God huh?


Registered Senior Member
I have a question. If no one told us what God was ever in our lives, if God was in fact exitent, would we go to hell?
and somepoeple say, "God has to be real, i cannot imagine just dying and nothing happening" well, before you were born, nothing was happening. Just imagine that, and hey your set babe.
The Islamic view states that you were dead, then brought to life, then you die, then you resurrect and return to god

So we were dead before we were born, and that explains why we didn't feel anything or have any recollection of existance. After we die, we won't feel anything until the day of judgement when god will resurrect us. It is not told what form will we be resurrected in, but we're told that we'll be able to comprehend judgement but not able to defend ourselves or change the actions. Based on judgement, we'll be purified and go to heaven or thrown to burn in hell.

I think worshiping is more subtle than what you think. Not knowing if god exist is a relative term. The christians say, you have to say infront of everyone that Jesus is lord and eat a peace of bread and bath, ect. I say, if you merely live your life correctly then you're a witness of god existance, because you performed your duties as a created in respect of your creator, even though you might never have been in a religious establishment or have repeated certain words.
Well... taken from a simple dogmatic perspective, the answer depends solely on which religion your asking about. For example... with most christians (especially protestsants!), the answer would be, yes, you do go to hell. This is why they put so much emphasis on spreading the word of god... :rolleyes:

I think that as a general rule, christians believe that baptism is the main requirement for going to heaven. So unless you've been baptised by a member of whatever cleregy that religion beleives in(and complete the other requirements and forms), you're going to hell. However, they are not all so strict. Catholics have thought up interesting rules that allow for some people to go to heaven without a normal baptism (such as the "baptism by fire" idea).

*trys to set his babe... fails*
If no one told us what God was ever in our lives, if God was in fact exitent, would we go to hell?
No. He will not hold us to the law, if we do not know it. I suppose I should also point out that this is the Mormon(I am)POV.
So we were dead before we were born, and that explains why we didn't feel anything or have any recollection of existance.
We believe that a veil was placed over our minds, blocking out knowledge of the preexistance, because if we knew that stuff, life wouldn't be a challenge. We are here to know what existing like this is about, and to see if we will live the law, which would be a whiz if you could actually see what heaven is like.

There's also the fact that we believe in three levels of heaven, and the people like what you describe would not be able to reach the Celestial Kingdom unless certain ordnances are preformed(specifically the ones done in the temple). We also believe that(beleive it or not, the bible supports this) these ordnances can be done by proxy for dead people(oen thing done in the temple), and that's why we place so much emphasis on genealogy, because you have to know who you're doing it for.
I say, if you merely live your life correctly then you're a witness of god existance

How to decide what 'living life correctly' is? What about let's say... a guy who spends his whole life sitting on his ass drinking beer, smoking and watching porn? In essence he is living with total free will in mind. God gave us that free will so surely could not condemn this man.

Of course i guess it's all down to personal belief on what living correctly means..
Not really,

If you sit on your ass all day and drink beer, you'll fry your kidneys, get a divorce, upset everyone in your life, and not contribute anything positive to the society. In addition, when your brain is fried from alcohol, your judgement is impaired, and you may even turn criminal. The bodies that the creator gave us should be treated correctly. Our bodies are guages to what is correct and what is not. Excess in anything eating, drinking, is not correct. Listen to your body man and understand it well, and you'll know all about write and wrong.
Originally posted by creamsoda
If no one told us what God was ever in our lives, if God was in fact exitent, would we go to hell?

There wouldn't be a hell. :p
There wouldn't be a "we". :)

well, before you were born, nothing was happening.

How do you know? :)


Jan Ardena.
If you sit on your ass all day and drink beer...

you'll fry your kidneys ------- Probably your liver first :D

get a divorce -------- Who said that was such a bad thing? Better to be free and happy than stuck with some nagging old witch :D

upset everyone in your life --------- Not if they do the same as you do. Each to their own i say anyway... If they're upset thats their lack of understanding to your way of life.

and not contribute anything positive to the society

Can recycling= cleaner environment= healthier planet=happier people. I cant think of anything more positive than a healthy planet with happy people. the one man who drinks loads of beer and recycles, contributes more than most. :D

In addition, when your brain is fried from alcohol, your judgement is impaired

Same thing happens when you're near death. Funnily enough i see so many religious jesus followers who found their faith during/after near death experiences. The mind is so powerful it will do anything to provide comfort at times when needed. It's like soldiers during battle. Sometimes they wouldn't even notice they'd been shot- the brain instantly focuses their minds on something other than the damage cause to their bodies. The mind is the most powerful of all things- it can create anything it desires for your comfort. Alcoholic consumption works slightly different but it's all the brains work. I remember a time i got so pissed i couldn't even walk or talk. Somehow i made it home- 15 miles away. I have no idea how- for all i know i flew on the back of a giant firebreathing platypus- but somehow my brain made me do something miraculous. No need to thank a spiritual all powerful being, i just thank my brain.

and you may even turn criminal

Ehehe wheredya read that? Local newspaper? guide to being a good christian? I guess it's like watching violent films turns us all into maniacs.... Thing is you need that instinct within you to begin with. You do get a little bit more 'ballsy' when drunk admittedly but 'criminal'? That's a harsh word and i resent it.

