God does exist.

wow, what a waste of text....don't argue about God's existence...theist that try to just want to validate themselves to the world and themselves.
Some people are trying to validate themselves, and others are looking for the truth. It's not just theists.
Re: Re: God does exist.

Originally posted by You Killed Jesus
Actually, there isn't. Sorry.

actually there is, sorry. Know your sources, know your role. you are all a bunch of idiots. morons, rejects. not fit for god's kingdoms. all gonna be cast into hell.

there is no more to be said.

oh yeah, and hypocrites too.

you guys smoke this stuff :m:

your brains are terds. God will crush you with his glory someday.

actually there is, sorry. Know your sources, know your role. you are all a bunch of idiots. morons, rejects. not fit for god's kingdoms. all gonna be cast into hell.

Nice comment, very profound and mature(sarcasm). This is not the best route to convince people that your ideas are legitamate. Instead it appears you are merely trying to illicit a response out of people that is based on emotion. Try to conduct yourself in a more civilized manner next time, maybe people will actually listen to what you have to say and take you seriously.

your brains are terds. God will crush you with his glory someday.

How insightful. Tone it down a little would you? From what ive read, you have given some arguements that are a lot better than the run of the mill theists, this I applaude you on. Not saying they are right, but at least you realize that logic is important.
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Be careful...

Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
wow, what a waste of text....don't argue about God's existence...theist that try to just want to validate themselves to the world and themselves.
Hmm... interesting opinion. Be careful of your judgements though. Personally, I would think you argue about something which is debatable, in my mind, God's existence is not debatable - so I don't argue about God's existence - I simply aim to expose the holes in the logic and reasoning of those who are 'so sure' He doesn't exist through their logic, reasoning, and evidence.
Re: Re: Re: God does exist.

Originally posted by KenshiSoro
... know your role. you are all a bunch of idiots. morons, rejects. not fit for god's kingdoms. all gonna be cast into hell.

there is no more to be said.

oh yeah, and hypocrites too.

you guys smoke this stuff :m:

your brains are terds. God will crush you with his glory someday.
One question: Are you God? Do you know enough about anyone on this website to formulate such a judgment? You seem to think so... well... no... you're not. Frankly, what you said up there could - and possibly could not - be one big lie. Be careful... and remeber your place in God's construct. Nice way of winning souls might I add.;)
Matthew 7:1-6

1. Don't condemn others and God won't condemn you. 2. God will be as hard on you as you are on others! He will treat you exactly as you treat them.

3. You can see the spec [or neutrino for an analogy] in your friend's eye, but you can't see the log [or Galactic cluster] in you own eye....

Hopefully you've read the rest by now. This is in no way a judgement on any character, just an insight to keep in mind
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It amazes me that people would need f***ing scripture to understand what is right, wrong and that which makes you a stupid jackass. Makes me sick.
Understanding wrong from right and the need for scripture

The reason we feel the need and do need to refer to scripture to determine wrong from right is because God did not allow us perfect recollection of the laws he programed into us. In order for you to believe in God you have to acknowledge what you already know deep within you, that God created this universe. If you are so deluded as not to recognize his artwork all around you and have no appreciation for its beauty (which I doubt, I'm sure you appreciate beauty) than refer to archeology and its validation of the bible as being historically accurate. If the bible is historically accurate logically so would the rest of its claims. This logic would also be used in court, if the evidence shows a person is trustworthy, than most likely whatever else he says can also be trusted. You haev no just reason for saying the sciptures are garbage or useless or anything other than God's word. Extrabiblical sources like historical texts, including ancient ones also affirm the bibles accurate record of history. That is why we donkeys go to scripture, it is accurate as shown by the evidence. That is why we do not go around like uncontrollably flatulant hairless monkeys throwing insults because we think we will get away with it in the end or have no conscience.

Unless you can show hard scientific evidence, from archeology especially, don't bother calling people insulting names or saying the sciptures are not God's word, get some proof or you will continue to be a windbag till death.

Also being that you do not believe in God or absolute truth, how can you be so upset? If nothing matters and nothing is true, who cares what we are you say? Child molestation is no better or worse than stealing a candy bar if there is no God or absolute truth. Do you think child molestation is ok? Show us your logic.

By the way the universe operates on absolute truths, to say there are none would be a contradiction. Because that statement wouldn't be true either. In order for there to be absolute truths, a person would have to be the source, being that non intelligent things do not decide right from wrong and certainly don't have power over something spiritual like what is good or evil, or do you think rocks think about this stuff?

