God is absent in nature


Originally Posted by lightgigantic
it's kind of strange the way how you flip between "there's no evidence for that" when issues of logic arise and "that's not rational" for issues of evidence

It's what I do when someone pulls something from their ass... 'karma', 'soul', etc.
Your statement doesn't smell like roses either btw ...

just as well because I can't understand that question
(“before eternal life” - ???)

Ah yes, because only our body dies, and not our personalities.
something like that

it's integral however to avoiding wanton pain

That's not good enough. People die under excessive pain and suffering they could have done nothing to prevent.
hence there is recourse to a type of intelligence that puts an end material life and its inherent shortcomings

SB 1.2.6 The supreme occupation [dharma] for all humanity is that by which men can attain to loving devotional service unto the transcendent Lord. Such devotional service must be unmotivated and uninterrupted to completely satisfy the self.

CC mad 24.29 Causeless devotional service is unmotivated by sense enjoyment, perfection or liberation.

etc etc

So the eternal bliss or the 72 virgins or whatever has nothing to do with it?
obviously not
Come on, the only reason why religion is so popular worldwide is precisely because it is fanciful.
I would agree that religious masses do have a tendency to water down teachings with predictable results

then I guess you have no alternative but to find shelter in wealth, adoration, distinction or vitality that this body can muster
good luck

What's wrong with that? I put it to you that I get all the kicks a religious nut gets, but without the tomfoolery of religious delusion.
everything will be tested at the time of death
God cannot be absent from Nature, although we can't, and we won't find God with our science or logic, we assign Nature some "existence", or we personalise the environment - even scientists do, though they try hard - so the question sort of revolves around itself.