God does exist.

I'm semi-drunk and I feel like shit. I don't want to be mature. I want to go and play with toy dinosaurs.
There is about as much evidence on angels as there is on Satan and Father Christmas.. anecdotal evidence alone simply cannot be good evidence!

If you wish to make claims like the above please give us some of the supposed evidence to back it up.....

Wha? You mean there's no Santa? Next you'll be telling me that there's no Easter Bunny or God......
Originally posted by FunkyJuice
There is about as much evidence on angels as there is on Satan and Father Christmas.. anecdotal evidence alone simply cannot be good evidence!

If you wish to make claims like the above please give us some of the supposed evidence to back it up.....


To who, exactly, is this repetitive rhetoric directed? It is funny that men can claim God does not exist, but, neither, carry any conviction. It is more productive to assume God does exist and progress in science to prove this assertion as truth or fiction. At this moment, we are not empirically certain of the existence of God. Either way, there is no "objective truth" in claims for and against God.
Hey Platipus, here's an idea, how about you actually come up with an origional thought, rather than recycling 2000 years of theistic arguments, and we debate it?
God is proven

It is so easy to be an atheist. All atheist are good at is rejecting scientific and philosphical facts. They can never give proof, because they cant! if anything they are the ones whos delusional for claiming God doesnt exist when the fact is no evidence supports such claim. Dont even say "prove to me tooth fairies/unicorns don’t hover around earth every night". A claim can b proven fake by lack of evidence. What evidence do u have of tooth fairy? How many eyewitnesses? Millions? If tooth fairies plucked out a teeth, is there any scientific investigation done to it? If so can u show it? How many testified? Show me healing, supernatural/miracles documented in the name of tooth fairy. How many died for tooth fairy to verify its value? Thousands? Is there a Historical location of it? If so, where? Give up? Well tooth fairy because of its lack of evidence is fake. Period...Besides its generally accepted that toothfairy and unicorn or marvel super heroes are myth, I havent heard of toothfairy worshipper,then do u deal with that?

I can even be as stupid as an atheist and say King Henry is a myth, and not one of you can convince me otherwise. Prove it to me King henry exist, signature? How do I know its not someone else ? Tomb? How do I know they didnt placed another mans corpse there and claim its king henry's? God is a myth, and so is King Henry, Skaespeare, Queen Elizabeth, etc. All these have one thing in common, they all have solid proofs which atheist are too stupid to accept. ANYWAYS ANYONE WHY SAYS GOD IS A MYTH, I SAY BACK TO THEM SO IS KING HENRY AND THE FOUNDING FATHERS...PERIOD
Is it possible that a detailed and complex form happens by chance w/out an intelligent cause? Maybe there's a chance that computers could b formed by a series of hurricane/lightning/earthquake/ by Chance. Perhaps the lightning struck some rocks in place which caused it 2 melt & created wirings then the wind placed it in location where in Trillions of yrs earthquakes shook it & the design may possible turn into a laptop computer! But this won’t happen in a single step, but through random chance, the processor was made first, then the speakers, the keyboard, monitor, & so forth all by chance. No one dares question the laws of physics (LOL). Is this possible? NO! This analogy is IMPOSSIBLE, there’s no "chance" natural resources contain the necessary tools to create a detailed and complex laptop computer (soldering iron, laser beams, mechanical precision, proper timing &position, etc.) this requires intelligent cause. Though impossible, that analogy can be mentally visualized, unlike the claim that series of earthquakes, hurricane, sunlight, and lightning can gather atoms and molecules together, then form it into a mitochondria, ribosome, cytoplasm, nucleus, and thousands of the cell’s parts all at once then bring it to life.I dont care about your theory, Fact is NOT ONE scientist with all the modern technology can create a living cell, NOT ONE.

