God doesn't exist or it is prideful

----------Have you ever read the bible?? Because I have.. Since I was five..

I wouldn't say something like that without having read it. You shouldn't have been reading it at age 5 as it is not fit for children.

-----------And yes, he is that bright.

As portrayed, it is stupid not bright. An omnipotent omniscient god creates humans then quickly becomes perpetually pissed because they are human. Only a stupid brat acts like that.

------------ And I'm not "talking to myself" when I talk to Him. It's not a "childish pretend". I'm not saying I sit in my bed and pray and then hear a big loud voice in my head, but he speaks to me in other ways you obviously wouldn't understand.

Until some god gets the courage to come out of hiding & show itself, you are talking to yourself. You obviously do not know what I would or would not understand.

-------------- And again, like I said, you can't prove that He doesn't exist.

I don't need to prove it. YOU made a claim, you prove it.

--------------But I on the other hand can prove that a fictional character, created by Disney, such as Donald duck, does not exist.

OK. Prove it.

--------------If you really think a white talking duck who wears a blue suite shirt thing, does exist... Thennn you should probably see some help.

If you truly believe your impotent sadistic selfish myopic angry brat god, created by stupid scared superstitious savages, does exist, you need help.

--------------Yea.. Oh and actually The Bible isn't scribblings. Lol there are like actually words in there..

It may as well be indecipherable scrawls for all the good it does anyone.

---------------It's not like it's written in Greek..


--------------- yes.. I do believe that every word in the bible is real and truthful.. But that's what I believe.. Deal with it.

I am dealing with it just fine. You deal with reality.

-------------- Sooo.. If it doesn't matter what happens to you once you die then...

Who said it doesn't matter.

---------------What are you living for? Rich or poor, mean or nice, you'd all end up in a wooden box in the dirt.

I'm living for me & my fellow beings, making the best I can of the only life we know we have. Until you face reality, you are living for nothing.

-------------- (And its only one Never in Never land.. Not Never Never Land..)

I don't want to seem as tho I cannot make a mistake but I know what I'm saying before I say it. You should be certain before you try to correct someone.

-------------- My reality is God. I'm in reality.

No. You are in a deluded dreamworld.

-------------And this world.. sucks. But lucky for me (if you believe or not) I'll be in Heaven when I die. And all this pain and torture the world has brought me will finally end.

1 of the big reasons this world sucks is so many people believing in things they do not know, trying to fool other fools into believing it & being unable to handle the fact that some people cannot believe it.

------------- And no.. I KNOW that God is real and does exist with ever fiber of my being. I don't "pretend to know".

No. You do not know. IF you knew, you could explain it much better than this & show how you know.

------------- I will always believe the same thing I believe today.

You do not know that.

-------------- And I think more clearly than you so I'm not really sure what your talking about.

If you could think clearly, you would know what I'm talking about.

------------- It's not like my parents forced me into knowing and loving God. Yea, they planted that seed in me at a young age but I don't just believe what my parents believe. I have my own thoughts.

No, you don't. You have childish make believe given to you by con artists.

------------ And Public school has taken God out of everything. And I'm homeschooled.. No, not because my mom is some crazy Christian who doesn't want her children to get into trouble or whatever, but because I don't do well in public school because of some minor learning disability I have. And because we move a lot..

Schools do not have the power to take your godfantasy out of everything. Homeschooling can be very bad or very good. I wish you the best with it & the best with handling your disability.

-------------- Anyways here's a quote for you. "The man who does not believe is a fool"

I read that before your father was born & was aware then that is 1 of the oldest & best tricks of con artists.

-----------God made the rainbow as a promise to never destroy the world with a flood again..

IF I believed that, I wouldn't care whether it's destroyed next time with a flood or what. An omnipotent omniscient god would not need to destroy things to make them better. I wouldn't trust promises either coming from someone who kills, destroys & tortures so much. Or from someone who loves the sweet savor of burning flesh.

