God doesnt love everyone?

im not talking about their opinions on homosexuality.im talking about the link.
the say that god DEFINATELY does not love everyone,and i would like to hear other christians views on this
I'm no Christian, but at least these followers of the Bible don't just read John 3:16 over and over again.
Jesus died and resurrected so that "whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life," so He did this for everyone, contingent that they accept His gift however, so unbelievers are rebels against God, and as rebels, they do not reciprocate Gods love, but God is patient, and allows them time to accept His gift so that He can love them fully.
As I said, He died and resurrected for all, that is love, but the all is dependent on that all accept His gift, put it this way, you are not a "child of God" until you accept His gift.
So God doesnt love everyone, just those that believe in him?

IAC said:
As I said, He died and resurrected for all, that is love, but the all is dependent on that all accept His gift, put it this way, you are not a "child of God" until you accept His gift.

So, IAC, what you essentially mean is 'no, God doesn't love the ones that don't believe in him'. I figured I'd put it in lamen's terms since you couldn't.

I think we've been over this before. What, again, was the reason that Jesus had to die for our sins when his supposedly omnipotent father could easily 'forgive' everyone Himself w/o this mumbo jumbo crucifixion b/s???
Jesus died and resurrected so that "whoever believes in Him shall have everlasting life," so He did this for everyone, contingent that they accept His gift however, so unbelievers are rebels against God, and as rebels, they do not reciprocate Gods love, but God is patient, and allows them time to accept His gift so that He can love them fully.

You're avoiding the issue. Come on, take a position and stick by it. Do you, or do you not, think it is justifiable, by the tenets of Christianity, for some Christians to state that "God hates (insert some group of wicked people here)"? Yes or no, simple question.
So I just read the link, and sure enough John 3:16 is mentioned. Just like IceAgeCivilizations has done.
Adam and Eve caused sin to come into the world, and Jesus' death and resurrection is the antedote, but why God allowed Satan to do what He did to Adam and Eve is the mystery.
God hates the sinner but loves the saved.

Wait. What the fuck did I just say?

It's bullshit.

I'll stay out of this.