God forever


I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
God is forever, so the interesting question for me, is why we were created at this particular time of foreverness.

I don't think that God has waited a eternity to create us right now, so how can a eternal God create the world at a specific time without waiting a eternity? Well, I think it is because God is not linear, He doesn't just go from A to O but exists at all times, and all that He created is before Him at all times at the moment of creation. Could it be then, that whatever He created first, it implied a infinite past and future, that if He created the earth first, what He created is also it's history? Does it matter what He created first?

Actually, I think it does matter, cause even though He created all of the universe to create the one thing He wanted, it all started with what He wanted, while the history were made to support it and to create diversity, what He wanted to create first had a purpouse, in the Bible He defined the week, and created heaven and earth first and after that He created light, I think that we can be sure that this has a greater purpouse than first thought, a symbolical meaning, just as important as the resting at the end of the week. Perhaps each day of the week counts, can be worth thinking about.
Trying to figure out why god did something is a waste of time and energy and effort. Why don't you go help feed the homeless people in your town, you'll feel better AND you'll actually accomplish something.

Baron Max
Trying to figure out why god did something is a waste of time and energy and effort. Why don't you go help feed the homeless people in your town, you'll feel better AND you'll actually accomplish something.

Baron Max
I don't think it is a waste, actually the idea I had was very fullfilling to me, and I guess that is why I decided to share it.

I think I know enough to decide for myself what I want to spend my time doing.

P.S. Don't you think that the issue is worth adressing? A God that has existed forever implies that He has waited forever, for the uncautious eye. D.S.

P.S 2; We don't have so many homeless people in my town, I give money whenever I see one, I think it's a good thing to do, they are mostly seen in the city begging for money outside shops, perhaps playing an instrument. D.S. 2.
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I do not know the answer to your questions. The thing is, no human being in Earth has that answer, if someone gives you an answer it would only be 50% true at it´s best, because words always have a counterpart. Even what I will say in the following will only be half-truth at its best:

From my point of view, God is inside me and you, as well as every living creature, every matter, God is everything, God is eternity, He is the Universe.

If you put all this things into just 1 (God), it is actually very simple; the unification of all the Universe. In that reality, there is no time, time is a reality created by our minds (maya). Because time is actually a part of God too, so it is 1 with everything too.

So we are all the same with God, every sin, every good deed, has a counterpart. Everyone is Buddha, everyone is Christ. That is the reason why Jesus kissed the feet of all His disciples, because they are all Christ, if not in that life, in another, but there is no time, so they were already Christ when Jesus kissed their feet. You have to be able to see the Christ in each sinner, and that is a very difficult task to achieve... the non-judgement of others.
From my point of view, God is inside me and you, as well as every living creature, every matter, God is everything, God is eternity, He is the Universe.
God is the Force? So does that mean Gabriel, Michael, Simon and the rest of the crew are Jedi?
Then Satan is the head sith, hanging out in hell with Palpatine.
If a God is all-powerful, it can certainly cause the perception of an old universe, even if it was made yesterday, or never existed at all.

Why don't you go help feed the homeless people in your town, you'll feel better AND you'll actually accomplish something.

Baron Max
Did you really do this, because it's blowing my mind.
God is eternal, and existed before non-existence and existence...from God comes all the infinite realities and universes.....God is perfect, so he really does nothing, yet everything rests upon him...
God is the Force? So does that mean Gabriel, Michael, Simon and the rest of the crew are Jedi?
Then Satan is the head sith, hanging out in hell with Palpatine.

The premise of this thread is the belief in the existence of God.

It is like a thread saying: "When will the Sun die??". The premise of that thread would be that the Sun WILL die.

Be in peace my friend.
God is the Force? So does that mean Gabriel, Michael, Simon and the rest of the crew are Jedi?
Then Satan is the head sith, hanging out in hell with Palpatine.

I think the premise of this thread is the belief in the existence of God, if you don´t believe in God, then it is ok, good for you.
But you won´t be able to prove that to anyone, except yourself, trying to prove the existence, or non-existence of God is useless.
God is eternal, and existed before non-existence and existence...from God comes all the infinite realities and universes.....God is perfect, so he really does nothing, yet everything rests upon him...

That's a convenient way to avoid explaning the existence of God. Who created God? If life is so complex that an intelligent creator is required, then so much more so for such a complex entity as God.
That's a convenient way to avoid explaning the existence of God. Who created God? If life is so complex that an intelligent creator is required, then so much more so for such a complex entity as God.

