"god For 24hrs"


Registered Senior Member
God has chosen "YOU" to have complete power over all things in the universe for 24hrs.

*You can permanently change, modify, or alter anything you wish from the past, present and future.
*You can turn the sky purple or bring back the T-rex, and yes you can use this time for personal gain or world peace... the choice is yours... If you can think it.. it will be done.

Submit a list of things you want changed, created or crushed... list as many things as you like.

NB: please remember every action has a reaction.. keep this in mind while casting miracles too and fro.
While large breasts are nice too look at... We advise against the use of small planets as breast implants.

Heaven will not be held responsible for any damage, death or carnage caused as a result of your brief management.
Immortality with perfect health for everyone.
Just lovely Cris..

Now im gunna get stuck with my mother inlaw for ever? and i cant even kill her or myself? ... just bloody wonderfull.
Originally posted by Cris
Immortality with perfect health for everyone.
I'd like a way out. While I don't see myself getting bored within my own lifetime, who knows what would happen in 10000 years.

As for my list:
1/2 as likely to get violent
No disease/accidental death, but still die of 'old age' at 200 +/- 20
2x as smart
global non-corrupt gov
fleet of 100% reliable space ships
2x reproduction rate

Other Life
2x plant reproduction rate, but with some way to stop it
100x evolution rate, but with some way to stop it
Originally posted by Cris
Immortality with perfect health for everyone.
..and the prisons still have immortals with perfect health to withstand the punishment.. creating earth version of hell, Cris..?
Asguard Asguard Asguard you nawty little child.....

what a ray of sunshine you are......... then again i can see why your bitter .... you name says it all if you say it real slow so the christians can understand it..

asssss guardddd... sounds like a very smelly job. hope it pays well.

have a lovely sun shiney day

Nice to see a thread that was supposed to be fun ruined by unhappy little turds with low self esteem.

..and the prisons still have immortals with perfect health to withstand the punishment.. creating earth version of hell, Cris..?
If we can assume that a great deal of criminal behavior is due to mental or psychological irregularities then ‘perfect health’ would correct all those issues. I would imagine only a few would remain who would need longer term incarceration.

However, new crimes such as murder could not occur since no one could die, and rape would not occur since that is a psychological issue, etc. so new crime would be considerably less.

Note also that war would disappear since there is no point in trying to kill people who cannot die.

So I don’t see a hell on earth from everyone being immortal.

Originally posted by Cris
If we can assume that a great deal of criminal behavior is due to mental or psychological irregularities then ‘perfect health’ would correct all those issues.

I don't know what exactly you mean by 'perfect health'. If crimnals have mental & psychological irregularities why they are in prisions now instead of hospitals. Healthy people too commit crimes.

I would imagine only a few would remain who would need longer term incarceration.

Fear of death removed, they would not be few.

However, new crimes such as murder could not occur since no one could die, and rape would not occur since that is a psychological issue, etc. so new crime would be considerably less.

May be murder become obsolete. perversions are given new meaning and being certified as quite normal thing and don't get included in psychological irregularities. i assume in your 'perfect world' too they could be a thing of normal. (much to your own disgust )

Note also that war would disappear since there is no point in trying to kill people who cannot die.

War is terror and suppression. Death will be replaced with some other fear.
considering if u believe in god, and he gives u his powers, y would u change anything? i mean if u r immortal, the world would becom ewwwayyyyy overpopulated because new people would never die yet new ones would be born

the world would becom ewwwayyyyy overpopulated because new people would never die yet new ones would be born
Sounds like a good reason to restart space exploration again.

Either that or stop reproducing. If we can't die then why produce more of us.
but even with space exploration, we donot have the teconolgy 2 live in space. (cant spell shut^) and people reproduce because having childern is just such an amazing thing, y give that up just cause we live 4ever?

I don't know what exactly you mean by 'perfect health'. If crimnals have mental & psychological irregularities why they are in prisions now instead of hospitals. Healthy people too commit crimes.
Many rapists go to prison. Is rape a crime committed by someone with a healthy mind? I’m not sure this line of reasoning is going anywhere.

The point was that if those in prisons were also immortal then that would create hell on earth. Why wouldn’t simply having very long prison sentences solve that problem?

War is terror and suppression. Death will be replaced with some other fear.
Without the fear of death and with immortality assured, wouldn’t any other fear be somewhat limited in effect and be essentially irrelevant?

Wouldn’t any event appear to an immortal being as just something interesting to be experienced? Without death there is really nothing to fear, or can you give an example?

The fear of death is the essential weapon wielded by religions to make their gullible followers toe the line by offering the ultimate prize of immortality.

but even with space exploration, we donot have the teconolgy 2 live in space.
So you imply that given a few hundred years we couldn’t build a few more space stations and travel to Mars etc, or start a number of several thousand year long voyages to other stars. And why couldn’t we live in space if we are immortal?

and people reproduce because having childern is just such an amazing thing, y give that up just cause we live 4ever?
Yeah right. I have had a bunch of kids and they are grown now. Fun for a while but I don’t want to do it again. Been there done it, time to move on.
Submit a list of things you want changed, created or crushed... list as many things as you like.
Simple, I'd get rid of something that causes so much racism, prejudice, war, hate, misunderstanding and controversy. God and religion.

I'd also transfer a couple of million from someones account into mine naturally (Pounds, sterling of course. Don't try and palm me off with Yen!)