God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Believers are constantly saying impossible things of God. They make many definitive statement of God’s attribute while claiming that he is unfathomable, unknowable, immutable and works in mysterious ways. These are clear contradictions and un-provable truths that no judge could or would accept. Yet believers think the atheist should just swallow these lies whole. And when atheists do not, believers get into their condescending mode; treat the non-believer like a child; while it is believers themselves who are action in a non-adult way, ---- led by fantasy, ------- when atheists will just not accept something unproven as truth.

Whenever the discussions of God get into explaining his irrational, immoral or strange attributes, believers deny it through evasion. They do so by hiding behind some evasive statement or other. These include silly irrational or unknowable adjectives and phrases like; God works in mysterious ways; God can do whatever he wants; God owns us; God does not have to follow his laws because they are for man and not himself; God’s action may look immoral but it is because he knows so much more than we do. Discussion end with the believer chanting one of these mantras of self-deception. Almost like a parent telling his child that it is that way because it is that way and expecting the child to accept this condescending statement and evasive lie. Believers are not honest enough to just say, I don’t know.

Anyone with experience in debated with believers expects these yet they are not applicable or relevant to moral issues. Regardless, believers use them to justify God’s immoral action and to explain away attributes that are impossible to apply to God.

God is not corporeal. He is immaterial. He cannot reproduce true. He cannot have sex. He cannot know the effects on our psyches from chemical reactions that trigger human sexual activity and desire.

Knowing this, any moral person will know that God should not dictate to man how to handle sexual matters. God cannot know what the feelings and emotions are that drive sex in man and thus it is immoral for him to demand that we do as he wishes. Because of this, he also has no right to punish man for ignoring his unlearned dictates of issues that he himself cannot possibly fathom.

There are likely many things that God cannot know. I have chosen three that I think are obvious. Carnal love, reproduction and the emotions and physical feelings that go with sex.

Do you agree?

Sounds like a big justification for your own, perhaps questionable, sexual matters. If a god is omniscient then it knows exactly how you feel about and react to sexual activity.

And you missed the one non-evasive explanation of a god's behavior. Free will.
I'm really at a loss here. The first half of your post is spent lambasting believers for giving an unknowable creator knowable attributes, and yet you spend the second half of the post giving god attributes you could not possibly know.

You were on the right track at first. Belief does require contradiction and impossible claims. Belief requires solipsism and immaturity. The believer has to shut down their reasoning faculties to maintain their faith.

That should tell you all you need to know about them or their god.
Sounds like a big justification for your own, perhaps questionable, sexual matters. If a god is omniscient then it knows exactly how you feel about and react to sexual activity.

And you missed the one non-evasive explanation of a god's behavior. Free will.

He is not free to reproduce true or have true human feelings.

I'm really at a loss here. The first half of your post is spent lambasting believers for giving an unknowable creator knowable attributes, and yet you spend the second half of the post giving god attributes you could not possibly know.

You were on the right track at first. Belief does require contradiction and impossible claims. Belief requires solipsism and immaturity. The believer has to shut down their reasoning faculties to maintain their faith.

That should tell you all you need to know about them or their god.

I know.

I just want them to know the inadequasies of their God.

He is not free to reproduce true or have true human feelings.

What part of omniscience do you not understand?

1: having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight
2: possessed of universal or complete knowledge" - merriam-webster​
Because he is the greatest - as his chosen screen name attests to.


Don't pretend we share an intellectual position, and don't pretend we're buddies. If that's all you have to bring to the table, keep it as far away from me as possible.
What part of omniscience do you not understand?

1: having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight
2: possessed of universal or complete knowledge" - merriam-webster​

What is it about this man made attribute for an imaginary God do you not understand?

How can you know what attributes God has if he is unknowable?

How can you know what attributes God has if he is unknowable?

Repeat that to yourself and realize that it completely refutes your own assertion:

Greatest I am said:
He is not free to reproduce true or have true human feelings.

