God, inside realiy or outside reality.

An alternative you've missed....

God is the universe.

i.e. God is a personification of the universe.
A number of people state (with confidence, it must be said, and little else) that God is "omniscient", "omnipotent" and "eternal" - which can also be argued for the universe, for reality.

Just a thought.

Yes, but this cannot be the God of the bible.
Also, he didnt create the universe in that case. Unless he created himself, which theist deny btw.

I can live with this idea of "God" though. According to this idea there is no actual God only reality.
I'm saying the world is an illusion, the only thing that isn't an illusion is God, because God is only thing that exists, the basis of reality, the origin of all, the source of all, all emanates from God, who is one without a second...just as in a dream, the dream world is an illusion, having no actual existence, the source of the dream, the origin of the dream, etc...is the only thing that really exists...

What I'd be interested in discussing with you is on what grounds do you determine that your idea of God is the true reality and that this one--which is the one you operate in and indeed the very one you use to make that conclusion--is the illusion?
I'm saying the world is an illusion, the only thing that isn't an illusion is God, because God is only thing that exists, the basis of reality, the origin of all, the source of all, all emanates from God, who is one without a second...just as in a dream, the dream world is an illusion, having no actual existence, the source of the dream, the origin of the dream, etc...is the only thing that really exists...

So God didnt actually create us, or the universe ? It all an illusion ? If we dont exist how can we be sure of what exists and what doesnt exist ? This is getting weird...
What I'd be interested in discussing with you is on what grounds do you determine that your idea of God is the true reality and that this one--which is the one you operate in and indeed the very one you use to make that conclusion--is the illusion?

Exactly.. :)
:confused: So you think other religions than your own are disgusting ?
Does it scare you ?
No, I don't think other religions are disgusting, just particularly pantheism, which says that the universe = God, why not just say there is no God...

What I'd be interested in discussing with you is on what grounds do you determine that your idea of God is the true reality and that this one--which is the one you operate in and indeed the very one you use to make that conclusion--is the illusion?
"The Father liveth within you" just as Jesus says, even Gautama Buddha agrees that reality is an illusion and that something within us causes the material world to exists...

How did I come to this conclusion that the world is like a dream? Well from my personal experiences, mainly..The world isn't exactly like dream, it's more like a very very concentrated form of a dream, we each live in our own personal reality (which will be known as a fact once the many-worlds interpretation is verified, then the many-minds will be verified as true), God is the origin of all realities and all existences, we cause each of our experiences with the thought-energy (or karma) within us, matter is simply a very concentrated form of thought-energy, there are infinite universes or realities, everything in itself is another reality, each new moment is an entirely new universe or reality, the purpose of life is to achieve the highest perfection, which is achieving the point where you enjoy every infinitesimal moment (being freed from all anger, fear, sorrow, doubt, frustration, boredom, and all other deficiencies), this can be achieved by destroying the defiling impulses, insecurities, etc...within you...

It's real simple to know if it's true, just monitor your bodily feelings and thoughts, you'll find that every experience directly correlates to it..
No, I don't think other religions are disgusting, just particularly pantheism, which says that the universe = God, why not just say there is no God...

"The Father liveth within you" just as Jesus says, even Gautama Buddha agrees that reality is an illusion and that something within us causes the material world to exists...

How did I come to this conclusion that the world is like a dream? Well from my personal experiences, mainly..The world isn't exactly like dream, it's more like a very very concentrated form of a dream, we each live in our own personal reality (which will be known as a fact once the many-worlds interpretation is verified, then the many-minds will be verified as true), God is the origin of all realities and all existences, we cause each of our experiences with the thought-energy (or karma) within us, matter is simply a very concentrated form of thought-energy, there are infinite universes or realities, everything in itself is another reality, each new moment is an entirely new universe or reality, the purpose of life is to achieve the highest perfection, which is achieving the point where you enjoy every infinitesimal moment (being freed from all anger, fear, sorrow, doubt, frustration, boredom, and all other deficiencies), this can be achieved by destroying the defiling impulses, insecurities, etc...within you...

