God is a crutch for the weak minded


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I'm sure this will start WWIII on this forum, but here goes:

People who need a god to believe in are not able to face life on their own. Their comfort zone lies beyond reality.

Believing in the god of whatever religion one is addicted to, is like the self-medicating druggie who cannot stop his illegal substance abuse. He seeks it with a passion that he knows he cannot control. One more hit and everything will be good again. It never ends.

Religion is an addiction. It's a crutch. Talk about those who are inside the box who refuse or who are afraid to venture outside the box find comfort being within certain boundaries even if they are not real. It's those who live outside those boundaries who can see the futility of those who choose to remain closed-up within. Those inside the box are afraid to go outside. Those who have made it outside the box, never go back in.
Those inside the box are afraid to go outside. Those who have made it outside the box, never go back in.

And that is a very big problem because they keep telling their offspring that their beliefs are the only beliefs.
MW, it goes deeper than that. It begins with childhood indoctrination, which starts the process of brainwashing from childhood, how they must struggle with reason and rationale being stripped from their psyches, and replaced with horror stories of hellfire and brimstone.
M*W: I'm sure this will start WWIII on this forum, but here goes:

People who need a god to believe in are not able to face life on their own. Their comfort zone lies beyond reality.

Believing in the god of whatever religion one is addicted to, is like the self-medicating druggie who cannot stop his illegal substance abuse. He seeks it with a passion that he knows he cannot control. One more hit and everything will be good again. It never ends.

Religion is an addiction. It's a crutch. Talk about those who are inside the box who refuse or who are afraid to venture outside the box find comfort being within certain boundaries even if they are not real. It's those who live outside those boundaries who can see the futility of those who choose to remain closed-up within. Those inside the box are afraid to go outside. Those who have made it outside the box, never go back in.

Religion is sometimes a crutch, other times its a strength. May I ask, what is it you've endeavored in that's made you more valid? Is not atheism a crutch? Is science a crutch? Is psychology a crutch?
I feel...weak.
I second Cheski Chips' questions, and add -
Medicine Woman, how many different religious traditions have you actually practiced seriously?
People who need a god to believe in are not able to face life...
Not able to face 'death'...would be more accurate.

Life is only problematic because it contains the promise of death.

If everyone were absolutely immortal...religion would simply disappear.
i don't know about you, but i don't find things such as hell very comforting. christians also have all kinds of rules. i think it's much easier to live without a religion...

and i don't know if i care so much about "reality". people eternally debate what reality and truth is, but i think the most important thing is that you're happy. if i found happiness in a religion, i would join it.

If everyone were absolutely immortal...religion would simply disappear.

hindus and buddhists believe they are immortal.

we are all absolutely immortal, but many people don't know it.
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M*W: I'm sure this will start WWIII on this forum, but here goes:

People who need a god to believe in are not able to face life on their own. Their comfort zone lies beyond reality.

Believing in the god of whatever religion one is addicted to, is like the self-medicating druggie who cannot stop his illegal substance abuse. He seeks it with a passion that he knows he cannot control. One more hit and everything will be good again. It never ends.

Religion is an addiction. It's a crutch. Talk about those who are inside the box who refuse or who are afraid to venture outside the box find comfort being within certain boundaries even if they are not real. It's those who live outside those boundaries who can see the futility of those who choose to remain closed-up within. Those inside the box are afraid to go outside. Those who have made it outside the box, never go back in.
Oh, you are just addicted to feeling superior to theists. Without theists to feel superior to a large portion of you sense of self would collapse.

I'll bet you couldn't hold off for a year.
Meh. God is a demanding God. Ask Q:p Those who are "outside" of the box are more "strong minded" than the mental "weaklings" inside the box, right?

Gosh, could you tell me more of whatever :cough:personal opinion:cough: that inherently allows you to suggest that you have "evolved" to a "higher state of being"?
MW, it goes deeper than that. It begins with childhood indoctrination, which starts the process of brainwashing from childhood, how they must struggle with reason and rationale being stripped from their psyches, and replaced with horror stories of hellfire and brimstone.
You do realize that some children of atheists end up believing in God or gods. And perhaps even more strange, some theists are not Christians and/or believers in fire and brimstone.
Atheist: God cannot exist for I have no proof.
Theist: I have no proof of the big bang, does that mean it cannot be?
Atheist: Of course not. Scientific theory only requires common acceptance. God requires proof.
Your claims are spurious, condescending, useless garbage inherently meant to inflate your ego and inlame those whom believe differently than you. Talk about closed minded gibberish.
One last thing. You claim Atheism, thus you come to a religion(!) forum and try to witness to the poor misguided fools who believe in a God? Sounds like missionary work if I've ever heard it. I thought missionary work by those who believe in a God was trampling on the rights of those who have to listen to it. Why does the Atheist faith get different treatment? Does it go back to being "higher minded'? Thus MW-"What I believe is better than what you believe so nyah." Ego-centric religion is still religion.
question for you Mr. Hamtastic. What do you think is more important, health care or religion?.

Take 2 examples
JW who refuse blood products including for there children at pain of death (to the point where the goverment had to legislate that they couldnt refuse for there children)

Scientology which oposes psycitriy and psychology including for there children.

So at what point does sociaty have a right to say enough is enough and block these sorts of practices?
Hindus and Buddhists believe they are immortal.

We are all absolutely immortal, but many people don't know it.
Buddhists dont believe they are 'physically' immortal, which is what I meant.

But yes...there is a vast difference between believing and knowing.

Merely being a Buddhist means believing...actually being 'enlightened' means knowing.
M*W: I'm sure this will start WWIII on this forum, but here goes:

People who need a god to believe in are not able to face life on their own. Their comfort zone lies beyond reality.

I suppose we have another atheist here for whom atheism is
a lack
of belief in God.

It seems to me that many of the atheists here have a whole set of beliefs, including the belief in their psychic ability to read into the unconscious minds of theists IN GENERAL. And all the beliefs they base on this psychic ability like the one expressed in the OP.
M*W: I'm sure this will start WWIII on this forum, but here goes:

People who need a god to believe in are not able to face life on their own. Their comfort zone lies beyond reality.

Believing in the god of whatever religion one is addicted to, is like the self-medicating druggie who cannot stop his illegal substance abuse. He seeks it with a passion that he knows he cannot control. One more hit and everything will be good again. It never ends.

Religion is an addiction. It's a crutch. Talk about those who are inside the box who refuse or who are afraid to venture outside the box find comfort being within certain boundaries even if they are not real. It's those who live outside those boundaries who can see the futility of those who choose to remain closed-up within. Those inside the box are afraid to go outside. Those who have made it outside the box, never go back in.
even a brief examination of theistically minded persons from recent history reveals quite a few prominent social reformers, etc ...