God doesn't exist or it is prideful


Who Cares
Valued Senior Member
Why doesn't God visit us? It says to have faith.

How is it logical to place faith in any word. "Trust me" God says.

How can we or should we trust? What has it done to prove itself? The sacrifice of its son? Wait that requires trust in the first place that God is real.

I digress.

Let's say I told you that God is not real and asked you to trust me. Or better yet let me tell other people and write it in letters to you asking to trust me? How is that effective? What if I told you my friends to tell you that I love you or write a letter to you. Shouldn't that be better left said in person?

What keeps God from visiting us? Because it feels it doesn't have to because it already wrote the letters and left the signs? How he really cares enough to send the very best. Heck at this point a Hallmark card would be something.

So what is it that keeps God from visiting in corporeal form?

I told me daughter the other day that she can go to get dance recital alone because I have to work but I'd be there in spirit. What kind of message is that and what is it different if I actually made it?

Why do Christians settle with the spirit? I know it had value but if I never went to any recitals what does that mean?

Would I be a bad father? Why isn't my good wishes enough for her. Or how about I send a friend with her who can tell her all day how much I love her and would love to be there. How would she feel. Surely God knows what it's doing if it's God.

It seems arrogant or prideful to make a choice to not be there when someone needs you.

What's going to happen with my daughter? Well she's going to become independent and learn to live with it or simply find she doesn't need it because my love was never real.
What keeps God from visiting us? Because it feels it doesn't have to because it already wrote the letters and left the signs? How he really cares enough to send the very best. Heck at this point a Hallmark card would be something.

This is the core issue with theism imo. If there IS a god, where the hell is he? ? Who has seen this being? Who has heard his voice? Nobody. All of religion thus becomes an elaborate system of excuses why God never makes his existence experiencable. Why he is not perceivable like a simple chair or a tree? There are conditions. You have to have faith. As if the mere knowledge of an entity's existence would even REQUIRE faith! Why? How can you have faith in someone who never manifests himself as existent? Why should you trust a being who always hides himself?
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This is the core issue with theism imo. If there IS a god, where the hell is he? ? Who has seen this being? Who has heard his voice? Nobody. All of religion thus becomes an elaborate system of excuses why God never makes his existence experiencable. Why he is not perceivable like a simple chair or a tree. There are conditions. You have to have faith. As if the mere knowledge of an entity's existence would even REQUIRE faith! Why? How can you have faith in someone who never manifests himself as existent? Why should you trust a being who always hides himself?

It's hiding behind its Mommie's skirt.
Religion has no basis in reality.

Religion was invented in order to help people deal with the cruel things that happen to good people in this world.

We live in a sad and cruel world where good people suffer and where people are dying whether from hunger, poverty, old age or by natural or man-made accidents.

Religion helps people cope with the cruel things that are happening to them or to their loved ones.

Religion is just a coping mechanism, that is all.
We kill him every time he comes around. Jesus was passive FYI. That's the only way he doesn't have his father strike down his ignorant accusers versus going up on a cross. Passive logic says its most blissful not to fit back or resist evil. All he can do is keep being a righteous passive martyr until everyone realizes the things they need to realize to keep hope and salvation alive and happy in all of us.
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This is the core issue with theism imo. If there IS a god, where the hell is he? ? Who has seen this being? Who has heard his voice? Nobody. All of religion thus becomes an elaborate system of excuses why God never makes his existence experiencable. Why he is not perceivable like a simple chair or a tree? There are conditions. You have to have faith. As if the mere knowledge of an entity's existence would even REQUIRE faith! Why? How can you have faith in someone who never manifests himself as existent? Why should you trust a being who always hides himself?

Knowledge let the gates of hell lose, to teach us just how much we love one another. Knowledge fucked with nature to confuse our reality and test us to see what we are like with out a observable higher power.
Why doesn't God visit us? It says to have faith.

How do you know God doesn't visit you?

How is it logical to place faith in any word. "Trust me" God says.

One does not choose to have real faith in anything,, it is a natural default which kicks in at exact moments.

