God does exist,otherwise our lives would be worthless ?

Yorda said:
The emotional and mental comes from the brain, which is a part of the body.

Oh, now I understand you are assuming there is some other worldly thing called a soul without having any supporting empirical evidence ;)
Diesel said:
Memento mori, der unsinn

You think you're so tough.

path said:
Oh, now I understand you are assuming there is some other worldly thing called a soul without having any supporting empirical evidence ;)

There is only one existence. It is I, the self.
audible said:
yorda does the self need to reside in the body.

No, it's not located anywhere, but everyone knows its presence.
When a body dies, it means that the specific body no longer has contact with the self.
Life doesn't end after the death of the body. When your body dies, the same self continues to exists in other people. The self doesn't really "have" a body. The material world is a consequence of the existence of the self. In the same way as the heat is a consequence from fire.
yorda your the clever one on this subject, so if the self continues, after death, then as audible says why have a body and you say it continues in other people so do you know your you or are you mixed up with all the other selfs, because that would mean it's no longer a self but a mass.
The title of this thread illustrates how I believe ALL theists think.
They're just so damn optimistic. Things CAN'T be bleek.
Somehow, because something would be bad if it was true, that automatically means it isn't true.
Something being bad or good can be used as a piece of evidence in assisting them reach a conclusion. If it's good it's more likely to be true, if it's bad it can't be true.

"God does exist, otherwise our lives would be worthless", what does that mean?
I would understand "I sure hope god exists, otherwise our lives are worthless".
But the title of this thread is like a child saying "I will get a pony for my birthday, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to ride a pony around on my birthday and have fun, so duh, obviously I will get a pony"
Getting a sweater is going to hit that kid with a more devestating impact than it will the kid who was thinking "I'll probably get a gay sweater for my birthday, knowing my shithead parents".

Add some background to this, akin to the indications life and history have given us in regard to god and our worth, and now it's like these kids have been getting sweaters every year, with their parents laughing at them saying openly that all they will ever buy them for their birthdays are the crappiest sweaters they can find, and that this will never ever change, and that a pony is completely out of the question and laughable to even think about considering how much they hate their children.
And yet, the little theist minded boy continues rocking on his bed saying "I WILL get a pony, I WILL get a pony" over and over again with an insane grin on his face.
While rational atheist minded boy is on the bunk below saying "dude, obviously we're going to get shit sweaters, why do you do this to yourself every year?"
mis-t-highs said:
yorda your the clever one on this subject, so if the self continues, after death, then as audible says why have a body and you say it continues in other people so do you know your you or are you mixed up with all the other selfs, because that would mean it's no longer a self but a mass.

In reality, there is only one self "who" expresses itself through all things. People feel separated, and they are separated from themselves and everything else because they identify themselves with their body, which is physical and limited.
misty said:
yorda your the clever one on this subject, so if the self continues, after death, then as audible says why have a body and you say it continues in other people so do you know your you or are you mixed up with all the other selfs, because that would mean it's no longer a self but a mass.

yorda said:
In reality, there is only one self "who" expresses itself through all things. People feel separated, and they are separated from themselves and everything else because they identify themselves with their body, which is physical and limited.
that does not answer misty question, however I have a question, when you refer to the "one self" is that a self that everybody shares, or do we have our own individual ones.
Dr Lou Natic said:
The title of this thread illustrates how I believe ALL theists think.
They're just so damn optimistic. Things CAN'T be bleek.
Somehow, because something would be bad if it was true, that automatically means it isn't true.
Something being bad or good can be used as a piece of evidence in assisting them reach a conclusion. If it's good it's more likely to be true, if it's bad it can't be true.

"God does exist, otherwise our lives would be worthless", what does that mean?
I would understand "I sure hope god exists, otherwise our lives are worthless".
But the title of this thread is like a child saying "I will get a pony for my birthday, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to ride a pony around on my birthday and have fun, so duh, obviously I will get a pony"
Getting a sweater is going to hit that kid with a more devestating impact than it will the kid who was thinking "I'll probably get a gay sweater for my birthday, knowing my shithead parents".

Add some background to this, akin to the indications life and history have given us in regard to god and our worth, and now it's like these kids have been getting sweaters every year, with their parents laughing at them saying openly that all they will ever buy them for their birthdays are the crappiest sweaters they can find, and that this will never ever change, and that a pony is completely out of the question and laughable to even think about considering how much they hate their children.
And yet, the little theist minded boy continues rocking on his bed saying "I WILL get a pony, I WILL get a pony" over and over again with an insane grin on his face.
While rational atheist minded boy is on the bunk below saying "dude, obviously we're going to get shit sweaters, why do you do this to yourself every year?"

haha...thats funny man. i've been there, bought the crappy sweater, hehe

i agree with you up to the point it all goes a bit nihilistic

Yes, the literalist Christians, and literalist religionists everywhere, are kind of gaga for some 'pony' in the sky
this is cause the religion-high commisioners have made damn sure that all the people are left with are empty symbols with no substance. no DIRECT experience

ie., they open there present and all there is is a little crappy Barbi Doll Pony, the wild one you can ride in the wilds is forboden, and hidden from memory
pavlosmarcos said:
that does not answer misty question, however I have a question, when you refer to the "one self" is that a self that everybody shares, or do we have our own individual ones.

In reality, we "all" share the same self. Individuality (or personality) is an illusion that comes from the body. Bodies are always separated because of material laws.
yorda said:
we "all" share the same self. Individuality (or personality) is an illusion that comes from the body. Bodies are always separated because of material laws.
so it's not a self but a mass, that would answer misty/ and pavlos question.
so As I understand it when we die, our bodys rot and the atoms( this self(mass)) that make it up, go to make up other things, and possibly new life, Ie plants, animals, humans.
kind off, like it does all ready.
or do you mean that this one mass self(atoms), is the only thing around and none of our spirits/souls exist anymore.
kind off, like it does already.
ok got it.
the preacher said:
so it's not a self but a mass, that would answer misty/ and pavlos question.
so As I understand it when we die, our bodys rot and the atoms( this self(mass)) that make it up, go to make up other things, and possibly new life, Ie plants, animals, humans.
kind off, like it does all ready.
or do you mean that this one mass self(atoms), is the only thing around and none of our spirits/souls exist anymore.
kind off, like it does already.
ok got it.

No, I wouldn't call it a mass, but a self. The self is not "made up" of atoms, but the body is an instrument made to have contact with the self.
There is nothing but me, the universe is inside me and I fill the whole universe...
but your arguement, is your no longer you, once you leave the body.
or do you think you are this self and only you.
should I worship you.
???... I am always me, just as you are always me - the self.
There is only one self and it exists in all things... conscience is the voice of God.