God bless you,


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Religion is faith. Faith is delusion. There is no charisma in delusion, no perception at all. Religion is a misguided effort to embody the primal energy that runs through our veins, into something that makes sense.
Funny how all the major questions were answered long before we started exploring ourselves, and space. The distant future will look at us no different than we look at the distant past... a world full of backward superstitions.
"God" is no different than prozac, we're all CRAZY.
Accolade to EverPrince

Originally posted by sulaco
Religion is faith. Faith is delusion.
Faith is fundamental to human rationale - I'd even argue that what defines the human condition is faith. Based on the view your whole perception of your existence is a delusion. Who says you're wrong?;)
There is no charisma in delusion, no perception at all.
Your whole existence?
Religion is a misguided effort to embody the primal energy that runs through our veins, into something that makes sense.
Could say the same for science and atheism; how do you know which is more misguided?
Funny how all the major questions were answered long before we started exploring ourselves, and space.
Hmmm... Funny how Black Holes were first hypothesised to exist around 1916, and the first relatively convincing evidence was observed in 1994 with the hubble. Hmmm... Funny how the evidence for the neutrino appeared about 25 years after it became fundamental to physics. Funny how there's all this talk about Dark Matter... what?... 80% of universal mass? What is it?
The distant future will look at us no different than we look at the distant past... a world full of backward superstitions.
Can't argue there - not where science is concerend. However most old religions where people worshipped the Sun and Jupiter and all those things have died or are dying out, because scientific investigation has revealed their true nature. For the Christian God, science can't even come close to explaining Him away. It can't even detect Him. I think He'll be intertwined with human rationale for a while.;)
... we're all CRAZY.
Maybe... best to speak for yourself though.
On 'slaps in the face'...

Originally posted by wesmorris
It amazes me that people would need f***ing scripture to understand what is right, wrong and that which makes you a stupid jackass. Makes me sick.
Well Wes, what do you use? As The Prince so studiously illustrated, it certainly cannot be logic. What are your terms of reference in determining right from wrong?
I don't know what 'I[Y]O' is.
Your slang modified. IMO/IYO me/you? Get it?
My why is because...
In the human mind your why is as plausible as mine: in truth/reality one is more plausible than the other. My faith in my God tells me it’s mine.
My only real beef with that is that the belief in "god" and especially "christianity" has no basis in reason. They are fundamental assumptions that are to me completely unfounded and worse.. actually inhibiting to the earnest quest for truth. Consider any problem with an infinite number of answers, if you make assumptions regarding the hypothesis "christianity is the faith for me" or "god is real" or things to that effect, you exclude a large body of potential truths. I think that regarding the questions at hand, such assumptions extremely undesirable.
In other words you just don’t want to find out what ‘the truth’ is just yet, and more than likely you don’t think you can. The search is exciting enough. You want to think and explore, with serendipitous discovery. I agree, I’m an X-Files junkie too. That whole show was sustained by Mulder’s search for ‘the truth’. But interestingly, my faith in God the Triune, in no way, limits my exploration of the wildest hypotheses concerning cosmogony. Not matter how far back you go you have to come to that point where you say, God. That’s how I see it. E=mc^2 [energy cannot be created or destroyed – so there was energy – then chaos which produced this] is a sorry excuse to eliminate God from the equation. I forgot the scriptural reference, but in the Bible, a verse says – paraphrased – With God, all things are possible. I believe in the possibilities of intelligent alien life, evolution – these, in my eyes, in no way conflict with any biblical teachings. But then, if I were to forsake my faith in God, I’d forsake all things being possible, no?:)
I know because making any unreasonable and significant assumption regarding the creation of the universe is unwarrented given the lack of evidence available to formuate an argument.
Unwarranted in your eyes, but not necessarily untrue.
The thing that turns me off the most about the bible for instance is that it is the freakin blueprint for all that is good propaganda, yet that fact seems to be ignored by most of the readers. Seems pretty cult-like to me.
That shouldn’t turn you off from the Bible, just the readers who ignore it.;)
I'm just arguing that something that is a perpetual stalemate and doesn't have compelling evidence isn't reasonable to be involved with.
I doubt reason will help me after I complete this ‘leg of my journey’. You see, you’re getting ‘slapped in the face?’ all the time, but it’s like your spiritual senses are temporarily paralyzed, you just don’t feel it.
Originally posted by The Cuddly Cute Devil Hare
In the manner in which I used the phrase "having absolute knowledge of a thing" I refer simply to the fact that if I create the definition of a thing, then I've defined it in it's entirety...
K... got it. Examples are Sigmund Freud and Ego... aaaaaand all current scientific knowledge. So it all could be in our heads.
The concept of "One" for example, is the same for everyone, though it may be called by different names. If no one was around, all life destroyed, and somehow new half reptilian creatures spawned from the miasma and became conscious, self-aware, and sentient, their concept of "One" would be the same thing. In this case, the non temporal nature of the concept of "One" makes it an absolute concept.
You obviously mean that each individual reptilian’s concept of “One” would be the same – you didn’t mean their concept would be necessarily the same as the human concept, because there would be no way of verifying that. If we meet ‘intelligent’ alien life they might not even know what hydrogen is – contrary to what SETI researchers think. They might just see the world as quarks, leptons, and bosons, get me? In other words, absolute concepts are none existent. However, absolute truths must exist.
I grant you that someone has to actually think about it to be aware of it, but it doesn't require someone thinking about it to validate it, like dictionary definitions would, for example. The concept is valid without having a thinker think it.
I get what you are trying to get at... I think. However, it seems to me you are just saying anything is possible within the human mind. So who is to say Hitler was crazy?
Most math by itself represents a collection of absolute truths though,...
I’m sure you meant absolute concepts or absolute truths within the human rationale.
In short, what I believe, without proof, is that there is no god, and my rationale is simply that there isn't anything that would require one.
Oh yeah, and regarding this... nothing required gravity, or bosons, or dark matter or dark energy to exist 600 yrs ago. But then... without those existing, would we still exist? And even better, if we refused to believe that they existed [or didn’t know], wouldn’t they still be required for our existence... just like 600yrs ago?
get off yourself

