God cannot be proven

. . . 'cause . . . the quantum IS (appears) magical!
Only if you don't know anything about the subject.
"I'm getting rather tired of Christian arm chair physicists waving their hands around in the air, muttering about the "mysteries of QM" and invoking a similar mystery for their god. If God were understood as well as quantum mechanics, we would have already miniaturized him and put him in a device to carry around on our wrists."
— Ozy666 (About Atheism/Agnosticism forum)
If God exists and doesn't want to be known that means it is His will.
So why try to act against His will and say that you know something about Him even about his existence. :shrug:
If God exists and doesn't want to be known that means it is His will.
So why try to act against His will and say that you know something about Him even about his existence. :shrug:
Did you notice the IF in your first sentence?

There are, in fact, TWO suppositions in there.
IF god exists.
IF he doesn't want to be known.

Plus, of course, if we truly are acting "against his will" then he's obviously not much of a god, is he?
Did you notice the IF in your first sentence?

Plus, of course, if we truly are acting "against his will" then he's obviously not much of a god, is he?

He give you a free will , so you act accordion to your to your will, what you are implying he is merciful . but perhaps at the end what ever the end is we may have to answer why we did not walked to his will.
Did you notice the IF in your first sentence?

There are, in fact, TWO suppositions in there.
IF god exists.
IF he doesn't want to be known.
For me there is one "if", the first.
If he wants to be known it would be very easy for him.
The conclusion is or he doesn't exist or he doesn't want to be known.
Plus, of course, if we truly are acting "against his will" then he's obviously not much of a god, is he?
@Knowledge --

If god exists and cannot be proven then he doesn't matter, period. For if god can't be shown to take effect in this universe then it doesn't matter whether or not god exists.

But God is all powerful.. if he wanted to make an appearance he would.. and he will.. or the Son.
@MOM --

Anything which has an effect in this universe can, at least in theory, be detected. Therefore if god can't be detected then it follows that he doesn't interact with this universe. If he doesn't interact with the universe then it literally doesn't matter to us if he exists or not.

He does interact with the universe. What are you talking about. I know of God, and I tell you he can not be proven. The test is faith.

Either god can be detected or he's irrelevant, those are the only two options.

Or option 3, he CAN be detected, but being that he is all powerful he does not allow him self to be detected thus making him the most important thing in the universe.

See? No. Be able to detect? Yes. If not then it's not knowledge but belief, opinion.

If this holds true I now know with 100% certainty God exist.
If God exists and doesn't want to be known that means it is His will.
So why try to act against His will and say that you know something about Him even about his existence. :shrug:

He doesn't want to be proven. Everyone knows about God...
Did you notice the IF in your first sentence?

There are, in fact, TWO suppositions in there.
IF god exists.
IF he doesn't want to be known.
For me there is one "if", the first.
If he wants to be known it would be very easy for him.
The conclusion is or he doesn't exist or he doesn't want to be known.
Oops.. you're right. There are two "if".

The Dead Arise

The sermon preached
But it did not reach,
For no one moved
Or made a peep,
They being more
Than asleep.

“Is it to the dead
That I drone and read?”

The sermon sum
Was finally done
And stirrings drew
From a few,
Then all this life knew,
From their dreams of fun,
Rushing out as one.

The Quick and the Dead

The sermonizer tired
Of preaching to the choir,
So he reached out to the dead,
Pontificating, lecturing to them instead—
That counseling expounding advisor;
But the dead became none the wiser.​