It's real simple to know if it's true, just monitor your bodily feelings and thoughts, you'll find that every experience directly correlates to it..

Well atheism is real simple too, if you know that its true.
VitalOne said:
God is the origin of all realities and all existences, we cause each of our experiences with the thought-energy (or karma) within us, matter is simply a very concentrated form of thought-energy, there are infinite universes or realities, everything in itself is another reality, each new moment is an entirely new universe or reality, the purpose of life is to achieve the highest perfection, which is achieving the point where you enjoy every infinitesimal moment (being freed from all anger, fear, sorrow, doubt, frustration, boredom, and all other deficiencies), this can be achieved by destroying the defiling impulses, insecurities, etc...within you...
Those are your personal experiences ?
No, I don't think other religions are disgusting, just particularly pantheism, which says that the universe = God, why not just say there is no God...

"The Father liveth within you" just as Jesus says, even Gautama Buddha agrees that reality is an illusion and that something within us causes the material world to exists...

How did I come to this conclusion that the world is like a dream? Well from my personal experiences, mainly..The world isn't exactly like dream, it's more like a very very concentrated form of a dream, we each live in our own personal reality (which will be known as a fact once the many-worlds interpretation is verified, then the many-minds will be verified as true), God is the origin of all realities and all existences, we cause each of our experiences with the thought-energy (or karma) within us, matter is simply a very concentrated form of thought-energy, there are infinite universes or realities, everything in itself is another reality, each new moment is an entirely new universe or reality, the purpose of life is to achieve the highest perfection, which is achieving the point where you enjoy every infinitesimal moment (being freed from all anger, fear, sorrow, doubt, frustration, boredom, and all other deficiencies), this can be achieved by destroying the defiling impulses, insecurities, etc...within you...

It's real simple to know if it's true, just monitor your bodily feelings and thoughts, you'll find that every experience directly correlates to it..

So by your account, you would agree that your world view is one personal reality among many? If so, then this means all of this only matters to you as we cannot have the same personal reality you do. What we are left with is a highly unstable picture of what is real and what is not, the definition of what is "real" being completely subjective to the interpreter. Not only does that mean you can only speak for yourself (which isn't a bad thing) but it means that you, by your own explanation have to grant my world view with just as much validity as yours. And in my world view, I think there is no God, and I think this plane we operate in not at all like a concentrated dream.

What I'm trying to ask is largely my original question; the only ground you've provided is merely your own personal interpretation, which I do not wish to devalue or denounce, but that by definition, anyone but yourself shouldn't accept. Do I take this correctly?
God either exists inside realiy or outside reality.


If God 'exists' outside reality he simply does not exist.
Definition of reality:
–noun, plural -ties for 3, 5–7.
1. the state or quality of being real.
2. resemblance to what is real.
3. a real thing or fact.
4. real things, facts, or events taken as a whole; state of affairs: the reality of the business world; vacationing to escape reality.
5. Philosophy.
a. something that exists independently of ideas concerning it.
b. something that exists independently of all other things and from which all other things derive.
6. something that is real.
7. something that constitutes a real or actual thing, as distinguished from something that is merely apparent.


If God exists inside reality he exists inside the universe as the universe equates reality.
WRONG! Where in the definition does reality equal universe? The universe is merely the boundary in space where light cannot have travelled further and thus cannot be observed.

We CAN NOT know what exists outside of what we can observe. Further we do NOT know the boundary of our own understanding, and thus cannot be the judgement on the validity of the arguments of what could or could not exist in the reality as we know it. Perhaps there is more to reality than what we can observe? Or if we can observe it, more than we can understand? Or if we can understand it, more than we can validate into arguments con or pro.

