God is "dead"

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Valued Senior Member
God is dead, he is fictitious, fake!
No such thing called God that really exists,
if he is true, why not he shows up himself?
An omnipotent God can show himself to be true in many ways, we do not need to teach him,
but he simply could not, therefore he is fake.
God is dead, he is fictitious, fake!
No such thing called God that really exists,
if he is true, why not he shows up himself?
An omnipotent God can show himself to be true in many ways, we do not need to teach him,
but he simply could not, therefore he is fake.

He will appear for you specially.
Definitively your god is dead.

NOTE JAMES R. Here one of your apostols is preaching atheism.
NOTE JAMES R. Here one of your apostols is preaching atheism.
This is a place of science. Religion is antiscience so it receives no respect here. Neither do people who proselytize religion.

Get used to it. We maintain a "Religion" subforum so we can always find something stupid to laugh at. This is the way your posts will always be received.

If you want to spout your supernaturalist bullshit on the internet, find somewhere else to do it. You're not welcome here, except to be treated as a clown.

And by the way, the word is spelled "apostle."
God is dead, he is fictitious, fake!
No such thing called God that really exists,
if he is true, why not he shows up himself?
An omnipotent God can show himself to be true in many ways, we do not need to teach him,
but he simply could not, therefore he is fake.

A god could not show himself without removing the free will to choose. As long as doubt remains, freedom of choice exists, but if a god's existence is as sure as the chair you sit in, there is no choice (aside from insanity).

Those who do believe a god exists do find it to be shown true in many ways, just not provable since that excludes sane choice. Obviously you have already chosen, but that choice has no bearing on its possible existence unless you assert some sort of solipsistic "reality" is all in the mind worldview.
This is a place of science. Religion is antiscience so it receives no respect here. Neither do people who proselytize religion.

Get used to it. We maintain a "Religion" subforum so we can always find something stupid to laugh at. This is the way your posts will always be received.

If you want to spout your supernaturalist bullshit on the internet, find somewhere else to do it. You're not welcome here, except to be treated as a clown.

And by the way, the word is spelled "apostle."

Look I don't want to insult you , because you are not worth . If you can not see what have taken place and what you just posted . 0.0000000000 1
Religion is antiscience so it receives no respect here.

classic case of false dichotomy for justifying personal bigotry ...

Tons of individuals who are openly religious while simultaneously having credible professions in the scientific field.
No doubt you will ignore this fact in order to focus on a minority who aren't credible for the sake of sustaining your irrational hatred.
This is a place of science. Religion is antiscience so it receives no respect here. Neither do people who proselytize religion.

Get used to it. We maintain a "Religion" subforum so we can always find something stupid to laugh at. This is the way your posts will always be received.

If you want to spout your supernaturalist bullshit on the internet, find somewhere else to do it. You're not welcome here, except to be treated as a clown.

And by the way, the word is spelled "apostle."

Fraggle Rocker, "we" - you used it twice in chastising arauca and his beliefs.

By your use of "we" - are you claiming to speak for all of the Mods/Admins at SciForums?

Just by your Posting - "We maintain a "Religion" subforum so we can always find something stupid to laugh at." - you would lead me to believe that you are worthy of "no respect" and also should not expect anything " except to be treated as a clown."!

Fraggle Rocker, this "we" that you speak for would seem to be nothing more than a disgusting elitist group of...sheople...I could have used any number of other "Low-Life Descriptors"...but it would only have denigrated things that are obviously superior to your ilk!!!

Fraggle Rocker, If you honestly speak for ALL THE MODS/ADMINS, then think very seriously about what you Posted.

Fraggle Rocker, I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to your response to this Post!!!
if he is true, why not he shows up himself?
Depends on the exact concept at play in the argument. You mention below the three-omni type, which implies the classical monotheistic god. But that is far from the only conception, and its limitations do not necessarily work for all of them.

Religion is antiscience
Unfair generalisation. I know of plenty that are not, mine included.

If God is dead, then morality is dead, because God is the personification of morality.
Surely you're joking? Why would human codes of conduct have any bearing of that which is clearly super-human?
God is dead, he is fictitious, fake!
No such thing called God that really exists,
if he is true, why not he shows up himself?
An omnipotent God can show himself to be true in many ways, we do not need to teach him,
but he simply could not, therefore he is fake.

Oh, another one in your long series of threads of this same kind ...
This is a place of science. Religion is antiscience so it receives no respect here. Neither do people who proselytize religion.

Get used to it. We maintain a "Religion" subforum so we can always find something stupid to laugh at. This is the way your posts will always be received.

If you want to spout your supernaturalist bullshit on the internet, find somewhere else to do it. You're not welcome here, except to be treated as a clown.

A true example of superior morality you are!
We are so exalted to be in your presence!

Your hatred and contempt are better than anyone else' s hatred and contempt because ... they are _your_ hatred and contempt!
What do we have to justify ourselves to ants. Ants have no idea of humans, but we do not have to justify ourselves to them. But we could do plenty to them, although they have no idea we are here.

Stop thinking humans are the greatest thing in the universe, they are not. Humans have a very limited perception.
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NOTE JAMES R. Here one of your apostols is preaching atheism.

