God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Sure. I got on the same level playing field that so called believers use.


But you lose all credibility by doing so. This argument could be made better, and more concisely, by not contradicting yourself or claiming to know the things you say they can't know.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Believers are constantly saying impossible things of God. They make many definitive statement of God’s attribute while claiming that he is unfathomable, unknowable, immutable and works in mysterious ways. These are clear contradictions and un-provable truths that no judge could or would accept. Yet believers think the atheist should just swallow these lies whole. And when atheists do not, believers get into their condescending mode; treat the non-believer like a child; while it is believers themselves who are action in a non-adult way, ---- led by fantasy, ------- when atheists will just not accept something unproven as truth.

Whenever the discussions of God get into explaining his irrational, immoral or strange attributes, believers deny it through evasion. They do so by hiding behind some evasive statement or other. These include silly irrational or unknowable adjectives and phrases like; God works in mysterious ways; God can do whatever he wants; God owns us; God does not have to follow his laws because they are for man and not himself; God’s action may look immoral but it is because he knows so much more than we do. Discussion end with the believer chanting one of these mantras of self-deception. Almost like a parent telling his child that it is that way because it is that way and expecting the child to accept this condescending statement and evasive lie. Believers are not honest enough to just say, I don’t know.

Anyone with experience in debated with believers expects these yet they are not applicable or relevant to moral issues. Regardless, believers use them to justify God’s immoral action and to explain away attributes that are impossible to apply to God.

God is not corporeal. He is immaterial. He cannot reproduce true. He cannot have sex. He cannot know the effects on our psyches from chemical reactions that trigger human sexual activity and desire.

Knowing this, any moral person will know that God should not dictate to man how to handle sexual matters. God cannot know what the feelings and emotions are that drive sex in man and thus it is immoral for him to demand that we do as he wishes. Because of this, he also has no right to punish man for ignoring his unlearned dictates of issues that he himself cannot possibly fathom.

There are likely many things that God cannot know. I have chosen three that I think are obvious. Carnal love, reproduction and the emotions and physical feelings that go with sex.

Do you agree?


No. I disagree. If God wants sex He can have it. I'd tend to think He might want "safe" sex though...

Fundamentalism based religions tend to dictate to God what He can and can't do. What I find difficult to understand is if they tell God, "No!No! You can't go there!" , then why do they believe they have some special priviledge that if God leaves out their name in that Book of Life, they can tell Him to write it in. I think to say that God can't drive a Jaguar or a Mach I Cobra 427 if He so wants to, is blasphemy. That's putting themselves on the throne in place of God. It is also the definition of an anti-Christ.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Believers are constantly saying impossible things of God. They make many definitive statement of God’s attribute while claiming that he is unfathomable, unknowable, immutable and works in mysterious ways. These are clear contradictions and un-provable truths that no judge could or would accept. Yet believers think the atheist should just swallow these lies whole. And when atheists do not, believers get into their condescending mode; treat the non-believer like a child; while it is believers themselves who are action in a non-adult way, ---- led by fantasy, ------- when atheists will just not accept something unproven as truth.

Whenever the discussions of God get into explaining his irrational, immoral or strange attributes, believers deny it through evasion. They do so by hiding behind some evasive statement or other. These include silly irrational or unknowable adjectives and phrases like; God works in mysterious ways; God can do whatever he wants; God owns us; God does not have to follow his laws because they are for man and not himself; God’s action may look immoral but it is because he knows so much more than we do. Discussion end with the believer chanting one of these mantras of self-deception. Almost like a parent telling his child that it is that way because it is that way and expecting the child to accept this condescending statement and evasive lie. Believers are not honest enough to just say, I don’t know.

Anyone with experience in debated with believers expects these yet they are not applicable or relevant to moral issues. Regardless, believers use them to justify God’s immoral action and to explain away attributes that are impossible to apply to God.

God is not corporeal. He is immaterial. He cannot reproduce true. He cannot have sex. He cannot know the effects on our psyches from chemical reactions that trigger human sexual activity and desire.

Knowing this, any moral person will know that God should not dictate to man how to handle sexual matters. God cannot know what the feelings and emotions are that drive sex in man and thus it is immoral for him to demand that we do as he wishes. Because of this, he also has no right to punish man for ignoring his unlearned dictates of issues that he himself cannot possibly fathom.

There are likely many things that God cannot know. I have chosen three that I think are obvious. Carnal love, reproduction and the emotions and physical feelings that go with sex.

Do you agree?


I disagree. If you make a car, do you need to know what it feels like to get fed oil and gasoline, etc. to know what's best for the car? Whatever you create, you know what is best for what you created.

But, this only goes further contradict the Bible, as if he truly knew, he would not impose illogical restrictions on it.
How come you are so bitter to your creator ? you have an experience in been a life. would you rather not have such experience ?

Dude, we would not be bitter to our creator if there were to be any evidence that he exists!!! Show me the evidence.
I disagree. If you make a car, do you need to know what it feels like to get fed oil and gasoline, etc. to know what's best for the car? Whatever you create, you know what is best for what you created.

But, this only goes further contradict the Bible, as if he truly knew, he would not impose illogical restrictions on it.

If God WANTS to He can drink oil and gasoline. Can YOU?

What God wants God gets. What He doesn't want, nobody can force upon Him.

If it can be known, it is very likely God knows it, but compare it to these machines. If you have a 64 bit machine, would you want to go back to an 8 bit machine? God isn't stupid enough to do that or something synonomous to it.
No. I disagree. If God wants sex He can have it. I'd tend to think He might want "safe" sex though...