-------------I may only be 14 but I know things.

The problem is that you think you know things you do not know. When I was 14 I knew better than to make claims I cannot support.
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Right, but he did that knowing it would become the symbol of the gay rights movement. So it was a promise to the future as well.

Yea but.. God doesn't hate the person, he just hates the sin.. Which is male on male or female to female.. He did know that it would become the gay symbol but.. I don't know. I can't really explain it.
Okay.. I'm going to forget about every insult you just said to me and give you a little piece of proof.

When my mother was 16, she was driving home from school and right before she was about to drive down this really steep hill, her car stopped working.. Completely. It was basically turned off. The breaks wouldn't work or the gas pedal.

And her car started rolling down the (very very steep) hill towards a busy road.

And as she almost hit the bottom of the hill her car started rolling back up the hill.. The car still wasn't working and it was still completely off.

It was literly rolling backwards up a hill..

And once her car reached the top it turned back on and everything was fine again..

It was an Angel that rolled my moms car back up that hill and saved her from an accident or death.

And nothing you say is going to make me believe other wise.

Can Science explain that one??

And Just because you keep using the same big words to "describe" God doesn't mean that's what he is actually like.
What are you ever talking about??

Leviticus, of course - the same place you read that God doesn't like gays.

Leviticus 19:19 - You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed, nor shall your garment be mixed from two types of fabric.

Leviticus 21 - No man of your descendants in succeeding generations, who has any defect, may approach to offer the bread of his God. For any man who has a defect shall not approach: a man blind or lame, who has a marred face or any limb too long, a man who has a broken foot or broken hand, or is a hunchback or a dwarf, or a man who has a defect in his eye, or eczema or scab, or is a eunuch.

But I imagine he hates only your sin when you sin that way; he doesn't really hate you.
Leviticus, of course - the same place you read that God doesn't like gays.

Leviticus 19:19 - You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let your livestock breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with mixed seed, nor shall your garment be mixed from two types of fabric.

Leviticus 21 - No man of your descendants in succeeding generations, who has any defect, may approach to offer the bread of his God. For any man who has a defect shall not approach: a man blind or lame, who has a marred face or any limb too long, a man who has a broken foot or broken hand, or is a hunchback or a dwarf, or a man who has a defect in his eye, or eczema or scab, or is a eunuch.

But I imagine he hates only your sin when you sin that way; he doesn't really hate you.

And I didn't say that God doesn't like gays. I just said he doesn't like the sin. He loves the person. I mean they were created in His image.
And I didn't say that God doesn't like gays.
Well, I'd say that a Biblical commandment to kill them counts as "not liking" them.
I just said he doesn't like the sin. He loves the person. I mean they were created in His image.
And he definitely does not wear polyester blends or wear glasses, which I imagine is why he hates those particular sins.
Well, I'd say that a Biblical commandment to kill them counts as "not liking" them.

And he definitely does not wear polyester blends or wear glasses, which I imagine is why he hates those particular sins.

What are you talking about glasses?? Or polyester?? Look this is what I believe so deal with it. It's called free will.

I'm done fighting with you about it. Your just talking giber jabber. I have more important things to do than fight with you so good bye
Okay.. I'm going to forget about every insult you just said to me and give you a little piece of proof.
When my mother was 16, she was driving home from school and right before she was about to drive down this really steep hill, her car stopped working.. Completely. It was basically turned off. The breaks wouldn't work or the gas pedal.
And her car started rolling down the (very very steep) hill towards a busy road.
And as she almost hit the bottom of the hill her car started rolling back up the hill.. The car still wasn't working and it was still completely off.
It was literly rolling backwards up a hill..
And once her car reached the top it turned back on and everything was fine again..
It was an Angel that rolled my moms car back up that hill and saved her from an accident or death.
And nothing you say is going to make me believe other wise.
Can Science explain that one??
And Just because you keep using the same big words to "describe" God doesn't mean that's what he is actually like.

Who the heck are you talking to?