God forever

Moving the goal posts now?
The evidence for the speed of light is, among other things, the mathematics and the Michelson-Morley experiments. Plus everything else that functions as predicted using C as part of the initial idea/ concept/ principle.
Moving the goal posts now?
The evidence for the speed of light is, among other things, the mathematics and the Michelson-Morley experiments. Plus everything else that functions as predicted using C as part of the initial idea/ concept/ principle.

But those are just words, no real evidence, just theories.
"Just theories"? Do you know what "theory" means in a scientific context?
The evidence is practicality - it works. As predicted. Science makes predictions that come true (as proved by experiment and technology). If they don't come true then those "theories" are dumped for something that DOES work. It isn't "words" it's practicality.
"Just theories"? Do you know what "theory" means in a scientific context?
The evidence is practicality - it works. As predicted. Science makes predictions that come true (as proved by experiment and technology). If they don't come true then those "theories" are dumped for something that DOES work. It isn't "words" it's practicality.

Science says that you cannot go beyond the speed of light. Do you know what travels beyond the speed of light? Our souls. That is a theory that can be proven later, but Science has not yet prove the speed of light have they?
Do you know what travels beyond the speed of light? Our souls.
There is no evidence of a soul, or that it can travel. At any speed.
That is a theory that can be proven later
I said you don't know what the word "theory" means. That is not a theory, it's speculation.
but Science has not yet prove the speed of light have they?
So you didn't read my previous post that mentioned Michelson-Morley, prcatical examples that use C as the foundation for functioning etc?
The answer is, of course, yes they have. Many times.
God is forever, so the interesting question for me, is why we were created at this particular time of foreverness.

I don't think that God has waited a eternity to create us right now, so how can a eternal God create the world at a specific time without waiting a eternity? Well, I think it is because God is not linear, He doesn't just go from A to O but exists at all times, and all that He created is before Him at all times at the moment of creation. Could it be then, that whatever He created first, it implied a infinite past and future, that if He created the earth first, what He created is also it's history? Does it matter what He created first?

Actually, I think it does matter, cause even though He created all of the universe to create the one thing He wanted, it all started with what He wanted, while the history were made to support it and to create diversity, what He wanted to create first had a purpouse, in the Bible He defined the week, and created heaven and earth first and after that He created light, I think that we can be sure that this has a greater purpouse than first thought, a symbolical meaning, just as important as the resting at the end of the week. Perhaps each day of the week counts, can be worth thinking about.

what if the material creation is eternally cyclic, and goes through periods of manifestation and unmanifestation, much like we see growth and destruction through the constant cycle of seasons????
I do not know the answer to your questions. The thing is, no human being in Earth has that answer, if someone gives you an answer it would only be 50% true at it´s best, because words always have a counterpart. Even what I will say in the following will only be half-truth at its best:

From my point of view, God is inside me and you, as well as every living creature, every matter, God is everything, God is eternity, He is the Universe.

If you put all this things into just 1 (God), it is actually very simple; the unification of all the Universe. In that reality, there is no time, time is a reality created by our minds (maya). Because time is actually a part of God too, so it is 1 with everything too.

So we are all the same with God, every sin, every good deed, has a counterpart. Everyone is Buddha, everyone is Christ. That is the reason why Jesus kissed the feet of all His disciples, because they are all Christ, if not in that life, in another, but there is no time, so they were already Christ when Jesus kissed their feet. You have to be able to see the Christ in each sinner, and that is a very difficult task to achieve... the non-judgement of others.
Well, we seem to share a similiar viewpoint, the Bible does tell us that the kingdom of God is within you, and that the morning star will rise in our hearts, so it's truly something to ponder.

Christ to my understanding is the bridge between us humans and God, no one can come to God but through Christ, if you get to know Christ, you get to know God, since Christ does what the Father tells Him to do, He doesn't do anything on His own.

