God Gene

robtex: might be related....


infidelity theory in genes?
M*W: So, does that imply everything we think of and then act on could be in our genes, kind of like genetic memory? I believe our human brain has collective genetic memory, and everything we could possibly desire has been pre-programmed in our genes. It's a theory, but considering collective mind of humanity, some have desires to express themselves in science, others desire to express themselves in art and/or music. Others have desires to become parents, which is a common desire, and we are programmed to propagate the species and all. Like the cave men and women (or is it pc to call them 'cavepersons?) who hunted and gathered. Our genetic memory still has us hunting and gathering things other than food (like shopping). Are our genes also pre-programmed for gender identity? I believe so. Man has always wanted to venture away to farther places (probably to search for food), so did our collective genes show the Wright Brothers how to create the airplane and Ford the automobile? Are some people programmed to heal and others to kill?

The link you posted seems to imply that genes are the cause of infidelity. Could that simply mean we have the gene to propagate the species? If everything we do is related to some gene we have, then there really is no free will, but that would mean that the collective consciousness of humanity IS god and not some evil anthropomorphic judgmental creator-type being.
MW Richard Dawkins said the same thing in phrase "selfish Gene" (title of a book). In it he had a hypothesis that genes, as opposed to organisms or species, were the primary beneficiaries of the evolutionary process

none of them specifically adressed free will.

I think though that maybe it would be more apt to say we have the propensity to or are inclined to as opposed to we are foced to or pre-destined to (do this or that).