God huh?

Eh? I wonder why you think you are in a position to claim Sumerian texts as 'junk' if you're not even aware of what it is, or says......... Instead of giving some kind of answer or refute to my claims that you are in fact an ignorant little twerp you run off into the night?

Why is it always the way with you people? When confronted with something you cannot answer you babble some quick garbage and scatter like beetles..

You're so quick to label everyone else on this planet as undeniably wrong, yet haven't the courage to consider alternatives, haven't the knowledge to answer any of the questions we ask and instead can merely respond "Ask for forgiveness before its too late" and assume that's an answer to anything. You then claim in every single post this is 'fact' here's our 'proof' but never show it. Anything in the middle of that you think you can answer by quoting 2000 year old writing. IF that is the case that the bible answers so much then you have absolutely NO justification to ignore it's roots.

The very foundations of your belief stem from the Sumerians. Genesis- the story of the creation, Noah- known as Ziusudra, Moses-known as Sargon..... How can you sit and preach without even knowing where it comes from??

It is undeniable and irrevocable fact that the bible has been translated, and translated, and translated from texts written way way before your shepherds heard the stories. If the very foundations of your belief can come under such easy scrutiny and be proven, and even accepted by the religious authorities as nothing more than translations of older writing what does that say about your whole belief? Instead through fear of finding out something your brain doesn't want to you simply regard anything else as 'junk'. I understand the pact you have signed with his royal 'dont fuck with me' beingness and i understand how scared you must be knowing if you think for yourself or even doubt in 'him' for one second you will live an eternity of damnation however somewhere deep inside is the human who wants to break free from this evil captor. Someone who wants to break the chains he is in- escape from the eternal damnation you'll receive unless you do exactly as he says. ..... Give the inner feeling a chance to come out. Quoting 2000 year old writing does not strengthen your cause, it just keeps you a slave to a big invisible dictator.
Give the inner feeling a chance to come out. Quoting 2000 year old writing does not strengthen your cause, it just keeps you a slave to a big invisible dictator.

Thank you... I haven't had a good laugh since early this morning...

The last time I read one of your posts...!;)
So does that mean you recognize now that you are backed into a corner, and are left without anything to say?

Please tell me you've realized the shallowness of faith, and the holow beliefe system that it creates.

But really, in order to NOT believe in God, you to base it on faith that he does not exist.
No that is not correct.

Not believing something is not the same thing as believing something is false.

To not believe something is to say that you do not find the claims credible. That is quite different to claiming that a god does not exist.

Believing something where there is inadequate evidence is to believe on faith.

To disbelieve something has no connection with faith.

What adequate evidence refutes God's existence?
Things that do not exist tend to be undetectable, unobservable, invisible, immaterial and imaginary – just like God, or fairies, or invisible immaterial flying green elephants.

Or of course there are the paradoxes like the impossibility of omniscience coexisting with human free will, or omnibenevolence and the presence of evil, etc. These tend to indicate not that God does not exist but that as defined God cannot exist and therefore does not.

What adequate evidence is there that proves God’s existence?
An object at rest stays at rest until acted upon by an external force.

So then....why is anything moving?????
An object that has always been in motion does not require the existence of an external force.
Why does there have to be a reason for ANYTHING....

....physics, quantum mechanics, geology, psychology, war, love, hate, destrution....
There are questions that have no answer. All of us at some stage have surely sat down and wondered so many things we cannot possibly answer:

Where does the universe end? And when it ends.... whats 'outside' that?

What came first; the chicken or the egg?

And so on....

We are in a position where we cannot ever have the 'facts' of these questions known. Yes, it pisses me off. Im sure it pisses so many people off that we cannot know these answers no matter how much we wish we could. I think the first natural suggestion would be down to an 'external' force. Many of you have seemingly found your answers in a book written by people who must have wondered the very same things we do. We have advanced in some degree scientifically and technologically and still are no way nearer to having an answer.

Add to that our need for comfort. We have to sit by and watch our friends die, our family die. My daughter is just three years old.. when her pet mouse dies she will not understand the exact meaning of what death is. Try explaining to a person what death really is. It would be so much easier and so much less a burden on my mind to believe we go somewhere else and live forever.

Religion is an answer to this. It is a faith, (which means: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence). We have this faith because it gives us an easy answer to things we cannot answer, it gives us much less mental burden and anguish over our own mortality. I'm sure at some stage it tried to teach basic morals in a decent and dignified manner, but it has now morphed into something quite different, and something quite evil.

