"god For 24hrs"

Originally posted by Cris
Many rapists go to prison.
Yes, they have to.
Is rape a crime committed by someone with a healthy mind? I’m not sure this line of reasoning is going anywhere.
Rape - sexual agression. is there any guarnatee that healthy mind cannot indulge in that out of rage/lust or as a deliberate cool attempt to cause damage..? well, healthy mind should be defined first. homo/bi sexuals, sodomists and pedophiles insist that they too have healthy minds and blame others as homophobes and pedophobes for not realising that..!

The point was that if those in prisons were also immortal then that would create hell on earth. Why wouldn’t simply having very long prison sentences solve that problem?
So you agree its an earth version of hell. long sentence..? how long..? 1 or 2 centuries..?!!

Without the fear of death and with immortality assured, wouldn’t any other fear be somewhat limited in effect and be essentially irrelevant?
Fear of being subservient to the agressor. fear of loosing freedom to the powerful.

Wouldn’t any event appear to an immortal being as just something interesting to be experienced? Without death there is really nothing to fear, or can you give an example?
how about someone sending you alone into space in exile for ever..