Saint's opinions are his own to express. They have nothing to do with me.

And, in case you have a misconception, I don't give a damn whether you're a Christian, a Buddhist, a Zoroastrian, a Zaruba practitioner, or an atheist. I have no interest in trying to convert you to anything.

You, on the other hand, seem profoundly worried that some other people don't believe exactly what you believe. I imagine that if you had the power to ban all atheists on this site you would do so. And yet, you are still here, acting as a poor role model for Christians everywhere. Go figure.


This is a place of science. Religion is antiscience so it receives no respect here.

Speak for yourself.

I have a certain amount of respect for various aspects of various religions. Also, to the extent that it is possible, I try to keep my respect or lack thereof of people separate from my respect or lack thereof of their particular beliefs.

We have two Religion forums here. If it were true that we had no respect for religion here, it would probably be best to delete those forums completely and dedicate this site solely to science, politics, arts etc. Unless the aim was simply to point and laugh at religious people, or something similar.

Neither do people who proselytize religion.

We have rules against that. One possible justification for that, I think, is that so often the kind of proselytisation we get from believers is of such poor quality. I could do and have done a better job defending religion than most of the believers here.

Get used to it. We maintain a "Religion" subforum so we can always find something stupid to laugh at.

Again, count me out of that "we". I would like to think the Religion forum is valuable for a number of reasons other than that.


If God is dead, then morality is dead, because God is the personification of morality.

That's a common error.

Saint's opinions are his own to express. They have nothing to do with me.

And, in case you have a misconception, I don't give a damn whether you're a Christian, a Buddhist, a Zoroastrian, a Zaruba practitioner, or an atheist. I have no interest in trying to convert you to anything.

You, on the other hand, seem profoundly worried that some other people don't believe exactly what you believe. I imagine that if you had the power to ban all atheists on this site you would do so. And yet, you are still here, acting as a poor role model for Christians everywhere. Go figure.


You are as wrong as day and night . You are as phoney as a $ 3. bill. Action speak louder the your justification, and that is what you have shown.
You are as wrong as day and night . You are as phoney as a $ 3. bill. Action speak louder the your justification, and that is what you have shown.

arauca, when you choose to rant, that is YOUR ACTION. It is not proper to wield a weapon, only to complain when your chosen opponent uses that same weapon in retaliation.

arauca, when you point one accusing finger at someone, you do realize that you are pointing three of your own fingers back at yourself while maintaining that action, do you not?

I do not know what Bible or Book you claim to follow. You are, however, welcome to Post the Passages in said Bible or Book, where it states that name calling and accusations are the chosen method of showing your faith and walking in the Path of whatever Deity you claim to represent.
Whats funny is all these poeple claiming humans know it all.

Science can only go so far, and then it becomes all based on faith, with no science behind it. Quantum physics is just another religion, but they call it that to put people off questioning it. Humans can only go so far with science, and when it gets too small to observe, everything just turns into faith, like any religion.

So stop claiming that science knows all they do not, and never will. Quantum physics has virtually nout to do anything scientific, its just another religion, but this time one from people whom claim they understand it, lol, like we have not heard that from all religions before.

Humans only know as much as there perception allows, beyond that and most of reality is beyond that, its all faith.

So science will never prove anything beyond a certain point, so stop with these threads. Beyond a certain point science turns into a religion, how ironic is that?
arauca, when you choose to rant, that is YOUR ACTION. It is not proper to wield a weapon, only to complain when your chosen opponent uses that same weapon in retaliation.

arauca, when you point one accusing finger at someone, you do realize that you are pointing three of your own fingers back at yourself while maintaining that action, do you not?

I do not know what Bible or Book you claim to follow. You are, however, welcome to Post the Passages in said Bible or Book, where it states that name calling and accusations are the chosen method of showing your faith and walking in the Path of whatever Deity you claim to represent.

I am not sure if you know what I am complaining . I am sure James R knows, It is right to point out to the person of its action . Same as you are doing it to me in your third paragraph. It is also wrong to keep our mouth shot when unfairness is taking place.
If God is dead, then morality is dead, because God is the personification of morality.
Only in your culture. Obviously there are other cultures that are also moral. Simply because without morality there is no culture or society.
Whats funny is all these poeple claiming humans know it all.

Science can only go so far, and then it becomes all based on faith, with no science behind it. Quantum physics is just another religion, but they call it that to put people off questioning it. Humans can only go so far with science, and when it gets too small to observe, everything just turns into faith, like any religion.

So stop claiming that science knows all they do not, and never will. Quantum physics has virtually nout to do anything scientific, its just another religion, but this time one from people whom claim they understand it, lol, like we have not heard that from all religions before.

Humans only know as much as there perception allows, beyond that and most of reality is beyond that, its all faith.

So science will never prove anything beyond a certain point, so stop with these threads. Beyond a certain point science turns into a religion, how ironic is that?
Humans can extend their perception with instruments. Science also makes a clear distinction between what is supported by evidence and what is just an educated guess. Many aspects of quantum physics are certainly science. Computers based on quantum principles have already been built.
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