Your definition seems to be blinding you, you speak of the universe as some container, holding all that is real. This is not so, it is not a valid truth based on human reason that the universe has any reality boundaries, in which the universe become unreal and thus everything outside it. If you speak of the universe as reality itself, that everything that is real is the universe, a part of it, or a whole of it, then because God is real that means that He is a part of reality or a whole of it, and thus the universe by your definition, but if you define the universe that way, then you shouldn't be mixing it up with the universe that has reality boundaries. We don't know either, if there can be another type of reality that is different from ours, perhaps even a extension from ours, which would make it outside of reality "as we know it".

Oh, and God is eternal, with His word He created all there is, without the word nothing would be.

You imply "not even God?".

I say "God is eternal, so He created everything else, God is the most meaningful, He HAD to be".
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WRONG! Where in the definition does reality equal universe? The universe is merely the boundary in space where light cannot have travelled further and thus cannot be observed.

We CAN NOT know what exists outside of what we can observe. Further we do NOT know the boundary of our own understanding, and thus cannot be the judgement on the validity of the arguments of what could or could not exist in the reality as we know it. Perhaps there is more to reality than what we can observe? Or if we can observe it, more than we can understand? Or if we can understand it, more than we can validate into arguments con or pro.

Your definition seems to be blinding you, you speak of the universe as some container, holding all that is real. This is not so, it is not a valid truth based on human reason that the universe has any reality boundaries, in which the universe become unreal and thus everything outside it. If you speak of the universe as reality itself, that everything that is real is the universe, a part of it, or a whole of it, then because God is real that means that He is a part of reality or a whole of it, and thus the universe by your definition, but if you define the universe that way, then you shouldn't be mixing it up with the universe that has reality boundaries. We don't know either, if there can be another type of reality that is different from ours, perhaps even a extension from ours, which would make it outside of reality "as we know it".

Oh, and God is eternal, with His word He created all there is, without the word nothing would be.

You imply "not even God?".

I say "God is eternal, so He created everything else, God is the most meaningful, He HAD to be".

There is one fatal flaw in your reasoning. The universe is by definition ALL there is, everything that exists. There can be no thing other than the universe. So everything 'outside' the universe does not exist. Reality is all that exists, thus universe = reality.
Btw. i 'adopted' the 'outside' reality thing from the theists that claim God is outside reality. I my opinion there is no outside reality.

Also, i am not claiming to have proven anyhting. I am merely presenting my thoughts here for them to be discussed.
Cyperium said:
Oh, and God is eternal, with His word He created all there is, without the word nothing would be.

You imply "not even God?".

I say "God is eternal, so He created everything else, God is the most meaningful, He HAD to be".

Figures.. :rolleyes:
No preaching in this thread please.
there is no inside or outside reality, there is only reality.

Fiction is real, the things described in fiction arent.

if fiction is reality, then reality is fiction. fiction means that nothing really happens, things only appear to happen. it could be the same in life.

maybe the fictional entity, god, created reality? what else could create reality if not fiction?

what i'm really trying to say is that... reality is Nothing which created the god who dreamt everything, fiction... Nothing...
So by your account, you would agree that your world view is one personal reality among many? If so, then this means all of this only matters to you as we cannot have the same personal reality you do. What we are left with is a highly unstable picture of what is real and what is not, the definition of what is "real" being completely subjective to the interpreter. Not only does that mean you can only speak for yourself (which isn't a bad thing) but it means that you, by your own explanation have to grant my world view with just as much validity as yours. And in my world view, I think there is no God, and I think this plane we operate in not at all like a concentrated dream.
No, your world-view doesn't create reality, but we each exist in our own personal reality, our own personal universe, which is like a bubble, a mirage, etc....what is "real" is the truth...

Although it sounds paradoxical it's not difficult to understand, you see both you and I exist in this reality or world because everything is perfectly in-tune for this to happen, there are no paradoxes, in another reality this never happened, what determines your experiences is the thought-energy (or karma) superimposed within you...when you change yourself all your experiences change...