The Bible tells us that God is above time, since time is a creation of Him, the Bible is also very clear to tell us not to make equal God and the universe, God and what He has created, it's not made to be that way I think, we are made in His image, and in the end we will become one with Christ as Christ is one with God, but first we have to be reborn in spirit and I guess abandon our bodily desires, so that we truly realise that we aren't following the world and the body, but the spirit.
what if the material creation is eternally cyclic, and goes through periods of manifestation and unmanifestation, much like we see growth and destruction through the constant cycle of seasons????
Well, we have the membrane theory, that two universes (two membranes) not far away, perhaps only a millimetre in space have collided, causing the Big Bang, and that it's doomed to collide again, then every point in space will collide with the other universe and the cycle starts again, but this is only a theory. This is also kinda outside the religion framework.
Surmount? Wrong word surely. Atheistic faith? Now I know you're either kidding or just being obtuse. How can I have faith in a lack of evidence?
I have seen no evidence so I do not believe the claims... where is "faith" required in that equation? You are blinded by your own beliefs into thinking that since you believe in something everyone must, even if it's a belief in nothing. There is nothing to believe in.
So you are agnostic?

No you deny any type of evidence in order to preserve your atheistic faith-based belief system....

Oli said:
So is the moon turning into a banana, but the possibility is so remote that it doesn't particularly impact on my day-to-day life. Maybe I should think about that as well?
Yeah, but the chances of any of these interpretations being true is WAY higher....you're just stating this in order to comfort yourself and preserve your atheistic faith....

Oli said:
So what? There's truth (e.g. what QM really means - and which we may never know) and there's what you're espousing. Which may or may not be true.
Yeah...but you won't consider anything to be true without evidence....this means that for some reason you believe that evidence causes something to become true...otherwise you would consider it and be agnostic or something....
Well, we seem to share a similiar viewpoint, the Bible does tell us that the kingdom of God is within you, and that the morning star will rise in our hearts, so it's truly something to ponder.

Christ to my understanding is the bridge between us humans and God, no one can come to God but through Christ, if you get to know Christ, you get to know God, since Christ does what the Father tells Him to do, He doesn't do anything on His own.

The Bible tells us that God is above time, since time is a creation of Him, the Bible is also very clear to tell us not to make equal God and the universe, God and what He has created, it's not made to be that way I think, we are made in His image, and in the end we will become one with Christ as Christ is one with God, but first we have to be reborn in spirit and I guess abandon our bodily desires, so that we truly realise that we aren't following the world and the body, but the spirit.

Excellent way to put it my friend, couldn´t agree more.
Just what evidence of God are you referring to that can be denied?

Do you believe in the Universal law of dualism? (Everything has its opposite).

Ying-Yang, Male-Female, Good-Bad, Right-Left, Above-Below, Life-Death, Day-Night, etc...
No you deny any type of evidence in order to preserve your atheistic faith-based belief system....
Two errors:
I have seen no evidence to deny
I have no faith
Yeah, but the chances of any of these interpretations being true is WAY higher....you're just stating this in order to comfort yourself and preserve your atheistic faith....
Again you either wilfully or stupidly misinterpret. I have no faith.
Yeah...but you won't consider anything to be true without evidence....this means that for some reason you believe that evidence causes something to become true...otherwise you would consider it and be agnostic or something....
No evidence does not somehow cause it to be true, evidence shows that the premise has foundations. If there is no evidence then there is no point in believing is there? Otherwise it would just be blind uneducated faith.
No evidence does not somehow cause it to be true, evidence shows that the premise has foundations. If there is no evidence then there is no point in believing is there? Otherwise it would just be blind uneducated faith.

Blind? maybe.
uneducated? speak for yourself...
Well, we have the membrane theory, that two universes (two membranes) not far away, perhaps only a millimetre in space have collided, causing the Big Bang, and that it's doomed to collide again, then every point in space will collide with the other universe and the cycle starts again, but this is only a theory. This is also kinda outside the religion framework.

maybe the membrane theory thing, but the cyclic development and reduction of the universe over many millions of years is clearly explained in the vedas
"Why?" Do you have some empirical evidence you haven't shared with the rest of the world? Please, step up and accept your Nobel Prize!

Surely you aren't saying that your explanations in the "vedas" are evidence!?
"Why?" Do you have some empirical evidence you haven't shared with the rest of the world? Please, step up and accept your Nobel Prize!

Surely you aren't saying that your explanations in the "vedas" are evidence!?
actually I asked because there is no one who makes the claim of direct perception of the nature of membrane theory - that is not the case however with vedic truths.