God has voted.


Registered Senior Member
Ya know how many times that has been posted in this place?

Oh well, it doesn't matter. God hates Bush as I do! Finally, something He and I agree on!
"any questions?"

yes, two

have you heard of a thing called coincidence?


if God is enough of a bastard to hurricane people just for voting for bush. wouldnt that be a good reason to send God a messege, telling him that he should go die?
alain said:
"any questions?"

yes, two

have you heard of a thing called coincidence?


if God is enough of a bastard to hurricane people just for voting for bush. wouldnt that be a good reason to send God a messege, telling him that he should go die?

Not a good reason if voting Bush would lead to the mass destruction of an entire planet. Eg 10000 people swept away to save an entire planet seems like good policy to me. In fact I remember God sweeping away an entire peoples by way of flood. I think probably telling Him He should go and die is a bad idea.
You just cant deal with God's sovreignty cos you have no faith.
As it says in Malachi "Walk humbly with your God" - I think there is probably an emphasis on the word 'humble' there!
My advice is to accept you are a prisoner and take the bread and water given you!
Well sure, Jim Jones ''knew'' god . . . and he said god told him to make that kool-aid and serve it to those men, women and children. That lady the other day in Texas, says she speaks to the same God Dubya does -- and that god told her to crush her childrens skulls. I'll bet the 9/11 hijackers believed even MORE firmly than LSD-boy that they were doing gods work. And on and on it goes, through the centuries endlessly.
Gravity said:
Well sure, Jim Jones ''knew'' god . . . and he said god told him to make that kool-aid and serve it to those men, women and children. That lady the other day in Texas, says she speaks to the same God Dubya does -- and that god told her to crush her childrens skulls. I'll bet the 9/11 hijackers believed even MORE firmly than LSD-boy that they were doing gods work. And on and on it goes, through the centuries endlessly.

As I have said before ... don't yoke me to those people. You make a mistake!
The point is though, its dangrous to trust ANYBODY who claims to be in touch with God. If you think are you talking to a god . . . cool, keep it personal and private. Anybody who wants to impose what they think god is telling them on *anybody else* is no different from those people I mention.

So you if think that god whispers/roars/whatever in your ear and it gives you the right to make decisions that effect anybody else based on those whispers? Then you are different from those nutcases only in specifics, not in general motivation.
Gravity - m8 if you are going to surrender your will to me because of what I say then that's your choice not that I am even asking you to do anything let alone 'telling' you. Incidentally I dont remember telling anybody ever that they 'have' to do something!
You say it is dangerous to trust anyone who claims to know or 'be in touch' with God as you put it. What are you really scared of? If it is all a load of bunkem then you will just 'know' that and move on huh? Why do you feel that you must attack my personal faith? It does no real harm does it? I am not doing harm am I?
What am I ''scared'' of? Huh? Get over yourself! You think I'd embrace your particular mythology if I wasn't ''scared'' of it? So you then must be "scared of" Islam? Judaism? Buddhism? Hinduism? No? Why don't you believe in them?

I only bother quibbling with you about your particular supersition because I'm living in America, and we are teetering on the edge of becoming a theocracy. And THAT does scare the shit out of me. History shows that when religion starts calling the shots in a government - it ends in blood and tears. "Faith based services", public money being sent now to religious schools, new laws allowing businesses to hire and fire based on the employee's religious views --- there is little media coverage, but its slipping that way more and more.

I would fight for your right to believe anything you want, but I'll fight equally against the government spending one penny of my tax dollars to promote any specific religious views, or pass laws based on those views. If your ''personal faith'' is really ''personal'' - then why do you spout on about it here? If its really ''personal'' then how do we even know what it is you believe?
Gravity said:
What am I ''scared'' of? Huh? Get over yourself! You think I'd embrace your particular mythology if I wasn't ''scared'' of it? So you then must be "scared of" Islam? Judaism? Buddhism? Hinduism? No? Why don't you believe in them?

I only bother quibbling with you about your particular supersition because I'm living in America, and we are teetering on the edge of becoming a theocracy. And THAT does scare the shit out of me. History shows that when religion starts calling the shots in a government - it ends in blood and tears. "Faith based services", public money being sent now to religious schools, new laws allowing businesses to hire and fire based on the employee's religious views --- there is little media coverage, but its slipping that way more and more.

I would fight for your right to believe anything you want, but I'll fight equally against the government spending one penny of my tax dollars to promote any specific religious views, or pass laws based on those views. If your ''personal faith'' is really ''personal'' - then why do you spout on about it here? If its really ''personal'' then how do we even know what it is you believe?

I hear you going on about 'Religion' being the cause of blood and tears and you see public money being spent on something that you fundamentally find tedious and useless.
Look, you and I share many many similiar views about 'religion' in a worldly sense. As for what I spout out on here, well thats my business as it is yours to spout out about what you want to.
I am not actually attacking your lack of belief am I? Neither am I attacking you personally for becoming a little irritated with me because I understand your irritation. It's not hard to figure it out. If I irritate you that much Gravity - hold a poll to get me banned.
I call all of this 'sword fighting' or 'debate' for want of a better word. I dont ask why people spout what they do, I just debate around it. I suggest you do the same.
LSD boy . . . I was actually discussing specific issues, not your right to spew them all you want here. Have a poll to get you banned? Are you that much on the defensive stud? Or is that what your narrow little worldview dictates should happen, we should move to get all the voices we disagree with or dislike shutup? Well, thats a good right winger view all right. *Silence Dissent* But . . . even though I disagree with you, the thought of trying to ban you NEVER EVEN OCCURRED to me, and its very telling and sad that you think in such a way.

Read that post you responded to again, and see if you can actually respond to the issues raised, not the messenger.
At most 14 counties that voted for Gore were spared (Palm Beach and St Lucie are iffy on this map).

On the other hand, at least 26 counties that voted for Bush were spared.

Looks to me that God voted for Bush (which is enough reason for me to vote for Kerry, since I believe that governments should be secular).

By the way, wouldn't it just have been easier for God to kill Bush?
"By the way, wouldn't it just have been easier for God to kill Bush?"

That's what the pretzel was about...
Well, if there was a god punishing for Florida, it would likely have little to do with which counties voted for whom - but rather the state of Florida disenfranchised enough black voters to ensure that the the Dems didn't win.

But I would think a god would not have to resort to such petty stuff as sending hurricanes, when a wave of an all-powerful hand could just set everything to perfection and happiness! ;)
Gravity said:
But I would think a god would not have to resort to such petty stuff as sending hurricanes, when a wave of an all-powerful hand could just set everything to perfection and happiness! ;)

What about all the people who didnt want a relationship with God though? If He just made everything perfect, then that would include bending peoples will's against their wills because for everything to be perfect we would all have to give up what we want and serve others. In that of course we would be served as well so no one would lose out but I dont think God has any intention of forcing you to give up yourself. Well not until you die anyway muhahahaha!
God rules! The end!