God created a HITLER



He is created by someone, whoever that is.
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Rather, nature creates killer.
I hear all about technology and
unpleasant human activities
going against nature, but in truth
this is all perfectly according to nature.
We as a species are very inventive, it is
in our nature; hence, any technology or
industry we develop is due to nature.
We as a species are also bloodthirsty savages
and any killing or maiming we do of our
fellow humans is only according to nature.
Stay up there.
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I don't follow orders that well;

all this talk of gawd and his horney red-skin brutha
lucifuge is turning my stomach...
I'm gonna go induce vomiting
First of all thats not even closly related to religon unless you want an arguement


But no, god created his body, society did
Qorl said:
He is created by someone, whoever that is.
What are you talking about?

Why haven't anyone else asked? Do you all understand what he mean?

The Bible teaches us that Satan spread bad seed amongst us.
Satan, Devil, Lucifer... and all of his company are one of God's, very powerful if you ask me. I don't understand why good God's let them do it? Maybe they are afraid of them? Or this must be a system of the universe. I think it's time for rebellion against who, what, how? I think humans have a right to know how everything happened. I think God should come out of the closed.
We chose of our own free will, and despite a very true warning of the consequence, to KNOW good AND evil. Knowledge comes by experience. So there ya go. Would you rather not know?
As much as the truth hurts, I still want the truth. If it weren't for this experience, then we would be mere spoon-fed puppets...obeying His law not of free will, but of ignorance and manipulation on His part. That's not what God is about. He is about knowledge and free will. How can you make a choice in ignorance?
Qorl said:
Satan, Devil, Lucifer... and all of his company are one of God's, very powerful if you ask me. I don't understand why good God's let them do it? Maybe they are afraid of them? Or this must be a system of the universe. I think it's time for rebellion against who, what, how? I think humans have a right to know how everything happened. I think God should come out of the closed.
What is here to find we will find, in it's time.

The universe and us, is imperfect and fallible.
Lori, you misunderstand the story of the Garden of Eden and the Fall. Free Will and Intelligence arise together, you cannot have one without the other. Intelligence allows us the capacity to know, to be self-aware, thus if God created us with free will, then He created us also with intelligence.

If your understanding of the story is correct, then God either created us with no free will or intelligence, and we only had one law, not to learn, and thus not be free of will, OR, God created us both with free will and intelligence, and thus He created us already in the state of knowledge of good and evil, and it wasn't really a choice on our part.

Thus, if one is to assert that the choice to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was made freely willing, then one must also assert that the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil must be allegorical to something other than actual brain knowledge, data, information, what have you, otherwise the original assumption of free will would be false.