Fundamentalism based religions tend to dictate to God what He can and can't do. What I find difficult to understand is if they tell God, "No!No! You can't go there!" , then why do they believe they have some special priviledge that if God leaves out their name in that Book of Life, they can tell Him to write it in. I think to say that God can't drive a Jaguar or a Mach I Cobra 427 if He so wants to, is blasphemy. That's putting themselves on the throne in place of God. It is also the definition of an anti-Christ.

Absolute drivel.
But you lose all credibility by doing so. This argument could be made better, and more concisely, by not contradicting yourself or claiming to know the things you say they can't know.

I try to never contradict myself.

As too a better presentation being possible, I agree.

Start an O P and link me.

No. I disagree. If God wants sex He can have it. I'd tend to think He might want "safe" sex though...

Fundamentalism based religions tend to dictate to God what He can and can't do. What I find difficult to understand is if they tell God, "No!No! You can't go there!" , then why do they believe they have some special priviledge that if God leaves out their name in that Book of Life, they can tell Him to write it in. I think to say that God can't drive a Jaguar or a Mach I Cobra 427 if He so wants to, is blasphemy. That's putting themselves on the throne in place of God. It is also the definition of an anti-Christ.

Sex can hardly be safer than the Christian view of God with his invisible flying sperm that targets virgins.

A fine way for God to get away from child support. What a deadbeat dad eh?

And he wants us to learn his morals. How droll. He does not have any.

I disagree. If you make a car, do you need to know what it feels like to get fed oil and gasoline, etc. to know what's best for the car? Whatever you create, you know what is best for what you created.

If we were all created the same then I might agree. We are not.
We are thinking humans. Not cars.
It is one thing for us to know of sex and the mechanics of it. It is an altogether thing to experience it.
Does God also know how to do S & M?
But, this only goes further contradict the Bible, as if he truly knew, he would not impose illogical restrictions on it.

Care to share these illogical restrictions?

How come you are so bitter to your creator ? you have an experience in been a life. would you rather not have such experience ?

I cannot be bitter towards a non-existing myth.
I have just found a God with better morals.

I do not like seeing good minds wasted or the damage done by religions.


It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to your fellow man.

If God WANTS to He can drink oil and gasoline. Can YOU?

What God wants God gets. What He doesn't want, nobody can force upon Him.

If it can be known, it is very likely God knows it, but compare it to these machines. If you have a 64 bit machine, would you want to go back to an 8 bit machine? God isn't stupid enough to do that or something synonomous to it.


Then why is he showing his 8 bit of omnipotence instead of his 64 bit?

Is God and His works perfect.

The way many Christian see God is to see Him screwing up heaven with evil.
Strike one.
They then see God screwing up man's beginning in Eden.
Strike two.
They then see God cleaning house in Noah's day with Genocide and starting over.
Strike three.
They now wait for His return at end time to clean house yet again.
Strike four.

Strike four?

God plays by His own rules I guess.

You and I both know that this view must be false if God‘s works are as perfect as scripture indicates.

To my way of thinking, God gets things right the first time and every time.

This is why He has not and will not return. His perfect systems are here today the same way that they were here in the beginning. He judged Eden as good.

It is just to us to see it. I do. Even with sin and evil and woes, all is perfect and humming along exactly as God wants it to. I call it evolving perfection.

Did your version of God get it right or does He need to return to fix things?
Did he show his omnipotence or not?

Dude, we would not be bitter to our creator if there were to be any evidence that he exists!!! Show me the evidence.

Dude have we created or made a living cell without nature help , and please come with something better then the primordial soup, and ask yourself how did every thing started , and please don't come up with " it started 3.5 billion years ago and it evolved "
Sex can hardly be safer than the Christian view of God with his invisible flying sperm that targets virgins.

A fine way for God to get away from child support. What a deadbeat dad eh?

And he wants us to learn his morals. How droll. He does not have any.


You would be a perfect candidate fpr god. How would handle the humanity , since you know how to criticize
I cannot be bitter towards a non-existing myth.
I have just found a God with better morals.

I do not like seeing good minds wasted or the damage done by religions.


It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to your fellow man.


I see you are a disguised disciple of bishop Dawkins . So you are preaching and serving Dawkins religion .
Free will allows choices, which do not have to be optimized in any rational sense. Even if you created a perfect world based on logic, human free will allows the option to choose subjectivity and imperfection.

As an example, say Dawkins is teaching about evolution and he knows all about it almost to perfection. He tells his audience, "you don't have to be sheep and blindly follow what I say. Instead everyone can choose to beleive what they wish since I want all to have free will.

Because he allows free will, some might choose to believe in the opposite of what he just taught. This may mess up the harmony of the Dawkins world view in that lecture hall. But it does not take away from Dawkins since his knowledge of evolution did not change. Allowing choice instead of marketing conformity puts perfection in the hands of the imperfect.

The same is true with God, free will is very expansive and even allows options that are imperfect causing imperfection and conflict within the creation. But this does not change knowledge of perfection. It only makes it harder to obtain. In the above example, would it be Dawkins fault? Maybe, because it didn't require robots who memorize, but allowed free will.
Dude have we created or made a living cell without nature help , and please come with something better then the primordial soup, and ask yourself how did every thing started , and please don't come up with " it started 3.5 billion years ago and it evolved "

We could have no idea how life came about or how cells work, it doesn't make the God hypothesis any more reasonable.