It still provides the answers for the man who needs the escape, he who cannot lead life without having some answer and will accept anything at face value if it removes the burdens he struggles to cope with. But it has changed... Instead of being a sign of hope, and a message it has turned into a game run by fear, run by despair. It removes your own uniqueness, your own 'being' and puts it all in the hands of a big invisible entity. You must now serve, obey, worship. It's a giant trade off.... you have your answers, something else has your soul.

To delude the masses into thinking it isn't servitude, or slavery it comes down upon you to 'want' to find God. Thus you are saying you willingly agree to give up your very being. It is still slavery however.

Most people wouldn't even consider it unless they had been born into at and knew nothing else. The others who chain themselves in the slavery of answers are those who's mind has no alternative.

I left a post asking how people found faith. So far there's like 40 views and only 4 unique replies, which is a shame. However I have spoken extensively to religious people from all over. The usual scenario is a near death experience which let them 'witness' god's presence. The death of close loved ones is also a major factor. I spoke to a girl who's mother died.... next day she was a devout Christian. The pattern emerges. When in such a position whereby life is threatened immediately or very soon down the line the need for those answers becomes all the more important, and so the trade off is made.

I have absolutely no problems with people believing in God, aliens, flying pink banana peels, and so on. People need answers just like everyone else.

The problem stems from the manner in which your terms of slavery are conditioned. The mind will not allow any possibility of you being wrong and thus the arguments start. There are how many hundreds of different religions? Each of those is right, everyone else is wrong. In this position where you seemingly have your easy answer to it all there can be no compromise- another 'rule' you sign up for. One man flies an aeroplane into a building because his god tells him to. One man burns and shoots all his followers because his god tells him to. Many wars and acts of atrocity happen directly down to conflict of faith. The mind finds more comfort in numbers so the majority of religions go out of their way to force belief upon others, or at the very least to pray for others lack of 'knowledge' to your personal truth.

My wife and I created life. Our tiny baby came out a month early. We raise her, teach her, love her. We protect and nurture her and there is nothing that comes even close in the scale of importance. I have found that through love and nurture she knows the difference between right and wrong. She is extremely well behaved and not once has there ever been reason to tell her off. Not once. We continue to nurture and love, protect and teach her..

It is not upto her to want it, it is our very duty as parents, as humans, as creators, to give her everything that will help her life. I notice many parents treat their kids and teach their kids in the style of religion. "Do this or...", "Be good or...". These are threats, not the actions a creator should impose upon his creation. I'm sure at some stage religion was loving, and caring but not now.

Now it is all about threats. But for a second imagine a parent wouldn't give their child threats unless the child wanted to hear it. Would you blame the child for not wanting to?

Religion works on the very same principle. We have to want to find God and then live under fear of him, hand over our very existence to him.

Anyone who doesn't want to find god is instantly a sinner and wrong which leaves a real dilemma. Do we find god and live as a slave to him or do we not find god and receive eternal damnation from him? I do not expect the religious subscribers to understand any of this. You are not in a position to agree, you have signed up for something else and now have no rights.

You can say you love your life as a Christian, as a religious person. I love my life aswell as a non-religious person. I love everything in life, i have all the morals you do, i help others as much as you do so it comes down to 'the end' alone. We both enjoy our lives but who will enjoy eternal life and who will not? That is the trade. You are still a slave with specific rules whether you have a happy life here or not.

While you spend time looking into the sky for miracles, for answers I spend my time looking at the beauty that is right in front of us, and openly visible. As a consequence i wont get to live forever but at least i will notice the real beauty while i'm here to appreciate it. The beauty of my daughter, the magnificence of trees, animals, streams flowing pleasantly. I can smell the dew on the grass, the moss on the trees. I can feel the warmth in the breeze and the harmonious sound that is all around. I do not need to bow down and thank something invisible, i haven't made that trade. I simply appreciate it for what it is. Look into the heavens all you like but it really takes the focus off all that is in front of you.

Why does there have to be a reason for ANYTHING....

....physics, quantum mechanics, geology, psychology, war, love, hate, destrution....
And your point is?
Originally posted by CHRISCUNNINGHAM
What adequate evidence refutes God's existence?

The lack of evidence for him, is quite enough not to believe in him. "God is" is an arbitrary claim, there's no basis for it, there is nothing that can lead a person to logicaly conclude that he exists, not the Christian God, and not any other God. Everything is non-existant until proven otherwise, and he is no different.