God doesn't exist for the atheist?

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why would god hide his existence to those who dont belive in him? It seems that if you didnt belive in god he wouldnt have to "blink" out his existence, because you or at least the majority of non beleivers wouldnt go looking for him. Its a matter of faith anyways, not proof.
You don't believe in science. If you did, you would see that the God Hypothesis is not supported by anything approaching reliable evidence.
Perhaps God simply blinks out of existence for those who don't believe in Him.

-The all forgiving God ? If I believe in our God of Forest - Tapio, is that enough ?
-Or are we talking the monopolized God of Christians, and what sect ?
-You mean that take the Jesus Christ (the 1/3 part of God) as your personal saviour or you dont exist afterlife ? How bad can it be without existence,
like nirvana of somekind ;)
Believing in God is how you communicate with God. God simply ignores those who fail to communicate. Why should I bother to tell you I'm here, when you haven't bothered to ask me if I am here?
I agree that the God Hypothesis has no reliable scientific evidence. The reason is because God wants it that way. He only exists for those who believe in Him. Thou shall not put thy Lord thy God to the test.
Well, I ponder you everyday, I sacrified food and drink to my native God Tapio at Winter Solstice. I believe there is higher things than me, just cant swallow every dogma forced upon me. So, what is my position in your eyes ?
I am not omnipotent, and therefore your believing in my existence does not affect whether I actually exist one way or the other. God, however, is omnipotent, and could will Himself away to the non-believer.
If you're going to continue to assert that a god exists only to those that believe and for me to see the evidence I'll need to first believe, then I don't see what else you'll really have to offer for us in this science forum.

Should not the thread then be closed, since your argument is circular and will never have a revelation or ability for those that oppose it to inject rational discourse.

Your only response to rational discussion is to counter-respond with irrational concepts. Therefore, there is no discussion.

The thread will close very soon unless a legitimate and rational argument is put forth to keep it open.
How it is that you people can believe a virtual particle can pop in and out of existence, and thus exist and not exist, and yet refuse to ascribe the same quality to an omnipotent being (at least hypothetically) is beyond me.
-You are still avoiding my questions, I never said that I dont believe in God,
I´m just mixed up as you can see ;)
If your native God is the God of Jesus, you are in luck BlueMoose.

So you contend that the only way to see gods existence in to belive in a christian god?

No other theological belief will yield proof of god but a christian one?
Gee, I though this was the religion forum SkinWalker?

It is a religion sub-forum of a Science forum.

There's no reason why you cannot discuss the universe from a supernatural perspective, but if you are going to be automatically dismissive of naturalistic and rationalistic responses by saying, "god did it; god willed it" as an explanation, then the discussion can no longer proceed. It therefore is closed.

If anyone has a compelling argument to reopen the thread, please PM me and I'll genuinely consider it.
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