You know MarcAC, this is simple... there is no mystery here. We're a primitive, isolated race, that alone drives us to irrational thought and speculation. You may feel that being Human is just not good enough, you'd rather think you're something else... part of a HIGHER ELITE. You think you're brilliant... you think you're some kind of... Hannibal Lecter or something. -- MarcAC: "Well Wes, what do you use? As The Prince so studiously illustrated, it certainly cannot be logic." -- Well hello... Clarice? You're not brilliant, you're just trapped in an illusion of grandeur. And I'm PROUD of being Human.
Re: get off yourself

Originally posted by sulaco
You know MarcAC, this is simple... there is no mystery here. We're a primitive, isolated race, that alone drives us to irrational thought and speculation.
I agree. But as far as anyone knows we could be the most advanced race in the universe... or the only 'intellgient' life.
You may feel that being Human is just not good enough, you'd rather think you're something else... part of a HIGHER ELITE.
Well, being human is enough, for now. And Christian doctrine doesn't talk about human's of being of a 'higher elite' any more than conventional science does in definiing our 'intelligence' above other animals.
You think you're brilliant... you think you're some kind of... Hannibal Lecter or something. -- MarcAC: "Well Wes, what do you use? As The Prince so studiously illustrated, it certainly cannot be logic." --
Well I don't see how this illustrate me thinking I'm brilliant.:confused: Hey it's just a simple question which will, hopefully, serve to illustrate a point. Well if you think it was a brilliant question well... thanks...:p... I will reserve my judgment until I see wes's answer.
Well hello... Clarice? You're not brilliant, you're just trapped in an illusion of grandeur.
Who's Clarice? And how do you know that Clarice isn't brilliant? I won't say I'm an idiot, but I will not self righteously say I'm brilliant either. Yuck! I'd never do that!
And I'm PROUD of being Human.
Not as proud as I am... o.k.... maybe as proud as I am... or even more so perhaps.;)
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
To be proud, don't you need to be impressing someone?
Well one dictionary meaning of proud is to be relatively satisfied with one's achievements. Basically, I think that is what saluco was saying. Frankly, that is what I was saying. We are proud of being human. Anyway, no, you don't need to be 'impressing someone' to be proud, Lou Natic.;)
does god exist

since no one can prove the existence of god,isn't that proof enough it doesnt exist?
Re: Accolade to EverPrince

Originally posted by MarcAC
Faith is fundamental to human rationale - I'd even argue that what defines the human condition is faith. Based on the view your whole perception of your existence is a delusion. Who says you're wrong?;)

faith is fundamental? you bet it means "Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing"

woah deep...

"based on the view" - what view? moneky fix your grammar, you aren't making a logical reference - UGH!

Your whole existence?
Could say the same for science and atheism; how do you know which is more misguided?

well monkey in response to this you gave no proof, without proof there is no reason to believe whatever it is you just said which is nonsense.


Hmmm... Funny how Black Holes were first hypothesised to exist around 1916, and the first relatively convincing evidence was observed in 1994 with the hubble. Hmmm... Funny how the evidence for the neutrino appeared about 25 years after it became fundamental to physics. Funny how there's all this talk about Dark Matter... what?... 80% of universal mass? What is it?
Can't argue there - not where science is concerend. However most old religions where people worshipped the Sun and Jupiter and all those things have died or are dying out, because scientific investigation has revealed their true nature. For the Christian God, science can't even come close to explaining Him away. It can't even detect Him. I think He'll be intertwined with human rationale for a while.;)
Maybe... best to speak for yourself though.

UM MONKEY SCIENTISTS ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT MONKEY SO YOUR WHOLE ARGUMENT MAKES NO SENSE. What you are arguing is that since scientists have made predictions expecially ones from long ago, and that these predictions based on their scientific research has come true that they must be more accurate that christians.

well this is why that is wrong, many scientists are also Christians, in fact many of the first scientists were christians and believed in creationism. not only that scientists also make incorrect predictions, not only that you also left out the correct findings made by christians.

So your argument comes to nothing.

Seeya monkey


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