Why do you reason with “chance” what doesn’t have a chance? I can claim that there’s a “chance” my mother will win the million-dollar lottery, even if winning is slim, fact is there is still a chance. One evidence to support my claim is that demonstration made it possible, she won the lucky 3 few times and other lottery games. Lottery is accessible right now, there is no reason I shouldn’t be able to provide proof of “chance”. Another evidence of “chance” winning the million-dollar lottery is the fact that many won it before. This claim of “chance” is evident. Another example of chance is competition; there is a chance that Evander Holyfield could regain the 4th heavyweight title considering the fact that there are others who has done it before, such as Muhammad Ali. This claim of “chance” is evident as well. But why do atheist make the claim that “earthquake, lightning, wind, and hurricane or any physics” have the chance of gathering atoms and molecules together then create a living breathing life form when the fact is no evidence supports such claim. Again, for one to make a claim of “chance”, one must present evidence to support the possibility…To say “series of earthquake and lightning will make me 1 million feet tall and weigh 50 trillion tons in 30 years by chance” and to say “Series of earthquake and lightning formed a living cell in a sudden gathering of atoms by chance”, is a lie, both are impossible, both doesn’t have any evidence to support the claims of possibility…

You heard them say, "slight chance is still a chance", wrong! Through scientific observation, study & demonstration, there is NO CHANCE that any physics discovered can gather atoms & molecules together in itself then create a living-breathing cell. To use “proof less luck” or "proof less chance" as the cause is a lie; lies is NOT a scientific proof, never is & NEVER WILL. Never again say "Why say it's God's creation if we don’t know, it just means we don’t know" Stupid, we do know, we know that hurricane, wind, lightning, amino acid, protons, neutrons, all chemicals, and any of earth’s natural resource through observation, study, and demonstration cannot create "cell" by itself as science have proven so. By scientific method "chance" is a lie as demonstrated, there is no chance! And intelligence in the other hand is proven. Intelligence can find cure for diseases, cause brain and heart surgery, cause breast implant, observation and study of events, solving crimes, molding artworks, creating cars, rocket space ships, television, refrigerators, etc. Intelligence is capable of creating and forming spare cartilages to replace missing ears or nose construction. Intelligence is also capable of creating living creatures off existing cells, from humans to insects (cloning). Can you present one example of any detailed and complex form from biological to technological caused by a non intelligent matter such as a cell phone forming a house or a Reebok shoe cloning sheep? Nope… So if an ignorant guy (atheist) would say electrons, protons, & neutrons are responsible for the creation of “cell”, say back to this ignorant guy “that’s proven impossible by science, if you think your smarter than science, then prove your claim”, he cant because it’s a lie. Electrons, protons and neutrons are accessible right now! There is no reason he shouldn’t be able to provide proof of “chance”, if he claims those are the cause of life form, then why not show us demonstration after all electrons are accessible here! I have judgment, and so do you, so don’t act like you don’t have one, be wise and normal, use your judgment.
Some atheists are desperate for lies and might say, “The word ”chance” is only intended for biology, not for technological engineering”. Listen atheist kids, the definition of “chance” is=likelihood; opportunity; possibility; accidental. Did it say biological likelihood? Or did it say biological possibility? No! Why are you making your own definition of chance? Liars. I suggest you should make your own dictionary if you are that ignorant, call it the “Ignorant Dictionary”.

I don’t care what theory you use, theory of evolution, big bang theory, eternally oscillating universe theory, eternallypatheticatheist theory, the delusionallostkids theory, alter-elasticity theory, etc. I don’t care about supernova, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, physical pendulum, Casanova, formula E=MC2, mchammer djmix, probability, nsync-nelly dynamics, thermodynamics, virtual particle, critical density, entropy, electromagnetic force, cosmic background radiation, thermonuclear fusion, superfreak mechanics, wave mechanics, optics, etc. You can give names to what already exist as u wish, call it “stupido mechanics” do whatever u want, fact is NOT ONE among ALL of this can demonstrate creation of ANY life form, from cell to creatures. I don’t care if u measured force, angle, sound, speed, distance, length, time, weight, mass, inertia, force & torque of earthquake, wind, lightning, light, cars, airplanes, my foot up your butt, etc. (laws of physics), Fact is your measuring tape, paper, pen,& Casio stop watch cannot demonstrate creation of ANY life form.
Last point...