Having refuted your own assertion, realize that you've removed any grounds to directly refute mine. You've, in essence, just said, "I don't know". That's no argument at all.
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Believers are constantly saying impossible things of God. They make many definitive statement of God’s attribute while claiming that he is unfathomable, unknowable, immutable and works in mysterious ways. These are clear contradictions and un-provable truths that no judge could or would accept. Yet believers think the atheist should just swallow these lies whole. And when atheists do not, believers get into their condescending mode; treat the non-believer like a child; while it is believers themselves who are action in a non-adult way, ---- led by fantasy, ------- when atheists will just not accept something unproven as truth.

Whenever the discussions of God get into explaining his irrational, immoral or strange attributes, believers deny it through evasion. They do so by hiding behind some evasive statement or other. These include silly irrational or unknowable adjectives and phrases like; God works in mysterious ways; God can do whatever he wants; God owns us; God does not have to follow his laws because they are for man and not himself; God’s action may look immoral but it is because he knows so much more than we do. Discussion end with the believer chanting one of these mantras of self-deception. Almost like a parent telling his child that it is that way because it is that way and expecting the child to accept this condescending statement and evasive lie. Believers are not honest enough to just say, I don’t know.

Anyone with experience in debated with believers expects these yet they are not applicable or relevant to moral issues. Regardless, believers use them to justify God’s immoral action and to explain away attributes that are impossible to apply to God.

God is not corporeal. He is immaterial. He cannot reproduce true. He cannot have sex. He cannot know the effects on our psyches from chemical reactions that trigger human sexual activity and desire.

Knowing this, any moral person will know that God should not dictate to man how to handle sexual matters. God cannot know what the feelings and emotions are that drive sex in man and thus it is immoral for him to demand that we do as he wishes. Because of this, he also has no right to punish man for ignoring his unlearned dictates of issues that he himself cannot possibly fathom.

There are likely many things that God cannot know. I have chosen three that I think are obvious. Carnal love, reproduction and the emotions and physical feelings that go with sex.

Do you agree?


What is carnal love ? When a horse stick his dick unto a mare vaginae do you think he have love to the mare . The whole operation takes about 2 minute and his dick becomes right away limb Us that the kind of love you mean ?
God cannot know everything. Carnal love, reproduction or sex.

Believers are constantly saying impossible things of God. They make many definitive statement of God’s attribute while claiming that he is unfathomable, unknowable, immutable and works in mysterious ways. These are clear contradictions and un-provable truths that no judge could or would accept. Yet believers think the atheist should just swallow these lies whole. And when atheists do not, believers get into their condescending mode; treat the non-believer like a child; while it is believers themselves who are action in a non-adult way, ---- led by fantasy, ------- when atheists will just not accept something unproven as truth.

Whenever the discussions of God get into explaining his irrational, immoral or strange attributes, believers deny it through evasion. They do so by hiding behind some evasive statement or other. These include silly irrational or unknowable adjectives and phrases like; God works in mysterious ways; God can do whatever he wants; God owns us; God does not have to follow his laws because they are for man and not himself; God’s action may look immoral but it is because he knows so much more than we do. Discussion end with the believer chanting one of these mantras of self-deception. Almost like a parent telling his child that it is that way because it is that way and expecting the child to accept this condescending statement and evasive lie. Believers are not honest enough to just say, I don’t know.

Anyone with experience in debated with believers expects these yet they are not applicable or relevant to moral issues. Regardless, believers use them to justify God’s immoral action and to explain away attributes that are impossible to apply to God.

God is not corporeal. He is immaterial. He cannot reproduce true. He cannot have sex. He cannot know the effects on our psyches from chemical reactions that trigger human sexual activity and desire.

Knowing this, any moral person will know that God should not dictate to man how to handle sexual matters. God cannot know what the feelings and emotions are that drive sex in man and thus it is immoral for him to demand that we do as he wishes. Because of this, he also has no right to punish man for ignoring his unlearned dictates of issues that he himself cannot possibly fathom.

There are likely many things that God cannot know. I have chosen three that I think are obvious. Carnal love, reproduction and the emotions and physical feelings that go with sex.

Do you agree?


Wasn't all that connected to the whole Jesus thing?

What's the point of all these bloody petty comparisons anyway?
What is carnal love ? When a horse stick his dick unto a mare vaginae do you think he have love to the mare . The whole operation takes about 2 minute and his dick becomes right away limb Us that the kind of love you mean ?

No. God's dick is always ready to screw mankind.