How can we or should we trust? What has it done to prove itself? The sacrifice of its son? Wait that requires trust in the first place that God is real.

You act as though God is separate from you, as if you exist independently, why you ask in this manner. This is the definition of atheistic. There is no answer, at this moment in time, that anyone can satisfy you with.
I suggest you accept your atheism/agnosticism, and just live happily, if you can.
Maybe the reality of what and who God is may naturally strike a chord with you. But right now you seem to be trying to convince yourself God does not exist.

Let's say I told you that God is not real and asked you to trust me. Or better yet let me tell other people and write it in letters to you asking to trust me? How is that effective?

Everything is effective, it would depend on my state of mind how it would effect me.

What if I told you my friends to tell you that I love you or write a letter to you. Shouldn't that be better left said in person?

Maybe,maybe not. It depends on circumstances. It shouldn't stop the flow of love.

What keeps God from visiting us? Because it feels it doesn't have to because it already wrote the letters and left the signs?

We are in God, and God is in us.

How he really cares enough to send the very best. Heck at this point a Hallmark card would be something.

The ability which made Hallmark cards is due to God. If you don't get that, that is why you are stuck with this never ending cycle of questions.

So what is it that keeps God from visiting in corporeal form?

Again, how do you know He doesn't?

I told me daughter the other day that she can go to get dance recital alone because I have to work but I'd be there in spirit. What kind of message is that and what is it different if I actually made it?

You're daughter may perform nicely under the feeling of being truly loved, or she may reject that love because of some influence and perform terribly. Someone else may come from a wretched background where they have never recieved love from the people in their lives and perform nicely for different reasons. It is ridiculously complicated, and not worth the time.

Regarding the questions about God, it all starts and ends with you.

Accept God, or not. It's your choice. :)

Your daughter doesn't need you to actually go to her recital because you are in her all the time and she is in you.

Now that you understand this you'll understand that you never need to see your daughter again nor she you. Just accept this and it will all be better soon.

Haha...this brings up an interesting thought. Today, when some natural disaster occurs the nutjobs say something like "God made hurricane Katrina to punish all the homosexuals in New Orleans".

When you think of it, those same nutjob of yore are the ones who wrote the Bible and are reflected in the description of Sodom and Gomorrah being wiped out or the Tower of Babble, etc.

It lessens the "holiness" of the Bible to consider that the Jerry Falwell's of the day were the authors :)
Haha...this brings up an interesting thought. Today, when some natural disaster occurs the nutjobs say something like "God made hurricane Katrina to punish all the homosexuals in New Orleans".

When you think of it, those same nutjob of yore are the ones who wrote the Bible and are reflected in the description of Sodom and Gomorrah being wiped out or the Tower of Babble, etc.

It lessens the "holiness" of the Bible to consider that the Jerry Falwell's of the day were the authors :)

That reminds me of disasters which kill many people & the surviving minority credits god with rescuing them yet says nothing of god causing or allowing the disaster.
I have the impression that Jerry Falwell's version would be even worse.
Yes, people are selective. They remember it when they are thinking of someone and that person suddenly calls them on the phone.

They don't consider all the times that they think of people and the phone doesn't ring :)

I've learned that people who believe in miracles see them everywhere :)
Yes, people are selective. They remember it when they are thinking of someone and that person suddenly calls them on the phone.

They don't consider all the times that they think of people and the phone doesn't ring :)

I've learned that people who believe in miracles see them everywhere :)

Comes from seeing the world thru godglasses.
Why doesn't God visit us? It says to have faith.

What keeps God from visiting us? Because it feels it doesn't have to because it already wrote the letters and left the signs? How he really cares enough to send the very best. Heck at this point a Hallmark card would be something.

So what is it that keeps God from visiting in corporeal form?
If you were to lay eyes on God even for a second in human form you would basically turn into dust.. because God is so bright. (among other reasons)
And I talk to God all the time.. Its really not that hard.

