God For Atheists

Truth is the sum total of many perspectives as to what they believe to be real. Fact on the other hand is more like someone throwing a rock at your face. You cannot dispute that it will stop moving relativeto the position of your face. Truth is imaginary. Fact is non subjective.
Truth is the sum total of many perspectives as to what they believe to be real. Fact on the other hand is more like someone throwing a rock at your face. You cannot dispute that it will stop moving relativeto the position of your face. Truth is imaginary. Fact is non subjective.

Rocks are made out of stone. Ice is cold. Globbertyglook rules the universe and I like sushi!

In other news, I give the hell up.
My take on god

Sometimes I pray and I percieve he/she/it as a literally higher power that intuitively seems some where above me.
Sometimes I have a strong sense of the world/universe as a mother/lover (kali/durga)
that i can feel surrounding me but connected/enveloping me too.

Like this:

'Mother, here is Thy knowledge and here is Thy ignorance.
Take them both and give me only pure love.
Here is Thy holiness and here is Thy unholiness.
Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love.
Here is Thy good and here is Thy evil.
Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love.
Here is Thy righteousness and here is Thy unrighteousness.
Take them both, Mother, and give me pure love'.


When I sit I'm just sort of in it somehow and dont have much of a concious sense of it at all.
I like the poem...
but when you sit?
what..like when you're on the toilet?
yeah...I get that feeling too.