God does exist,otherwise our lives would be worthless ?


Registered Senior Member
if the human race appeared by pure chance,then surely our lives are worth no more than the smalles fly ? or maybe plants ? how many insects or living microbes do we kill each day by accident,why follow rules set out by others just like who just appeared out of "nothing" by pure chance ? my point is, in the final analasys,it doesnt matter what we do or don't do,after all we are "nothing" my other point is, if we are here for no purpose,then why live,why do athiests think there lives are productive and worth living as if they were a special creation. if i "kill" you and u returned to your previous "state" of none existance, have i done anything wrong ?? after all it was the mind that was created out of pure chance that out of pure chance fired the shot..
i will say no more....
My life is worth very much thank you, just ask my wife, my children, my friends and myself. Our most basic purpose like every other creature on the face of the earth is to reproduce to carry on the species. Would you also say what is the point of birds, fish camels etc living? If you kill me you have robbed primarily my family and loved ones of someone who is important to them if for no other reason then therefore you have commited a crime
johnahmed said:
if the human race appeared by pure chance,then surely our lives are worth no more than the smalles fly ? or maybe plants ? how many insects or living microbes do we kill each day by accident,why follow rules set out by others just like who just appeared out of "nothing" by pure chance ? my point is, in the final analasys,it doesnt matter what we do or don't do,after all we are "nothing" my other point is, if we are here for no purpose,then why live,why do athiests think there lives are productive and worth living as if they were a special creation. if i "kill" you and u returned to your previous "state" of none existance, have i done anything wrong ?? after all it was the mind that was created out of pure chance that out of pure chance fired the shot..
i will say no more....

if you kill someone of course, you've done the worsed thing you could have, deprived, that person of the one and only chance of life, there is no after life.
when you fundis realise this, you may not go round starting wars and killing for you sick god
I have never read anything more moronic, in my life.
your purpose in life is to propagate the species, as it is with all animals. not to cower, or prostrate yourself to a cold callous cruel sadistic nasty not loving at all thing, but luckily it does not exist.
if you dont think you life is worth anything, if you dont have a sky daddy to control it, then I feel sorry for you.
you are one sad sad individual.
Jesus said, "If the flesh came into being because of spirit,
it is a wonder. But if spirit came into being because of the
body, it is a wonder of wonders. Indeed, I am amazed at how this
great wealth has made its home in this poverty."
The Gospel of Thomas vs. 29

Evolution didn't create everything from nothing, since the early ocean was already a complex environment before life. And no life form is the product of chance. Some chance is involved in wether any particular gene mutates, but wether it confers a benefit to the life form does not depend on chance. Indeed, it is a wonder why life forms are so stable over generations, given the rapid change that is possible.

surely our lives are worth no more than the smalles fly ?
They are worth more to us than a fly's life, but both the fly and ourselves are the product of 500 million years or so of evolution, and we are relatives. It would be impractical to extend human rights to the animals (or plants), since we eat them, but in an absolute sense, they are worth no less than us. I think your judgement has to do with the animal's size.

While it is true evolution does not consider the future at all, so it can have no purpose or intention, that doesn't mean your own life should have no purpose. Wouldn't you feel constrained with a predetermined purpose? It's bad enough that society expects us to breed. The fact that all life forms are cousins of ours should make us respect them more, not us less.
johnahmed said:
if the human race appeared by pure chance,then surely our lives are worth no more than the smalles fly ? or maybe plants ? how many insects or living microbes do we kill each day by accident,why follow rules set out by others just like who just appeared out of "nothing" by pure chance ? my point is, in the final analasys,it doesnt matter what we do or don't do,after all we are "nothing" my other point is, if we are here for no purpose,then why live,why do athiests think there lives are productive and worth living as if they were a special creation. if i "kill" you and u returned to your previous "state" of none existance, have i done anything wrong ?? after all it was the mind that was created out of pure chance that out of pure chance fired the shot..
i will say no more....
Ah yes. God must exist, because otherwise the alternative (life being meaningless) is unpleasant to contemplate. That makes a lot of sense.
I think it is quite funny to prove a god with the simple need that you have for one.

I could also say that there is a paradise, because without, death would be so sad... but somehow I do not think that this will create an afterlife.

And no, a human is not worth more than any animal, nonetheless, our culture gave us worth, and in fact, we are the ones that affix worth, meaning and all the other things to us humans. Still we are just animals.

As to the point about atheists. I do not want to be killed because I like this life, it is the only chance of existance I have. I assume that every body else shares this wish, and I can understand and honor that, hence, I would not kill someone until this person threatens my life.
Why do I kill animals, but no humans? Well, we have to eat something, if any animal would show me that it can produce coherent thought, just as well as a concept of death, I would stop killing it.
Man, johnahmed, you just can't accept the challenge of making yer own life worthful?! No, o' course not! Ya want there to be a God to give ya what ya want. :rolleyes:

johnahmed said:
if the human race appeared by pure chance,then surely our lives are worth no more than the smalles fly ? or maybe plants ?