Evolution take is there was an earth w/a pond, hydrogen, methane & ammonia were in the pond & when lightning struck amino acids were formed, this has been demonstrated in the lab. Not all aminos were formed, however. Amino can form protein, & protein formed the first single cell. We have grave problems here because noone explains where the lightning, hydrogen, methane & ammonia came from & how to get around the missing aminos which are required for the over 200,000 proteins required for the single cell. Noone can explain where ammonia, methane, hydrogen come from, but for the sake of sorry atheist, lets move on; Lets just say ammonia, methane, hydrogen popped out of nowhere magically & it formed amino acids/proteins thanks to lightning, the first single cell is composed of proteins, so what? So what if you can find a spare leg, heart, lungs, or arms out there? Does it mean that lightning, wind, & earthquake can gather the body parts together & create a living being? Do you think the wind will carry the arms, then the earthquake will shake the heart, &then the lightning will glue them together, &later on the spare parts became a living breathing person!? LOL, your stupid. So what if lightning can create amino acids out of the mysterious ammonia, methane, hydrogen, so what? Does it mean that Mr. earthquake, lightning, wind, & sunlight can gather the amino acids and shape it into a tiny and delicate nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, & thousands of other parts of the cell together & then bring it to life? Fact is not one scientist w/ all the modern technology are able to successfully create a living cell, or any life form in the lab out of "atoms/particles", what made u think lightning, sunlight, earthquake accidentally did it? LOL, not a chance. Just as there’s no "chance" a detailed laptop computer can b formed by earthquake, sunlight, wind, & lightning in a trillion years, no living cell can b formed the same way, this HAVE NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF, NEVER HAVE AND NEVER EVER WILL. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.the impossible of the impossible.
our science evolves and we leave your god even smaller and smaller fields to be a god. Take a look 300 years ago
And god said - must there be light
And I switched on the light it my room
And god saw the light, and I thought it to be good.

Give science time- you had 2000 years and did nothing, but cause wars and misery.
Science really has had only about 160! years.

Organised religion isn't evolving,
it will die and make the world a lot happier place.
END OF DISCUSSION.the impossible of the impossible.


- maybe we will invent an improbability field- who knows:D
universe is a strange place:cool:

edit to add- and you can't say "end of discussion" in forums. That is what we do here.
Evolution take is there was an earth w/a pond, hydrogen, methane & ammonia were in the pond & when lightning struck amino acids were formed, this has been demonstrated in the lab. Not all aminos were formed, however. Amino can form protein, & protein formed the first single cell. We have grave problems here because noone explains where the lightning, hydrogen, methane & ammonia came from & how to get around the missing aminos which are required for the over 200,000 proteins required for the single cell. Noone can explain where ammonia, methane, hydrogen come from, but for the sake of sorry atheist, lets move on; Lets just say ammonia, methane, hydrogen popped out of nowhere magically & it formed amino acids/proteins thanks to lightning, the first single cell is composed of proteins, so what? So what if you can find a spare leg, heart, lungs, or arms out there? Does it mean that lightning, wind, & earthquake can gather the body parts together & create a living being? Do you think the wind will carry the arms, then the earthquake will shake the heart, &then the lightning will glue them together, &later on the spare parts became a living breathing person!? LOL, your stupid. So what if lightning can create amino acids out of the mysterious ammonia, methane, hydrogen, so what? Does it mean that Mr. earthquake, lightning, wind, & sunlight can gather the amino acids and shape it into a tiny and delicate nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, & thousands of other parts of the cell together & then bring it to life? Fact is not one scientist w/ all the modern technology are able to successfully create a living cell, or any life form in the lab out of "atoms/particles", what made u think lightning, sunlight, earthquake accidentally did it? LOL, not a chance. Just as there’s no "chance" a detailed laptop computer can b formed by earthquake, sunlight, wind, & lightning in a trillion years, no living cell can b formed the same way, this HAVE NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF, NEVER HAVE AND NEVER EVER WILL. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.the impossible of the impossible.

Dude, lay off on the sugar. And use some FUCKING PUNCTUATION.
"NEVER HAVE AND NEVER EVER WILL. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION.the impossible of the impossible."

Ahhhh religious folk. High-larious.
I am expecting for some good opposition..ill b back to check here and there hoping there will be good response concerning it, and ill leave it to this fact, intelligence is proven, luck, chance, coincidence, sheer luck, super luck, random chance,etc. are all lies, stupid excuses, anyone takes the challenge to debate with me?
zvirbulvanags: Xev- you must see the new religious guy in relig forum
zvirbulvanags: he's funny:D
Xev: Muscleman. *Grins*
Xev: Fun fun!
zvirbulvanags: and nuts
Xev: good Christians are!
zvirbulvanags: I've had enough of them. so fed up..... just want to swash them all away...
Xev: Feed them to lions
zvirbulvanags: good idea, but I don't think lions deserve that
zvirbulvanags: and there are not enough of lions
Xev: That is true. We could sacrifice to Cthulhu
zvirbulvanags: throw them in a volcano :grin:
zvirbulvanags: nah- I hope the evolution does its work and they all die out
Xev: *Grins* That works, that really works. We could also say that Jesus is coming back in one spot, and then bomb that spot when they all go there
Xev: I am tired of arguing with them, anyway, he's not worth the time
zvirbulvanags: fully and truly agree

sorry, but we don't want to waste our time.
it has been so many times, that we are now fed up with the christian kind.

