God created a HITLER

th FRUITof the Tree is much older motif than even Genesis and mans the psychedelic fruit. for example it is well known certain kinds of psychedelic mushrooms grow in symbiotic union with trees,hence they re the fruit of thetree

you only reallydig free will when you have psychedelic experience cause you SEE quite clearly people playing roles, some very mechanical

having said this. the story of Garden in Hebrew myth deliberately subverts eariler more benevolen meaning of this tale. it is patriarchal and demonizes Tree, Fruit, Goddess, Woman, Serpent, and Freedom
ZenDrake said:
Rather, nature creates killer.
I hear all about technology and
unpleasant human activities
going against nature, but in truth
this is all perfectly according to nature.
We as a species are very inventive, it is
in our nature; hence, any technology or
industry we develop is due to nature.
We as a species are also bloodthirsty savages
and any killing or maiming we do of our
fellow humans is only according to nature.

Correct, GOD creates everything with a tang of imperfection with a special touch to nature; How evil of him.