If we keep trying to prove this kind of things to others, and debate about this, we would only be wasting words...
That's a convenient way to avoid explaning the existence of God. Who created God? If life is so complex that an intelligent creator is required, then so much more so for such a complex entity as God.

There is an intelligent cause...but it isn't God....also all that I said isn't really just a convient way of explaining things...its based off ancient scriptures...specifically how Krishna defined God....I think Krishna defines God greatly in detail and well....

As for who created God, God is eternal and causeless....there are many other things modern science deems causeless and atheists have no problem with that...why is this?

"O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread" (Bhavagad Gita, 7.7)

"O son of Pṛthā, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men" (Bhagavad Gita, 7.10)

"And yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities and although I am everywhere, I am not a part of this cosmic manifestation, for My Self is the very source of creation" (Bhagavad Gita, 9.5)

"He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds — he, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins" (Bhagavad Gita, 10.3)

"Even though over a period of time I might count all the atoms of the universe, I could not count all of My opulences which I manifest within innumerable universes" (Srimad Bhagavatam, 11.16.39)

"There are innumerable universes besides this one, and although they are unlimitedly large, they move about like atoms in You. Therefore You are called unlimited [ananta]" (Srimad Bhagavatam, 6.16.37)
I managed to filter out something that wasn't preaching or filler in your post

There is an intelligent cause
Yeah? Any evidence for that?
I managed to filter out something that wasn't preaching or filler in your post

Yeah? Any evidence for that?
The intelligent cause is your mind....as for evidence look at all the many interpretations of QM...remember one of these interpretations MUST be true....if reality and all of existence really does comes from within you and in reality everything is indiscriminate chaos then there MUST be some intelligent cause that had ordered this chaos making it appear designed....
Then it's hearsay.
They have experienced the cause of the universe? And it's intelligent? Wow, what did it say?
The intelligent cause is your mind....
So my mind existed before I did?
as for evidence look at all the many interpretations of QM...remember one of these interpretations MUST be true....
No. None of them MUST be. It could be something completely out of the blue. Like Feyman said "It's not how things ARE, but it's the only way we can explain it to ourselves" (paraphrasing)
if reality and all of existence really does comes from within you
and in reality everything is indiscriminate chaos
then there MUST be some intelligent cause that had ordered this chaos making it appear designed....
It appears designed? As opposed to "just happened". Look up "anthropic principal".
So my mind existed before I did?

No. None of them MUST be. It could be something completely out of the blue. Like Feyman said "It's not how things ARE, but it's the only way we can explain it to ourselves" (paraphrasing)



It appears designed? As opposed to "just happened". Look up "anthropic principal".
Where do you surmount your blind atheistic faith from to conclude that it cannot be true?

Yes it is a possibility, but a very REAL possibility....just something to think about....remember the truth exists with or without evidence...before any of these interpretations is proven true they were still true before...
Where do you surmount your blind atheistic faith from to conclude that it cannot be true?
Surmount? Wrong word surely. Atheistic faith? Now I know you're either kidding or just being obtuse. How can I have faith in a lack of evidence?
I have seen no evidence so I do not believe the claims... where is "faith" required in that equation? You are blinded by your own beliefs into thinking that since you believe in something everyone must, even if it's a belief in nothing. There is nothing to believe in.
Yes it is a possibility, but a very REAL possibility....just something to think about....
So is the moon turning into a banana, but the possibility is so remote that it doesn't particularly impact on my day-to-day life. Maybe I should think about that as well?
remember the truth exists with or without evidence...before any of these interpretations is proven true they were still true before...
So what? There's truth (e.g. what QM really means - and which we may never know) and there's what you're espousing. Which may or may not be true.
Surmount? Wrong word surely. Atheistic faith? Now I know you're either kidding or just being obtuse. How can I have faith in a lack of evidence?
I have seen no evidence so I do not believe the claims... where is "faith" required in that equation? You are blinded by your own beliefs into thinking that since you believe in something everyone must, even if it's a belief in nothing. There is nothing to believe in.

So is the moon turning into a banana, but the possibility is so remote that it doesn't particularly impact on my day-to-day life. Maybe I should think about that as well?

So what? There's truth (e.g. what QM really means - and which we may never know) and there's what you're espousing. Which may or may not be true.

Have you seen beyond the speed of light? Is there such thing as the speed of light? Were is your evidence?