Excess in anything eating, drinking, is not correct.

I excess in doing excercise. Doctors tell me i'll live longer. How can that not be a good thing? But i guess if you're right that excess in anything is not correct would that include an excess in belief? Maybe you should take a vacation from your belief every now and then before it becomes excessive?

Listen to your body man and understand it well

I do man...

and you'll know all about write and wrong.

My heart can tell me what's right or wrong. Certainly don't need a 2000 year old book for that or some invisible all powerful dood.
My heart can tell me what's right or wrong:rolleyes: You are beyond reach. You're blinded, Einstein finally wound up with this, "There's only one way that any man can explain the origin of this world; that's found in Hebrews 11:3. 'We understand that the worlds were framed together by the Word of God.'"
Yeah... i'm blinded, you're completely and totally 100% right. How i envy you..... not.

Seriously man you should lower some of that obnoxious self righteous attitude you're packed to the brim with.
Originally posted by SnakeLord

My heart can tell me what's right or wrong. Certainly don't need a 2000 year old book for that or some invisible all powerful dood.

That's correct, and I think you're doing the right thing. Keep that excercise, it's great.....and get off the beer.

I agree with you that your heart is better guide than a 2000 year old book, but when you are alone one day, read the Quran, just for the hell of it, don't tell anyone what you're doing. Let it be your secret with god. If you get something additional from that 1500 year old book, then that's great, if you don't get anything, then at least you could say, I read the darn thing.
read the Quran, just for the hell of it,

There's two things that go together - But I have to agree on one thing, anythings got to be better than the "junk" you've been reading......

Original sumerian .....whatever it is.

TheVisitor misses me

I didn't say the majical word of bow down and kiss my feet you incompetent fool......That means, you don't answer to a post that wasn't written for you....Do you get it.

If I remember it correctly, I got so disgusted with your pages and pages of biblical garbage, that I wrote you a couple of polite liners informing you that I'm done with you......Please take a hint my friend.

Of if pointing does not work, I'd have to use the 2 x 4 bar.
Sorry, my friend...I couldn't resist

I'm having a good day, how about you.

Did you catch my explaination on "why do Christian eat pork"
I meant no offence, but I am responcible for the truth.
If you can read it, it explains much and is a fundemental issue with Christians, Jews and Muslims.

anythings got to be better than the "junk" you've been reading......

Original sumerian .....whatever it is.

You don't even know what it is yet instantly dismiss it as 'junk'. What a tragically ignorant little twerp you are.
Originally posted by heflores
Not really,

If you sit on your ass all day and drink beer, you'll fry your kidneys, get a divorce, upset everyone in your life, and not contribute anything positive to the society. In addition, when your brain is fried from alcohol, your judgement is impaired, and you may even turn criminal. The bodies that the creator gave us should be treated correctly. Our bodies are guages to what is correct and what is not. Excess in anything eating, drinking, is not correct. Listen to your body man and understand it well, and you'll know all about write and wrong.

Ok seeing how as nothing you have said here so far seems overly zealous or wild, I want you to know that I'm approaching this thread in a more serious manner than with most of my posts on this particular forum, so basically I just want you to know I'm not about to be sarcastic or confrontational here, because I think you're posting on a level that demands others to be courteous enough to give you some respect, that being said:

As a homosexual, my own body tells me that I want like mad to find myself a boyfriend to be intimate with. This is what I'm getting from my own body, I have resisted it before, wouldn't let myself admit it, and I was miserable. By your line of thinking would it then be reasonable and moral for me to be a homosexual?
Originally posted by TheVisitor
My heart can tell me what's right or wrong:rolleyes: You are beyond reach. You're blinded.

Haha, yes, he's blinded by his acceptance of the fact that you can't trust everything you read, blinded by the fact that all knowledge must be gained from personal experience and observation, blinded by the freedom to make his own choices, to figure things out on his own, and to live his live in the way that he wants, according to the rules that make sense to him, as opposed to simply standing in line and letting your morals and values be dictated to you by others.

Never has there been a figure in all the world quite as tragic as this, I'm sure.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
read the Quran, just for the hell of it,

There's two things that go together - But I have to agree on one thing, anythings got to be better than the "junk" you've been reading......

Original sumerian .....whatever it is.


Origional sumerian!? Dude, get off your ass and take a look at the world, if you haven't heard of the Qurahn, or Islam, I'm wondering what rock you've been living under. . . just for the sake of being metephoric I'll name this rock religious devotion.
Originally posted by mystech

he's blinded by his acceptance of the fact that you can't trust everything you read,
he's blinded by the fact that all knowledge must be gained from personal experience and observation,
he's blinded by the freedom to make his own choices, to figure things out on his own, and to live his live in the way that
he wants, according to the rules that make sense to him

Uhhh, :D , sounds to me like you really know this guy pretty well.....

I've had enough snake - bites for one day, you can play with him for awhile.....
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