriend, or even boyfriend, or even have pleasure in watching you have a shower>?