Celpha said:
What I'm trying to ask is largely my original question; the only ground you've provided is merely your own personal interpretation, which I do not wish to devalue or denounce, but that by definition, anyone but yourself shouldn't accept. Do I take this correctly?
No, you can confirm this yourself by simply monitoring your bodily feelings and seeing that it directly correlates to all of your experiences, it is not that your environment causes your feelings, but your feelings cause your environment...

But it doesn't really matter what I believe or what you believe or accept, what only matters is what the actual truth is, it won't matter if any of you accept or reject what I said, because it's all true, and the truth is the truth, with or without evidence, with or without belief, with or without acceptance...
.you see God is the source of reality, and thus the only thing that exists,
so reality doesn't exist as we know it...
so if you take a rock and whack yourself in the face you shouldnt feel anything right,after all it aint real.
It would seem that God is quite litterally his own enviroment. When the bible says that Jesus was the first born of all creation Col 1:15 it implies that heaven had not been created yet nor any of the angels.

The question is where then did Jesus exist? Apparently God requires no enviroment in which to exist, Hense his own enviroment or reality in which in the begining Jesus existed with his father.

The universe and the world were created by Jesus from the safety of God himself.
"We CAN NOT know what exists outside of what we can observe..and thus cannot be the judgement on the validity of the arguments of what could or could not exist in the reality"

Ok.. So why say this?

"Oh, and God is eternal, with His word He created all there is, without the word nothing would be."

Why say it as if it's true, when you yourself just said you can't know?
No, your world-view doesn't create reality, but we each exist in our own personal reality, our own personal universe, which is like a bubble, a mirage, etc....what is "real" is the truth...

I understand what you are saying here but I don't think you do; the idea of "truth" is going to be within someone's personal reality and differ greatly from the next person's idea of truth. So saying that the truth is real doesn't get you anywhere, as it is also subject to this personal reality. We are still with this gap that one can only shout across: "It's true for me, so you have to stay in your universe and I have to stay in mine."

Although it sounds paradoxical it's not difficult to understand, you see both you and I exist in this reality or world because everything is perfectly in-tune for this to happen, there are no paradoxes, in another reality this never happened, what determines your experiences is the thought-energy (or karma) superimposed within you...when you change yourself all your experiences change...

So these alternate realities, we have no way of contacting them? And furthermore, aren't you being a bit over-dramatic with these "realities", wouldn't the gist be conveyed if we instead called them "possibilities"? It seems the latter works in the same way except is free from all the extra baggage that the tag "alternate reality" carries with it.

No, you can confirm this yourself by simply monitoring your bodily feelings and seeing that it directly correlates to all of your experiences, it is not that your environment causes your feelings, but your feelings cause your environment...

I am quite intrigued by this as it overlaps the self-fulfilling prophecy, a phenomenon I am very apt to think of when you speak this way. A word of caution however; merely because I can adopt a world view and have my experience resonate with it does not make that world view true. A kid who believes in Santa sees a jet plane light in the sky on Christmas Eve night and is sure that it is Rudolph's red nose. He would be tempted to count his experience as further proof that Santa surely exists, but that's a temptation I think he, as well as we, should resist.

But it doesn't really matter what I believe or what you believe or accept, what only matters is what the actual truth is, it won't matter if any of you accept or reject what I said, because it's all true, and the truth is the truth, with or without evidence, with or without belief, with or without acceptance...

Well this certainly is poetic, but there is a problem. The truth could be what it is without human consideration of the sort you listed above, but without evidence, how are they supposed to know what it is to begin with? Evidence is the bridge to truth and if we don't consider it, then truth may as well not exist as we will never have a compass to guide us to it.

Having said all that, and I don't mean to be pedantic, but you still haven't answered my original question. I understand what you believe, but I wish I understood why.