People can choose to believe or not believe. Or they can say how theirs no way for anyone to prove that God exist. But you cant prove that he doesn't exist.. Am i right?
And actually.. I can prove he exist..
SO what about the bible? Who do you think made that? Do you think its just some random book that some guy decided to make up? And how is a big bang that made the whole earth and all the creations more logical than God making the earth in seven days? He made you, and me, and everyone else in His image. How is that not logical?

Without God.. where would you go when you died? In the ground? For your body to be eaten by worms and such. I mean, I cant imagine life without God. Knowing that your family and friends just died.. never to be seen again.. would be horrible. But when you believe.. you know that you will see them again.. and that they truly are in a better place. With new, young, strong bodies. In a place where there is no pain or hurt or death or anger.. I don't know how people could just choose not to believe.. And honestly i don't get it.. but I'm not looking to get in an argument.. I just wish more people believed..
Going by the HolyBabble, god is not that bright. No, it's really not hard, for many people, to talk to themselves & childishly pretend.
I cannot choose to believe in something I do not know exists. YOU cant prove that Donald Duck doesn't exist.. Am i right?
SO what about a collection of ancient scribblings by stupid scared superstitious savages, compiled & edited & reedited & reedited by power hungry jerks. Do you actually think that is evidence of anything or that it was seriously written by an omnipotent omniscient intelligent wise sane grown up god.
Without god, I will go to Never Never Land when I die. Whatever happens to dead bodies underground is completely irrevelant.
You need to exercise your imagination. What you can or cannot imagine & what you feel is horrible just does not determine reality in the least.
When you believe, you do not know. You pretend to know.
I know how people could choose to believe. I do get it. Maybe someday you will.
I just wish more people were not cruelly indoctrinated into ignorant idiocy when they are too young to think clearly. I just wish more people could think logicly. I wish critical reasoning was taught in elementary school. I wish you could take off your godglasses & face reality. But wishing doesn't do any more good than believing.
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Haha...this brings up an interesting thought. Today, when some natural disaster occurs the nutjobs say something like "God made hurricane Katrina to punish all the homosexuals in New Orleans"
But then God made rainbows, so he must love gays. And come to think of it, God created erectile dysfunction to punish old white guys for their sins . . .
Have you ever read the bible?? Because I have.. Since I was five.. And yes, he is that bright.

And I'm not "talking to myself" when I talk to Him. It's not a "childish pretend". I'm not saying I sit in my bed and pray and then hear a big loud voice in my head, but he speaks to me in other ways you obviously wouldn't understand.

And again, like I said, you can't prove that He doesn't exist. But I on the other hand can prove that a fictional character, created by Disney, such as Donald duck, does not exist. If you really think a white talking duck who wears a blue suite shirt thing, does exist... Thennn you should probably see some help.

Yea.. Oh and actually The Bible isn't scribblings. Lol there are like actually words in there.. It's not like it's written in Greek..

yes.. I do believe that every word in the bible is real and truthful.. But that's what I believe.. Deal with it.

Sooo.. If it doesn't matter what happens to you once you die then... What are you living for? Rich or poor, mean or nice, you'd all end up in a wooden box in the dirt.

(And its only one Never in Never land.. Not Never Never Land..)

My reality is God. I'm in reality. And this world.. sucks. But lucky for me (if you believe or not) I'll be in Heaven when I die. And all this pain and torture the world has brought me will finally end.

And no.. I KNOW that God is real and does exist with ever fiber of my being. I don't "pretend to know".

I will always believe the same thing I believe today.

And I think more clearly than you so I'm not really sure what your talking about.

It's not like my parents forced me into knowing and loving God. Yea, they planted that seed in me at a young age but I don't just believe what my parents believe. I have my own thoughts.

And Public school has taken God out of everything. And I'm homeschooled.. No, not because my mom is some crazy Christian who doesn't want her children to get into trouble or whatever, but because I don't do well in public school because of some minor learning disability I have. And because we move a lot..

Anyways here's a quote for you.

"The man who does not believe is a fool"

Opps. :O
But then God made rainbows, so he must love gays. And come to think of it, God created erectile dysfunction to punish old white guys for their sins . . .

God made the rainbow as a promise to never destroy the world with a flood again..

I may only be 14 but I know things.