Is there any hindu here?
I would doubt anyone takes the "challenge". We've had many of your type of debater around here and they have always proved a waste of time to argue with.

For one, the basis of many of your posts is about as stupid a comment as one can make. The smarter Christians on this site can point it out to you, I have no doubt.

You basically say that since the idea of god has been around long enough and no other explination of the beginning of the universe is proven, god must be real. Let me give a short anallogy:

Six hundred years ago it had been LONG accepted that the Earth was the centre of the Solar System. The idea had been around for nearly 2000 years! And, of course, there was no way to prove that the Sun was teh centre of the Solar System with the limited science and math available. By your "logic" if you lived in the 1400's it would have been ABSOLUTE FACT that the Earth was the centre of the Solar System. Of course, we now know that what a 1400's version of you would have been ABSOLUTELY SURE OF is dead wrong.

Because there is no answer, does not mean god is the answer. In fact, your mentality is about as archaic as they come.
There r relatively few atheist among neurologists & brain surgeons & among astrophysicists, but many among psychologist, sociologist, & historians. The reason seems obvious: the first study divine design, the second study human design.
Why do you use historical event as an evidence that there is no God? I am not here to debate with human errors which always existed, thanks to science, observation and study with proof revealed lies, but Im here to debate "existence" in general, any life forms, from plants, to creatures.
Avatar- Give science time- you had 2000 years and did nothing, but cause wars and misery.
Science really has had only about 160! years.

Human race has been in destruction and war for centuries even before the existence of any revealed religion came to be. Religion, or Christianity is just caught in the middle of hail of gunfire shots. If there’s anything atheist should work for that really causes war and death, so common even in present day, it will be called nationalism. If there was one nation, no one will feel divided for disunity leads to violence. Christianity who pushes “To love regardless of belief” as the center of the teaching. We have been in wars, famines, death, etc. does being an atheist miraculously remove death and hatred away? No! In fact it may make it worst because of the removal of conscience. This is a lie that has been taught for a while now. People make mistakes regardless of belief, nationality, and cultures. Religion is a good medicine, but people who believes in religion makes mistakes, but it doesn’t mean religion caused man to make mistake for whether the religion is there or not, the man is still going to make mistake. Atheist makes mistakes, Christianity does as well, and so do Muslims and Buddhists.
What do you propose? That we should remove teens in different dress codes and lifestyle because that causes death, and violence? We both know that preps don’t get along with gothic, or hip hop culture don’t really like punk rock culture, they can live together, but there are many teen violence reported because of such disunity. But does not wearing a prep clothes stop teen violence? Think like a normal human being and face the fact, violence, crime, stealing, and cheating is part of human nature even Christianity knows that very well, you atheist children need to grow up and learn.
Just because a grounded daughter learned to escape from her room through her window and one day intentionally beat up another girl, it doesn’t mean her father is evil because she is practicing her freewill, nevertheless it doesn’t mean her father is a myth either. Stupid atheist, why do you blame the cat if the dog chewed your homework? Why do you blame the rain if the sun gave you skin cancer? Why do you blame God if your neighbor is a bigot and killed your dog? Why do you say God is a myth because people who are Christians are sinners? Atheist claim to be intelligent, but the truth really is they are liars and need to grow up.
99% of universities r founded by Christians (harvard,princeton,ucdavis,stanford,georgiatown, etc.)I havent heard 1 founded by atheist, so why then do they claim to be so smart when the fact is most atheist get their education from us.

U want to prove your smart? Get a degree from universities then Ill believe your smart. By the way do u know 99% of universities are founded by Christians? If not, now u know so learn from Christians ok? Whos your daddy? who!!
President Bush, and all presidents have good education learned the big bang, many theories and learned all about physics, but they believe in Good, atheist must have slept over their class and got an "F" to not believe in God.
