God, Im starting to hate the word "God"

Gambit Star

Universal Entity
Registered Senior Member
well it can be anything we want right ?
An all over powering conquering force, a spiritual force, a elementary force, all combined. God can also be a biscuit or a hot porn star or the hot-rod or that guitar.

So why the hell, do we dwell upon the book, in a society that really contradicts alot of its meaning, written millenia ago by people that feared their own imagination ?
People that feared, if spoken words of wrong done by the book, fire will fall from the sky. I mean the book isnt gonna exactly solve a crisis such as global warming or the sale of the worlds largest cancer/polluting ciggarettes.

Where are we taking this anyway ? Are we all just too scared to admitt that we could be illuding ourselves here?

I believe in all gods that have been created as a mythilogical point of view, but my true beliefs lay with my personal spiritual, elementary entities.

What do you think ? :m: :confused: :m:
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Gambit Star said:
well it can be anything we want right ?
An all over powering conquering force, a spiritual force, a elementary force, all combined. God can also be a biscuit or a hot porn star or the hot-rod or that guitar.

So why the hell, do we dwell upon the book, in a society that really contradicts alot of its meaning, written millenia ago by people that feared their own imagination ?
People that feared, if spoken words of wrong done by the book, fire will fall from the sky. I mean the book isnt gonna exactly solve a crisis such as global warming or the sale of the worlds largest cancer/polluting ciggarettes.

Where are we taking this anyway ? Are we all just too scared to admitt that we could be illuding ourselves here?

I believe in all gods that have been created as a mythilogical point of view,

d__you seem to contradict yourself here. WHAt 'gods'? the 'God' of the Bible? thought y just told em to burn it....?

but my true beliefs lay with my personal spiritual, elementary entities.

d)))))what do you mean by that. can you explain more?

What do you think ? :m: :confused: :m:

same here........
I believe in all gods that have been created as a mythilogical point of view, but my true beliefs lay with my personal spiritual, elementary entities.

yup.... same here, me too.
may be god is all those gods and those elemental/spiritual entities, and through the ages people have given him names that suited the times and the cultures.

like what if your personal guide was a manifestation of god, but he wanted you to call him a spiritual guide because its more acceptable in your culture.
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ellion said:
may be god is all those gods and those elemental/spiritual entities, and through the ages people have given him names that suited the times and the cultures.

d__rather--as for example with the rise of the Olmpian gods, i see a demonization of gods which were ambiguous and earthy, or chtonic.
So 'suiting the culture' in that respect would = suiting the 'CITY STATE' culture.

like what if your personal guide was a manifestation of god, but he wanted you to call him a spiritual guide because its more acceptable in your culture.
what...you mean gurus/masters? so-called 'enlightened' men?
i call it That (i borrowed that). That from which all things manifest. as for a deity, ill believe after i see maybe even the tiniest bit of evidence for one. until then i have absolutely no reason to believe in a God as creator. that doesnt even make sense. A God is something created. it is a thing. phenomenal. if there is a god then it too has a creator which makes it technically a demiurge? sub god. no, That from which all thing are manifested could not be a thing. this is why i can relate the notion that THATNess is likely void. empty potential. ultimate yin.

... so many people put so much of their lives and other lives a stake over the ideals based in religion. Dont get me wrong, I believe religion is very ethical and has great values that benifit all beings on earth, but we just take it too god damn far.

At least athiests leave it to the point of " I dont believe " and get on with their lives.
I don't understand the point in calling that "from which all things manifest" anything at all. Undefined existence is just that. If it has no qualities (things that distinguish which from which), why bother calling it anything at all.
If there is nothing that it is not, there is also nothing that it is.
You might as well call it blitzplik. Or cajiksten. Or...
duendy said:
what...you mean gurus/masters? so-called 'enlightened' men?

why not? that which has no form, could take any from.
that which at once is all things and no thing.
cole grey said:
I don't understand the point in calling that "from which all things manifest" anything at all. Undefined existence is just that. If it has no qualities (things that distinguish which from which), why bother calling it anything at all.
If there is nothing that it is not, there is also nothing that it is.
You might as well call it blitzplik. Or cajiksten. Or...
God is everything. I am God, you are God, all is God.


It is just the negative (or positive) reversal of atheism.

There may be some sense in the statement, if coupled with other statements that have some sort of qualifications, but by itself, useless.
cole grey said:
If there is nothing that it is not, there is also nothing that it is.

no, it is everything including that which (from our perspective) doesnt exist.
cole grey said:
God is everything. I am God, you are God, all is God.


It is just the negative (or positive) reversal of atheism.

There may be some sense in the statement, if coupled with other statements that have some sort of qualifications, but by itself, useless.

that would depend on what you wish to use it for.
cole grey said:
God is everything. I am God, you are God, all is God.

what if the term God Is exchangeed for Energy. I am energy, you are energy, all is energy. would that be more acceptable to you?
Jolly Rodger said:
how about loser, i am loser you are loser all is loser
Please keep the inanity to a minimum. Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Is a vacuum energy? I guess Dirac showed it is actually negative energy? Or just negative energy potential? I don't know enough about that, but at least there is some attempt at definition between what is energy and what is not energy. Without that attempt there is no reason to speak of God at all. That is what I'm saying.
I was once thinking about space one night, and I got so deep in thought about it, that I started to get this massive anxiety attack.
It made me think of opposing forces. Space would have to be the complete opposite of everything in order to harbour everything that is in it, dont you recon ?