God can exist

Actually one is a matter of lack of belief. There's a clear and distinct difference.

True, but even atheists cannot make the claim "There is no God" as fact. It is their interpretation, a belief somewhat, or lack of belief, but they cannot say as fact that there is no God. Hopefully you understand what I am saying.
Of course God can exist. In the grand scheme of things, our insignificant selves harbor minimal knowledge regarding the universe, along with the contents within. Science has no answer to the universe's origins - merely disorganized, voluminous amounts of theories, many in contradiction to one another. Saying God is an impossibility is the epitome of ignorance. The realm of our computational comprehension is negligible. We could fill libraries with the information we don't know about the very universe we dwell in, yet we presume to understand that which lies beyond it? Give me a break. When all the theories are broken down, and we carefully analyze the origins, nothing other than a Creator stands to reason.
... When all the theories are broken down, and we carefully analyze the origins, nothing other than a Creator stands to reason.



You somehow fail to see the contradiction in what you say?

However, do recognize that the reason for this lies entirely with the 'nature' (or definition...) of god, not with the SM, or empiricism, or induction, et.el.

God, as an entity which is the Creator of the Universe, can exist, even if we evolved and if the laws of nature govern us.

Keep in mind, I am not talking about the Christian God, or Muslim God, or a specific God; I am speaking only of an entity which may have created our universe. That entity may not even govern it nor oversee it, but such an entity could have created it, and there is no reason why that entity would be an impossiblity.

Thus, if Humanity figures out how to create mini-universes, we become God.

Kadark I somewhat agree, but I view Science as more of a way to analyze and comprehend the HERE AND NOW, and how things may work, but not why they work nor their origins, nor the ultimate "how they work", as in, how they exist. Their true origins.
True, but even atheists cannot make the claim "There is no God" as fact.

Those very same people also cannot make the claim "there is no invisible flying omnipotent tangerine" either as 'fact'.

At what stage should a person start giving it serious consideration?
... That entity may not even govern it nor oversee it, but such an entity could have created it, and there is no reason why that entity would be an impossiblity.


However, what I fail to see is the need for any 'creator'.

Ockham's always rules.


However, what I fail to see is the need for any 'creator'.

Ockham's always rules.


If there is a Creator, the need would be the mere fact that he created us! Now, if he (assuming He exists) does not govern his creation (who's to say we aren't some experiment, our universe, under close examination by a being in a labcoat?), there would be no need of worship, true.
I find the greatest contradiction is dismissing the argument of a Creator, all the while giving no solution of your own

Perhaps not as amusing as saying how little people know while then asserting it must have been a creator. :bugeye:
How is it a delusion, though? Again, tell me now, what scientific EVIDENCE does he present that makes the existence of a God an absolute impossibility?

Hmmm... attempt number 2..

Norsefire, read the book.

If he needs a book to answer your questions, how do you expect me to word it here?
Not at all. I find the greatest contradiction is dismissing the argument of a Creator, all the while giving no solution of your own.

I need not give a solution because I don't see the role you're giving this creator.
No role, ergo no need.
Those very same people also cannot make the claim "there is no invisible flying omnipotent tangerine" either as 'fact'.

At what stage should a person start giving it serious consideration?

Realize that if there is a Creator, such a Creator would not be bound by our laws, having created them.

Therefore, while highly unlikely some things may seem, they are not impossible, and neither side has any sort of evidence to back up their claims. Therefore, atheists cannot pass as fact "There is no God"
Hmmm... attempt number 2..

Norsefire, read the book.

If he needs a book to answer your questions, how do you expect me to word it here?

Answer me this: does the man provide solid proof that God is an impossiblity, or does he just babble for hundreds of pages on and on about why "there cannot be God" only because he cannot perceive such a concept?
...those that do attempt to are idiots...

Then, essentially, what you're saying is that those who attempt to seek answers are idiots.

Threatened theists. A world without their gods. Unimaginable. But, that's really what's at stake.