God cannot be proven


Valued Senior Member
If God exist he cannot be proven, if he could he would not be God because God is all powerful. If I were all powerful, and all knowing I would destroy all evidence of my existence. Part of my plan would be a test to man as to the good and evil of human nature. If man knew of God every ignoranus on the face of the Earth would find faith weather it be genuine of not I would not know until people start questioning me, and when people question me I get very very angry. Fret not, for God is kind, and God is just. In the end Heaven will be brought down to Earth, and those left on Earth will cast to the lake of fire, the rest will return as angels.

Im not asking you guys anything, im not telling you what to believe, but I am telling what is and what will be. Its all part of the plan. Have faith, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and live your life and you will be welcomed by my LORD.

He who hath a ear let him hear what the LORD saith unto the churches
If God exist he cannot be proven, if he could he would not be God because God is all powerful. If I were all powerful, and all knowing I would destroy all evidence of my existence.
So what? All you're telling us is what you would do. Or are you actually claiming to know god's motives?

Im not asking you guys anything, im not telling you what to believe, but I am telling what is and what will be.
In other words you ARE telling us.
Preaching, in fact.
If God exist he cannot be proven, if he could he would not be God because God is all powerful. If I were all powerful, and all knowing I would destroy all evidence of my existence. Part of my plan would be a test to man as to the good and evil of human nature. If man knew of God every ignoranus on the face of the Earth would find faith weather it be genuine of not I would not know until people start questioning me, and when people question me I get very very angry. Fret not, for God is kind, and God is just. In the end Heaven will be brought down to Earth, and those left on Earth will cast to the lake of fire, the rest will return as angels.

Im not asking you guys anything, im not telling you what to believe, but I am telling what is and what will be. Its all part of the plan. Have faith, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, and live your life and you will be welcomed by my LORD.

He who hath a ear let him hear what the LORD saith unto the churches

You know my names Greathouse right ? You know Pharaoh means Greathouse right ? Dude I came back . Why cant you see that ? You need to go read the bible passages that talk about Milk . I already walked through the lake of fire . It was a lot like the story of Job. You know that is the oldest book in the bible don't you ? O.K. lets welcome all the earthlings then . That is a great Idea . They can come on into the new earth ! Yeah Man !! Right on with the right on
So God made us flawed? With both good and evil natures? Either that or he wants us flawed, in which case it's not really a flaw to sin, because that would imply God is imperfect.

Here is why faith is foolish, whether or not there is a God. You have to hope that, in the absence of evidence, your wish for a God to exist corresponds to reality, and you have to convince yourself of it's certainty. So God must be testing your ability to fool yourself. I think that means atheists win. We will be the ones to inherit the Earth, because you can't use your God-given ability to reason. He knows no one but the most gullible would believe in him. When the rapture comes, he will put you in a big pit and make you think it's heaven, just to get you fools out of the way.

Why would he have made Earth if the action isn't here? It may indeed be a test, but are you so sure of the right answer?
@Knowledge --

If God exist he cannot be proven...

If god exists and cannot be proven then he doesn't matter, period. For if god can't be shown to take effect in this universe then it doesn't matter whether or not god exists.
If man knew of God every ignoranus on the face of the Earth would find faith weather it be genuine of not

You seem to be suggesting that determining who has genuine faith would be a problem for an omniscient being, or that a consequence of the provision of proof positive of it's existence would require it to bestow everlasting life on absolutely everyone regardless of how it is received. This is utterly absurd.
Are you claiming there's no god? :p

no shoulda been more specific. IMO i do not believe that some being just said POOF lets built a planet a universe and seed life on it. do i believe there is some power/s more advanced than us yes
@MOM --

Anything which has an effect in this universe can, at least in theory, be detected. Therefore if god can't be detected then it follows that he doesn't interact with this universe. If he doesn't interact with the universe then it literally doesn't matter to us if he exists or not.

Either god can be detected or he's irrelevant, those are the only two options.

Do you have to see something to know that it is there?

See? No. Be able to detect? Yes. If not then it's not knowledge but belief, opinion.
@MOM --

Anything which has an effect in this universe can, at least in theory, be detected. Therefore if god can't be detected then it follows that he doesn't interact with this universe. If he doesn't interact with the universe then it literally doesn't matter to us if he exists or not.

Either god can be detected or he's irrelevant, those are the only two options.

See? No. Be able to detect? Yes. If not then it's not knowledge but belief, opinion.
I'm very well sure He exists from the testimonies I have read from others. :)
@MOM --

And what about my testimony about the Giant Space Duck? Does that testimony act as evidence that the GSD exists?
@MOM --

Ah, so you do have some criteria by which you judge testimony, some evidence that you look for to support it. So, by your own logic, testimony is not evidence but can be used to lend credibility to evidence.
I'm very well sure He exists from the testimonies I have read from others. :)
So we can take it that if you read sufficient about the Yeti, Loch Ness Monster and others you'll also believe in those?
Please provide me your email address, I have a large number of testimonies available that state you owe me $1,000,000.

Arioch said:
@MOM --
And what about my testimony about the Giant Space Duck? Does that testimony act as evidence that the GSD exists?
Mind Over Matter said:
I think this is not an argument for or against God, but a means of mocking those people who believe in God.
Avoidance of the question is not answering it. Why do you not believe Arioch's testimony?
Why do people seem to think that putting "quantum" in front of another word suddenly gives that word magical powers?