God, Im starting to hate the word "God"

cole grey said:
Please keep the inanity to a minimum. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Is a vacuum energy? I guess Dirac showed it is actually negative energy? Or just negative energy potential? I don't know enough about that, but at least there is some attempt at definition between what is energy and what is not energy. Without that attempt there is no reason to speak of God at all. That is what I'm saying.

it is a form of address. how do we speak of those energies which actually affect human lives, if we dont have a name for them, yes we could call them blitzpik or cajesten.. but god is already a commonly used term.
Gambit Star said:
I was once thinking about space one night, and I got so deep in thought about it, that I started to get this massive anxiety attack.
It made me think of opposing forces. Space would have to be the complete opposite of everything in order to harbour everything that is in it, dont you recon ?

it would have to be empty in order to contain, is that what you mean?
ellion said:
why not? that which has no form, could take any from.
that which at once is all things and no thing.

(ie., this is in reply to my inquiring whether yo mean that gurus and masters ae representations of 'God')
What i reject is another human being lording it up. the whole Eastern religious trip is that. whereby you get adentralized hierarchies. for example, in Abrahamic religion you have 'God' at the top of the pyramid--symbolically speaking. wheres in the East you have little pyramids, where the guru is at the top. so the same trip is going only it is multiform

hmmmmm, then you get the followers
Gambit Star said:
I was once thinking about space one night, and I got so deep in thought about it, that I started to get this massive anxiety attack.
It made me think of opposing forces. Space would have to be the complete opposite of everything in order to harbour everything that is in it, dont you recon ?

More like a dynamic continuum. totally opposing opposites is an idea of the patriarchy. you know 'good' vs 'bad' 'light' vs 'dark' etc...whereas the more ancinet and intelligent insight is that opposites are COMPLIMENTARY, and dynamic.
Evn modern physics has found this where the concept of 'nothin' has no meaning....that empty space is full of potentia, and matter is almost full of empty space....!
duendy said:
(ie., this is in reply to my inquiring whether yo mean that gurus and masters ae representations of 'God')
What i reject is another human being lording it up. the whole Eastern religious trip is that. whereby you get adentralized hierarchies. for example, in Abrahamic religion you have 'God' at the top of the pyramid--symbolically speaking. wheres in the East you have little pyramids, where the guru is at the top. so the same trip is going only it is multiform

hmmmmm, then you get the followers

well that's it, they are, a manifestation of the absolute. whether they are good or evil. light or black. all masters have disciples all teachers have pupils or they are just men.

and government is worse, because the people who lead dont need any knowledge, morals or integrity (i could list a hundred). enough cash the support of some influential friends and you can take control of a country even against the will of the majority of its citizens.
ellion said:
well that's it, they are, a manifestation of the absolute. whether they are good or evil. light or black. all masters have disciples all teachers have pupils or they are just men.

d__No. you aren't getting it. WHN you place your trust in another individual regarding spirituality, you become like a kid, and he a god.
With practicals like learning a craft it's different. but when it is spirituality and some dude is pretending or thinks he is spiritually superior than yourself si where you become THe follower, and gullible, and open for being MANIPULATED.

and government is worse, because the people who lead dont need any knowledge, morals or integrity (i could list a hundred). enough cash the support of some influential friends and you can take control of a country even against the will of the majority of its citizens.

yeah, see through the buggers as much as you can. aat the drop of a hat they'd have you in their wars and wehn your dead meat not give a shit and use the next dupe
reminds me of a bob dylan song from waaaay back.

Come you masters of war
You that build the big guns
You that build the death planes
You that build all the bombs
You that hide behind walls
You that hide behind desks
I just want you to know I can see through your masks

You that never have done nothin' but build to destroy
You play with my world like it's your little toy
You put a gun in my hand then you hide from my eyes
Then you turn and run farther when the fast bullets fly

Like Judas of old you lie and deceive
A world war can't be won, and you want me to believe
But I see through your eyes and I see through your brain
Like I see through the water that runs down my drain

You that fasten all the triggers for the others to fire
Then you sit back and watch while the death count gets
You hide in your mansions while the young people's blood
Flows out of their bodies and gets buried in the mud

You've thrown the worst fear that can ever be hurled
Fear to bring children into the world
For threatening my baby, unborn and unnamed
You ain't worth the blood that runs in your veins

How much do I know to talk out of turn
You might say that I'm young, you might say I'm unlearned
But there's one thing I know, though I'm younger than you
Even Jesus would never forgive what you do

Let me ask you one question: is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness? Do you think that it could?
I think you will find when your death takes its toll
All the money you made won't ever buy back your soul

And I hope that you die and your death will come soon
I'll follow your casket through the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered into your death bed
Then I'll stand over your grave till I'm sure that you're
ellion: it is a form of address.
M*W: Hi, ellion. Is your username Cockney for Hellion?

Yes, "god" is a title rather than a name per se. It originally was designated by the word "good." How convenient! In old English, however, "and may everything be good with ye," as a final salutation, can be translated into "Good-bye."
ellion: how do we speak of those energies which actually affect human lives, if we dont have a name for them, yes we could call them blitzpik or cajesten.. but god is already a commonly used term.
M*W: Those "energies" you speak of are actually forms of electrical impulses that affect us. Simply put, god/s are nothing more than positive energy. Therefore, I would say that satan is nothing more than negative energy.

Yes, we could call them "blitzpik" or "cajesten," but I think these are already prescription medications. LOL
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Hi, ellion. Is your username Cockney for Hellion?

No i'm a scouser, ellion is just a name.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Those "energies" you speak of are actually forms of electrical impulses that affect us. Simply put, god/s are nothing more than positive energy. Therefore, I would say that satan is nothing more than negative energy.

and all these impulses have a pattern or imprint or information or knowledge or intelligence or whatever, which defines there existence and their purpose.

Medicine Woman said:
Yes, we could call them "blitzpik" or "cajesten," but I think these are already prescription medications. LOL

cant fight a negative with a negative, st johns wort is much happier, dont believe what they say on t,v,