Or . . . surely the lives of the smallest flies or plants are worth as much as ours? Why must you have this superiority complex? I mean seriously . . . "I'm better than a fly". It's stupid.

johnahmed said:
my point is, in the final analasys,it doesnt matter what we do or don't do,after all we are "nothing"

God, ye'r so pessimistic! Grow up.

johnahmed said:
if we are here for no purpose,then why live

Kuz it's the only life we get, possibly?

johnahmed said:
if i "kill" you and u returned to your previous "state" of none existance, have i done anything wrong ??

Yes! Urf!

johnahmed said:
after all it was the mind that was created out of pure chance that out of pure chance fired the shot..

And that changes anything how?

johnahmed said:
i will say no more....

Thank god<Sub>i</Sub> :rolleyes:
That our lives are worthless doesn't bother me much. After all, we've built one hell of a pretentious world around us despite all that.

Life is what it is, and we can either kowtow to our fears or try to enjoy it. I suppose there's a comatose middle ground, but it equals the same thing as death while it's in effect.

• • •

All we monsters think we are divinely born.
Our fingers pointed to heaven, we direct our scorn.

We’re not flying,
We’re not flying,
We’re not flying yet;
Just naming all the stars.

Turning, looking backward as we go
We’ve been leaving just tracks across the snow.

We’re all dying,
We’re all dying.
We’re all dying--

Yeah, we’re dying for the things we left undone
The perfect words
We know we’ve never spoken

"Tracks Across The Snow"

If you can't live what we consider a moral life without god then perhaps you better not question your faith too much. Not believing in invisible sky pimp does not equal nihilism. I would suggest that human morals are evolutionary based, and no i do not feel lessened by that, no more than i feel lessened knowing that i am evolved from slime ;)

Knowing there is no afterlife, no divine being to dispense his random justice, makes the one life we get more important, not less. It makes killing someone the ultimate crime, for that persons potential is forever gone.

The entire argument as presented in the opening post presuposes god.
Johnahmad, I may have come across as a total fucking jerk in my previous post. I didn't mean to chew ya out so much. I was tired and grouchy and I needed a nap. I didn't get my nap yet, but I'm feeling better nonetheless. I meant everything I said, but I didn't mean any malice.

We cool? :)

M*W, thanks. I thought it was pretty kool myself. I was in a rebellious mood. :D
path said:
Our most basic purpose like every other creature on the face of the earth is to reproduce to carry on the species.

That's the purpose of the body, but what is Your purpose?
johnahmed said:
if the human race appeared by pure chance,then surely our lives are worth no more than the smalles fly ?
how many insects or living microbes do we kill each day by accident,
dont you think people are more important than insects?
why follow rules set out by others just like who just appeared out of "nothing" by pure chance ?
b/c we have to get along if we all want to live together on this planet!
my point is, in the final analasys,it doesnt matter what we do or don't do,after all we are "nothing"
if youre nothing who wrote this post??
if we are here for no purpose,then why live,
purpose is to LIVE imho.
why do athiests think there lives are productive and worth living as if they were a special creation.
this life is all we have,and that makes it all that more special,and important!
if you knew theres no afterlife wouldnt you apreciate living more than anything?
if i "kill" you and u returned to your previous "state" of none existance, have i done anything wrong ??
yes,we have these laws created by people so we can all live like humans in peace and not like wild animals killing each other.
if I killed you wouldnt you be happy to get into heaven sooner?
wouldnt that give me more reason to go around killing God believers?
after all it was the mind that was created out of pure chance that out of pure chance fired the shot..
chance my ass..
if your mind doesnt know the difference between right and wrong you deserve to be locked up in an insane asylum or prison.because you are a danger to all normal people

i will say no more....
whats a matter cat got your tongue?

If god made the world then god made flies, plants, and microbes as well as humans. Where do you get the authority to presume you are more important than any of god's other creations?

But, you see, many of us believe that things have intrisic value rather than value assigned through authority. Only, religion despises man so much it tells him he has no intrinsic value.

Would you tell your children that they are worthless except in-so-far as they are derrived from you?

Yorda said:
That's the purpose of the body, but what is Your purpose?

No that is not only the purpose of my body since it is am emotional/mental urge it is part of me as a whole. When I look at my children I cannot feel more fulfilled. Other than that my purpose is to raise my children to the best of my ability so that they can stand on thier own when they grow up and be confident, ethical, happy people who are a boon to thier fellow human beings. Besides that my purpose is to do what I can to help my friends and family, positively effect my local enviornment (social/physical) and enjoy life while growing and learning as a person. Our purpose here is what WE make it find something that gives your life some meaning and go with it.
path said:
No that is not only the purpose of my body since it is am emotional/mental urge it is part of me as a whole.

Emotional and mental urges comes from the body. Humans are like magnets and particles, forever trying to unite with each other. But two bodies can't unite, two things can't be on the same space and time. The only way to become whole is to find the complementary half inside oneself.
Yorda said:
Emotional and mental urges comes from the body.

Either you need to rethink your last post or explain what your definition of mental, and emotional are.
path said:
Either you need to rethink your last post or explain what your definition of mental, and emotional are.

The emotional and mental comes from the brain, which is a part of the body.