"God Doesn't Want to Make us All Powerful"


meh... anyway...

The answer is pretty simple. The reason why we have free will etc is to explain away the Lack of any Divine intervention being observed in the world.

The only hope of demonstrating Divine Intervention is to swing full force into pareidolia, finding images of the Virgin Mary on a grilled cheese sandwich (Or the Monkey king in a knot on a tree...) or praising God for one miner surviving a mine collapse even though fifty other people died... (It's a miracle!)

Since there is zero evidence of any divine being, zero evidence of creation or Intelligent design, zero evidence of a loving protective (yet also described as horrifyingly wrathful, cruel, jealous, manipulative, hateful and malevolent) God-- believers must come up with simple excuses to explain away the lack of presence.
I could list reasons for vegetarianism - which you or someone else could counter with reasons for being a meat eater.
I am sure you, and most people here, are aware of the arguments for and against vegetarianism, so I see little point in reiterating them.

So what remains is that you actually apply yourself, and see for yourself.

I'm not here to convince you one way or another.
What remains is for you to provide details of the problems with being a meat-eater. You haven't detailed why. You have merely said "oh, details exist elsewhere" (or words to that effect.
Basically you are making unsubstantiated claims with nothing but confidence to support it.

I could claim that you using a computer is a problem for you. And I would strongly suggest that you stop using one for at least 6 months.

Likewise you making unsubstantiated claims is a problem for you. Care to try not doing so for 6 months?

I'm not going to provide details of why these things are a problem - such details are well known.
Therefore the only thing that's left is for you to actually apply these things for you to see for yourself, right?

See you in 6 months.
What remains is for you to provide details of the problems with being a meat-eater.

From discussions with you, I have reason to believe that whatever I would say to substantiate my claims, you would not accept them.
Hence my resorting to calling up on you to form your own experiences and judge by that.
From discussions with you, I have reason to believe that whatever I would say to substantiate my claims, you would not accept them.
Then perhaps you should start by offering something that actually does substantiate your claims? Then we can all see whether they have merit.
Of course you could continue to side-step any requirement on your part. Would be a shame, though.

Hence my resorting to calling up on you to form your own experiences and judge by that.
So I take it you're not going to stop using your PC for 6 months? It is dangerous to your health, you know. :shrug:
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Let's think outside the box with this discussion. It's not a matter of us believing in God. If God is everything and all knowing hence all of us are God. Therefore God would know everything there is that we could know. What I believe is that we are ALL God, we just don't realize it. If we did, we would all be "self-realized" which would lead us back to "Being". God can not experience being God if God is all there is. So God created us out of him so that he could be seperate from. Following that idea, God is everything we have just "forgotten" that we are so it is possible to experience what it is like to have the different attributes that God has, good, bad or ugly (love, hate, compassion, jealousy, anger, joy and so on and so forth).
Let's think outside the box with this discussion. It's not a matter of us believing in God. If God is everything and all knowing hence all of us are God. Therefore God would know everything there is that we could know. What I believe is that we are ALL God, we just don't realize it. If we did, we would all be "self-realized" which would lead us back to "Being". God can not experience being God if God is all there is. So God created us out of him so that he could be seperate from. Following that idea, God is everything we have just "forgotten" that we are so it is possible to experience what it is like to have the different attributes that God has, good, bad or ugly (love, hate, compassion, jealousy, anger, joy and so on and so forth).

That was really cool. Can you make up another one?

I want one in which we are all puppets. Or lizards.
If God is everything and all knowing hence all of us are God. Therefore God would know everything there is that we could know. What I believe is that we are ALL God, we just don't realize it.
Then obviously we aren't god, since being "all-knowing" would, of necessity, include knowing that we know.
Then perhaps you should start by offering something that actually does substantiate your claims? Then we can all see whether they have merit.

You do not own this forum, nor is everyone on this forum, or in this universe, of the same convictions as you. So you can't rightfully parade around here as if you were the boss who sets the terms.:p
We are each where we are in our beliefs for a reason. What that reason is, is individual to each person. I am not trying to convince you what to believe nor would I expect you to try to convince me. Who am I to judge which person is at which stage of our life's path. Maybe what you believe shows more foresight then what I believe, but then again it could be its oppisite. I just like to bring up ideas and beliefs that I have and see what others say. I'll continue to comment on threads if it is open minded discussion, but when a person's comments seem to be in a negative fashion then I move on. That's just me. Do as each of you pleases. I'll stop in now and then and check the post. Anyway, have a nice day.

“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected” ~~Mahatma Gandhi
Well, I am stating I've had Christians state God didn't make us naturally good because that would make us gods ourselves, and how does that work?

IS this thread about the being Good or about being Powerful?

Your first post seems to be about power and control.

As for Good. If you read the scriptures you will see in Genesis that after God had finished His Creation (humans are part of that) He declared it Good.

Genesis 1
31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

We where Good in that original state of awareness. We ceased being good when mankind obtained the knowledge of Good and evil.

As for power. To be all powerful means we must be all wise and all knowing to handle it. Clearly human beings are not all wise and all knowing. Therefore if we where allowed to take such powers existence would go to hell. Just look at what human do with the very limited power we have in free will. Fortunately our power is limited, can you imagine how much damage we could do with more power? Even with the limited power we have we are well on the way to self-destruction.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days